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Gas up - Let's Go!

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Everything posted by Gas up - Let's Go!

  1. I've heard of this happening, but only on plastic tanks, basically the fumes pass through the tank walls and bugger the paint - but on a metal tank ???
  2. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to Carole's post in a topic in The Bar
    Now I've got a picture in my head, ,,,,,,
  3. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to hobbo's post in a topic in The Bar
    That sounds familiar - I too have have made that observation of some sites.....
  4. Mine does the same if I don't start it for a week or so. I found turning the fuel tap off when not in use resolves this, then when you want to ride it, turn the fuel on and leave for a minute before starting, full choke and leave the throttle alone until it fires up, then gently bring the revs up a little. Mines an '05 plate. I had a ZZR that was a pig if it was left for a while too - that's what made me try this way. funny really cos my wife has a 125 Varadero (Honda) next ot mine that starts first click every single time! Sometime having soul means living with a small quirk! If there is a mechanical solution to this, I'd be interested too. That said it runs perfect, goes anywhere and is the best fun you can have both on and off road!
  5. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to Fzeberdee's post in a topic in The Bar
    Another Honda convert! I just moved from XL1000 to a XTZ660
  6. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to xcelr8's post in a topic in The Bar
    If you've got the time and inclination - go for it. IMO - any bike that's past it's best, and then lovingly restored developes a whole new soul, no matter what it is. There is a guy down the road who has a mint 50cc step-through. it was a wreck that he brought back to glory (!). I must admit I think it's rather cool in a old-man-flat-cap kinda way
  7. I just did mine on my TTR, they are bit more 'hardcore' than most, but the job wasn't too bad and I managed it start to finish in a couple of hours - though I did have the workshop manual. I've just had a search for anyone with a manual and came up with nothing! The bike has 2 years warranty throughout Europe, so unless you've been thrashing the bike off-road I'd say you should be covered. Good luck
  8. The bike will be going through Estonia in late August, en-route between Finland and Latvia, why not cheer me along Actually, the bike will be going -> UK, France, Luxenbourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark,Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, France (again) Spain and finally Portugal. Anyone want to come to see some daft brit trying to do 9000 miles in 25 days is more than welcome
  9. Ta very much.. I'll look at this everytime the wife calls me a miserable old git
  10. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to handai's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Those are some seriously good looking bike guys. I can sorta see what handai is saying, I'm not really that good with paint'n stuff so a paint job for me would look crap (at best), but,, I'm pretty handy with fabfication (metal/wood/plastic) so I'm happy doing stuff in that department. My TTR is modified, but it's very subtle, a couple of guards here and there, custom-screen - would you believe it give my another 10% range from the poxy (10l) fuel tank! I can get 120km's now. The XTZ - I think that's a perfectly good bike and it'll stay stock for a while.................. or will it?
  11. Certainly are...... Allow me to introduce Katy (there is a reason - honest!) -> And the there's Diana (I'll tell you the reason at the end!) -> I have to name the bikes as the missis has no idea which one I'm talking about if I say TTR or XT, somehow a name makes the difference. I don't know, she's a great cook though!
  12. I've a new XT660Z as well as an '05 TT600RE. Looking at them I's have to say no, at least not without changing some other parts, I can take a few pics if you want ??
  13. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to a post in a topic in The Bar
    The best advice is to take it to your dealer who can advise you. They can be repaired but it depends on the location, the size of the hole, tyre type etc
  14. So, I picked up the bike on Friday afternoon, and managed to stick 138 miles on it before bedtime.... Saturday afternoon (after some forced shopping!) out again and another 150 miles on the clock. This bike is stonking, there is nothing I don't like about it. It's the little things Yamaha have thought about, from the mirrors (there is no blind spot!) to the spring loaded gear lever, the screen is way better than some of the bigger screens I've had on other bikes, the ride is brilliant - and you get some long hard looks too, mind it does look something like a cross between Judge Dread and Terminator! I even took it onto a trail, just a short one, 12 miles of forest track around Kielder Forest, the only fault I can find is the footpegs don't give much feedback whilst standing, then again I did leave the rubber covers on. Maybe change them for some nice wide off-road pegs.... Just waiting for the luggage to arrive now...
  15. That's the problem with the Garage Door Defenders, they are all on the outside - Doh! so the old thief has all the time he/she wants to work on it. and for some reason they are nice and bright - not sure what the suppliers are thinking about here. To add to my previous post, there are 'driveway' alarms you can get, sort of outside pir things that set off a door bell type device. The police crime prevention guy offered me one, but to be honest I though it a bit daft (everytime a dog pee'd on my gate post it would go off!) but on reflection, one covering the garage door wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe some boiling oil above the door, just to help keep the thief warm on cold winters nights ..........
  16. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to Goff's post in a topic in General
    For the past few years I've had Honda Varadero's - bot the UK and the international forums for these allow for 'Sponsership' and put a banner under your forum id saying "SPONSER".... Perhaps something similar here? I'd be happy to put a few quid towards the upkeep of the site
  17. I'm not sure if points is an option for them, they could certainly tell you to remove it (as it's doesn't conform to the regulations), then issue you with a prohibition notice and you'd be left pushing your bike home - in the worst case. Remember though, they only need an excuse to stop you, make sure the other stuff is legal and you'd proably get away with a lecture, if you've got iffy rubber, or the 'E' stamp isn't on your can and they may get pedantic. a good piece of advice (given to me by an ex-trafic cop), the first test to pass when they stop you is the 'attitude' test - so be nice, be polite and friendly (even if you really don't feel like being..)
