Everything posted by Gas up - Let's Go!
In one sentence, can you ???
I fear this thread has gone...... It's turning into something I wish I'd never started. It awalys happens to me, I unleash some beast then fail to controll it. There's a lovely Indian Costume on eBay - I' off to do some bidding - at least then I can maybe join in here.
In one sentence, can you ???
This is getting a bit less Biker and a bit more Village People........ Spoke to my agent, and there are commercial reasons why I can't put a picture up.
Am i ready?
Probably not, going ito the CBT you had never riden on the road, so presumably you had some concerns about that? Heading into a test the hardest part is most probably in your head. Ok, we're getting somewhere now, passing your test isn't about the number of times you do a lifesaver, check the indicator, riding straight and within speed limits - although not doing them can fail you. It's about the correct use of the things you mention and many more. If you have been riding for a while then you have probably picked up a good number of bad habits. Another thing is advice from bikers who've been riding for a while. for instance: This is a contentious one, but riding straight and true isn't safe, it's the easiest way to fade into the overall picture. At a junction for instance, if you move from one side of the lane to the other helps you to become more visible to the car waiting to come out - the price we pay for larger A Pillars on cars! So the above statement would probably fail you on your test (depending on the examiner), but doing BikeSafe this is the sort of thing the Police would advise you to do - so there is always disparity between those of us who have riden for years and what is required to pass a test, and for this reason you must take training and trust what they tell you to pass. Use a school that has been reccomended by someone else. That's all the readiness you need, go out and do it Remember, passing your test doesn't mean you can ride, it means you can ride to a standard safe to go out and learn on your own. Got my first bike in 1986 and I'm still learning today Get your test passed then ask around for real advice on staying alive! Good Luck
In the good old days I'd have used some rot-proof line and binded the whole thing (used on many a fishing rod over the yeards), as you apply the binding it tightens it's grip - but I'm only guessing at the break so this may or may not work. You might be able to strip the thing and repair with some epoxy resin - but as you've already admitted to a lack of repair knowledge this might not work either if your prepairation isn't up to scratch There is a bodge it and scarper approach - could you get a jubilee clip around it? Pictures, thats the best bet.
Bad luck fella, it happens to us all at some point. I'll bet you've learned a lesson or two though? Take the ripping on the chin, tough words but you're a biker now and made of tougher stuff. Not quite sure what you are saying about the mirror: Broken R/H Mirror -vracked straight around so it wont hold in place any ideas that dont invovle a newone It might be fixable, try loading some pics up - someone on here will have the right answer. you could try the bike breakers ??
rear sprocket
I've just noticed - Wild Foamy, your avatar is a reflection......
In one sentence, can you ???
Go on then....
The Dream Garage
Well, obviously a DBS, I'd have thought that would go without saying - just for the sound alone..... Not so sure about Mr Craig though, Cristine Blakely would be more my sort of woman - great legs, fantastic smile, sound personality, sexy a f&c£ accent and if she can put up with that miserable git next to her she'd easily be able to put up with me....
In one sentence, can you ???
Even if that was Homer Simpson ??
The Dream Garage
If money was no object, what would be the line up of bikes in your garage? Here's mine to start you all off; 1987 Honda MTX125 - because we all started somewhere, and you only move forward by remembering where you come from. 1988 Yamaha RD125 ypvs - because my next door neighbourg had one, and I used to have erotic dreams about her, and the bike! These bikes were just the best of the time. Benelli Tornado - Just because. it's a thing of beauty, and everyone should have something beautifull in thier lives. Honda Goldwing - Just to have a bike with a reverse gear! no other reason at all Yamaha XT-Z, with full overland conversion. If money was no object then I'd be spending the rest of my life finding different routes to cross every line of lattitude and longitude Yamaha WF450F, for thoses days when I the dirt was calling Honda Varadero, there isn't a more comfy mile eater that can take a full load of kit and a pillion. At some point she'd want to come with me Harley Softail Custom, The UK just hasn't got the roads for these bikes, nor the weather. So for that one day in the year. BMUU R1200GS, just to throw stones at - well there's no point in taking it out, if it goes without a problem then it's gonna rot away in a couple of years..... Oh, and a day bike - that's easy, the Khaki Ten, until the day it lets me down it's place is safe, right under my bum! So what's in yours?
In one sentence, can you ???
I'm getting a general feel now, Girls & Freedom look to sum it up. Although when your top to toe in mud'n sh1t I find it hard to think any girl would find that attractive. Mind you, I do get asked alot from the wifes friends to take then out for a ride, some blokes find that a bit intimidating, you can see it in their eyes! The bike might attract them, but they rarely stay for long when they smell you after a few days in the sadle
The X Factor
Paul - you must be deaf, I SAID, YOU MUST BE DEAF.... she just mutilated a very good Snow Patrol song on the radio, not 30 minutes ago. Lovestruck? or just drugs I'll get my coat, and leave you to your crap telly talk....