  18. Well done. Now the real learning starts.... I pick my new steed up tomorrow too, XT660Z Tenere one of the first in the area.. Stay safe. Darren
  19. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to Airhead's post in a topic in General
    Dunno, I took a gap year, in 1986, one day I might go back to school...............
  20. Bad luck Tom, This happened to me in February, tried to relieve me of my TTR, it was only when the dogs bounced of the back door that I was woke up. nearly got the little tw@s too - if I'd had a bit more on than my birthday suit (stop it!). I replaced the car port gate with a big (phukoff) door, made it myself out of 2x3 and gravel board. I put some steel into the frame too so even setting fire to it won't let them get the bikes past it. lots of locks, different types. Now to the Garage, again I reinforced the door with steel stips and fitted a pair of dead bolts into the door. I fitted a pucker alarm system, the type you'd use for a house (there are wireless battery powered ones you can use - very loud indeed, from Yale. You can get then from B&Q). And the bikes, each one has it's own ground anchor for the rear wheels, then the front wheels are chained together too. You can put as many barriers as you can, if they want your bike they'll get it. What they don't want to do is make noise, so the key is to use a layered approach to security: 1) Outer barrier, make sure this is reasonably well secure (stops the opportune thief) and creats lots of noise when breached. There is a product call Alarm Mines, it uses a trip wire connected to a blank shotgun cartridge - very loud, not reccomended if you or your family have a heart condition. Cost a few quid from the internet (try a google search) This area is the bit around your house/shed. Thorn bushes at walls and fences are good, look at garden gates, that sort of thing. 2) Inner Barrier, here you need to delay them as long as possible. Mix your products well, home made devices are even better as a thief won't have come across them before. Time is the key here. Reinforce the inside of the shed door, pay attention to the hinges and lock areas. Get it alarmed so that when the door is opened the sounder goes. Sheds can get partially opened so if the alarm goes off here all the better. 3) Bike Sercurity. Ground Anchors are the best. If the shed has a wooden floor, break through it and dig a hole - make sure you taper the walls so it's wider at the bottom, then fill it with concrete (again you can get bags of this from B&Q, Wickes etc) let it set , hard. Get a good quality ground anchor (Oxford do a Gold Standard one for about £50) and fix it, it should have steel balls to put into the allen head screws after installation, the Oxford one has metal plugs to seal the whole thing in too - it's a good product. Then you need a really good chain and lock, go for the best you can afford. Finally, Consider your riding, take a note of who's behind you on your way home, watch for car/bike (yes some bikers steel bikes too!)/van etc following you. Some basic counter surveillance works, go around the second to last roundabout twice, go around the block, stop for a minute then go again that sort of thing. Anonymity is your best weapon. Oh, and if the shed has a window - cover the bike If it's any consolation, it took me weeks before I started to calm down - even now if the dogs are unsettled I'll go for a walk about to see who's about, and in the dark hours I'm not adverse to asking complete strangers what they are doing on the street!, if that's not your 'bag' make some brief conversation, thieves don't like being placed somewhere....... Although a hole in the ground is the best place for them IMO.... Darren
  21. Yes it has, only last 2 years then you need to do it again to validate your motorcycle entitlement. As above. Why not go down to the dealer and have a sit on one - if the dealer is even 1/4 decent they won't mind. I just got my missus a Varadero 125, she's paid £140, she is however 21 (for the 17th time! - Work it out...) £15 a year, probaly something like what it costs for the bus for a week. When I got back on the bike some 10 years ago (after a sizable break) I purchased some life insurance, cost £16 a month for £200K cover, that helped a bit. Why not consider Direct Access - you've got until October before the new hazard avoidance stuff comes in, then you can get any bike you please ? It'll cost around £100 for your CBT every 2 years, or another £200-£300ish (depending on the riding schools around you) to have the full training. You'll be a better safer rider too. Good luck with the wife.... Darren
  22. I saw one of these in the dealer on Friday, to be honest I had to ask if the livery was right as I though it was a R1 at first glance (sportsbikes aren't my thing - preffer the ground a bit rougher!). It's a very well put together bike and it looks bl00dy lovely - the best looking 125 I've seen about. The only down side is it looks faster than it (probably) is, it's only a 125 after all, and some loon will no-doubt mistake it for something faster during that dodgy overtake.... Take care ! Eyes and Mind open, enjoy the ride and make sure you come home.......
  23. Hello there fellow riders, After owning a TT600RE for 6 months, and having just weighed my Honda XL1000 Varadero in against a lovely XT660Z (well, it's not everyones cup of mint tea!) I though I'd jump in and join this forum. I tried to find a picture of the right colour but Yamaha just don't have one on thier site - probably cos it looks crap in Desert Khaki (in a picture). Anyway, I pick the bike up on Friday and I hope it's all it's hyped to be as I'm off on a mega-trip in the summer, if you are at all interested, you could visit my website and find out more : Smokingtailpipes If you'd like to leave a message, use the contact buttons. Darren