In one sentence, can you ???
Motorcycles I presume? (could've been a pushbike, or even a sledge....)
In one sentence, can you ???
I'm doing some updating of my website, long overdue I've been told! Anyway, I'm working on a few ideas to go along with the update to my trip through the summer and I'm wondering : In one sentence, can you describe why you are a biker ? I've been trying and it's bl00dy difficult, so come on, lets have it,, why ?
When drivers inadvertently loose items out of thier windows (as it's littering and illegal - clearly it's not intentional), then it's only good and right that you should make every effort to return the lost items. This fat cat kinda bloke, driving a Rover 75 (when Britain still had a car industry) lost his cigar whilst I was following him. I don't quite know how I did it but as it landed squarly on my nuts I recovered it, drew level with the guy and gave him it back. Only problem (and it was due to my lack of rider-ability, M'lord) I over shot him (his window was open) and it landed either on his passenger seat or the footwell.
The X Factor
Sorry ?? I'm not sure where I was swearing - I did watch loose women today, maybe it's screwed with my mind, and vision. And you appear to be having a pop at the legendary Tenere, the go anywhere, anytime bike. Oh dear, I actually thought Goff was a little OTT with her rebuke - but as usual (and I can't believe I'm typing this), she's (Oh crist, no, what am I about to do) RIGHT. I've ben out my bike, in the freezing snow, it was brilliant, and it's my birthday today, so NO, I'll be having a great night thank you. PS - still can't believe what I've just said. B
The X Factor
Wooooaaaoooooo.... I shall consider myself well and truly spanked I will leave you all to your "crap telly" PS - There are 4 winners in X-Factor, and none of them are contestants
The X Factor
That's no way for a lady to talk, much less one of such high standing in this forum - everything in moderation Mind you, I am begining to wonder about you lot - there are two women in my house, and I manage to avoid this X-Brother Celebrightlynot getmeoutofDancingwith Ice on crap, even manage to avoid the soaps too. Maybe I'm just some kind of wierdo........ I should stay in more and watch TV...
Any gamers?
I beat my daughter at Monopoly once............ Don't suppose that counts, does it ?
NOT Happy
Sound advice whenever dealing with Mr Plod - it's always the first test they apply, if you pass that one then you stand a chance, if not then you have no chance whatsoever. Personally, I'd use Royal Mail, send it Special Delivery, put it in a Brown Envelope (C5) and make sure it is adressed to the Chief Constable by name and in print, not handwriting - it sould also say "Opened by Adressee Only". Otherwise you run the risk of it being 'filtered' out. Do you have any evidence to back up the fact that you enquired at the time ?? date & time of the call, itemised phone bill showing the number dialed, name of the person etc Nearly all calls are recorded now, so if you have the date & time then you have a starting point. It may well be that the charges are not infact levied by the Police, but by a contractor/recovery firm - in that case you will be lucky to recover anything. You may find you get the "the insurance company is responsible" - not much good if you were 3PFT, but that's the way it goes. The Police do have the power to authorise recovery firms (on your behalf) if they believe the vehicle is unsecured/causing a hazard (not sure of the correct term), the unfortunate fact remains that you are liable - it's a tough lesson, and it's fundementally wrong. It may well be worth a trip to a Solicitor, you normally get the first 1/2 hour free - see what they say, It's always worth a snot-O-gram, but the first thing to do is go and get the bike back to stop any further charges, then start your fight. I would prepair yourself though, you will most certainly have to pay the recovery charges, and some storage - but you might be able to get back some of the excess storage if you can argue your case for uplifting it at the time you were advised of it's recovery.
XT 660x owner just joined
Yes they do - but only in Khaki... Welcome along Paul, do you frequent XT660.com too ??? I think OldGit has been on the Vino again - Yes Paul the X is a supermoto, the R is the on/off road and the Z is the best......
Any help would be nice...
Ok, come clean - who are you and what have you done with our beloved Goff ??? Bring her back straight away. Welcome along Ben - you were really lucky with that answer, most of the time you'd have got some sarcastic crap suggesting training or something had you gone to a lesser forum. Everyone starts somewhere, you've picked a pretty good place to ask your questions.
Forgotten Anniversary
Insurance help needed :)
Carol Nash have a new arm - justbikeinsurance, they take out all the crap you might not need (breakdown, legal insurance etc) so you get just the insurance. My circumstances are different to yours, but they reduced the best quote I got by a 1/3 - it's only a phone call after all.
scheme to put workers of 40 years of age on early retirement.
It's BT staff Policy, on the internet again........