Everything posted by Gas up - Let's Go!
new members? who are you
I had to read that twice - sorry... 5 minutes, , , , Never takes that long
BikeSafe Courses
Why don't you ask the BikeSafe people why GMP don't do them ?? mailto:[email protected] Or ask the authority directly?
Another newbie...
A Third girlie........ This is too much to take in one day! Welcome along,
new members? who are you
TWO girlie bikers! Wish there was more, girls look so much better in leather than blokes ever do...... and we need them to ride point more, that way we get to admire those lovely leathers......
ghost rider2 gone wild
Watched it for 5 minutes, got bored, made a cup of tea and looked on Ebay...... Some of his stuff is entertaining at times, but this one doesn't do it for me - sorry
He's home!
How? Sorry, I'm in a funny mood today...... This has always worried me with belt drives though, pretty much with a chain you get the warning signs that it's about to fail, but do you get similar with belt ? or do you just set off one day streeeeeeaaaaatching the belt, until it reached it's limit then catapults you off into the distance in a kinda Wylie Coyote style........ Seriously, these things have to take alot of power going through them, obviously they're up to the job, it's just me that doesn't understand them.
Hiya from the south (I mean REALLY SOUTH!)
A very warm welcome to you fella - lovely part of the world you live in. Hope you find everything you need here, we're a friendly bunch mostly, just watch out for Goff, somethimes she eats people then spits them out......
BikeSafe Courses
Registrations for this years series of BikeSafe courses are now open (with most force areas). If you've not doen one of these before then why not invest a couple of evening this year, you might just learn something that could save your life! You can get the full info here: http://www.bikesafe.co.uk/
He's home!
I'm a little curious, having never owned a bike with a belt drive. Does it require any maintenance? and what about tension? does it need to be more taught thjan a chain? is the suspension firmer then? ????
For the newbies
I've been around a long time on this 'er interweb thing (I can remember the first www sites coming live) and I've probably seen it all, growing up with IT, and 20 years on networks alone gives you a very broad minded and tollerant viewpoint to the abilities of others. This site has always been fairly 'loose' in it's moderation, there are times when people get a bit 'miffed' and heated exchanges follow, but it always comes full circle and the love returns. I can see why it's time to start intorducing some guidlines and rules, and that isn't a bad thing - as long as the rules and regulations are well displayed. Can I suggest, in line with the new approach that something be put up on the Forum homepage screen ? maybe a nice visible link to the forum rules and regulations? It' very common for people to use forums to find things, and putting asking for help, guidence, or just if anyone knows of shouldn't be seen as a spammer. Not everyone is as au courant with forum or even web etiquette and everyone starts somewhere. Taking a strict line may well give people the wrong impression if they are new. Motorcycling needs all the support it can get. I'm all for this new approach, but it needs to be the first thing that any new member sees so also something in the joining mails, and it wouldn't hurt to propt the older members either. Now, maybe if someone could find me a ladder, I'll descend this
Cartilage piercings?
I was just having Sausage & Chips while I caught up with the forum, can't bring myself to eat the sausage now......
He's home!
Congrats Goff, there's no feeling like getting a spanking new bike. I'm going to buy some shares in cleaning products - what do you use ( ). It's a safety thing..... so the cars don't run over them and skid I picked up my XJR on Friday, jeasus it's got some UuummmmpppphhhhHHHH,, put 20 or 30 miles on it and then spent 3 hours cleaning the thing yesterday! It's going in the garage until the salt has gone, I'll have to stick to the XTZ or the TTR for now
WildFoamy's Aquatic Advice Column
Well - We put the cabon into the filter saturday morning, by tea time he's up and about a bit more. So, I'm going to stick my neck out and point the finger of blame at the medication for the fin rot. We do have the two females as well as the male in the tank, and they've never been violent towards each other (apart from when he was 'sick' and they tried to eat him!) it's a fair sized tank (200 Litres) so there is plenty of space between them all. As for flow, the tank has 'zones' that we've created (using bogwood, rocks and vegitation as sort of break waters), so there is a strong flow diagonaly through the tank, a well airiated section and a very calm section with lots and lots of plants. He links the calm area, but we seen him 'playing' in the bubble columns at the other end of the tank quite often too. Most of the fish in that tank are quiet community fish, Neons, Harlequins, couple of guppies, swordtails as well as a Red tipped Rainbow Shark (who takes no sh1t from anyone!), some shrimps and th elast remaining Moly (or big fat cow as she's become known). We did have a loach but he was always figting with the shark, so the loach went to another home. The tank is under stocked when you do the sums.
WildFoamy's Aquatic Advice Column
Two! Nowthen, I'm curious why you ask this, ????
I gots me a Jawa :D
I agree, most hobbies are a labour of love, who cares what it costs if you have a good time doing it, hell my hobbies cost me thousands every year, and as long as the wife and daughter don't go without no-one complains. I do quite fancy a project, but just don't have to room, or time if I was honest, what with three bikes already I think it would be taking the whole biker thing a bit too far. I'd start with a wash steve (not you, the bike)
the weather
Actually, I'm quite suprised, and pleased to see someone 'down south' who isn't falling apart because of a bit of precipitation. Have another go when it's had chance to thaw, freeze, thaw and re-freeze - that sorts the men out from the boys!!
WildFoamy's Aquatic Advice Column
OK, this is getting just a bit sad, but hey hoy! I took a video of him, and took it into the aquatic shop, the guy in there is sh1t hot, told him the story, he took one look and said - 'Old Age' !! apparently these thing only go 24 months, and the first 6-9 is before they make it to the shops. Now Finley was a 'rescue' fish, that is my wife went into the shop and purchased a fish that had mental problems (!) and had already had one owner, so by our reckoning he's probably about 2 - 2 1/2 years old now. The Medication may just have pushed him over the edge. The best bit, when these fish start to go, the female's like to help them along a bit (by eating him) so that they can get an nice new male ......... sounds familiar The Carbon is going in on Saturday to clear out the meds as the Molly is OK, so we might get a reprieve. Thanks for the advice anyway, you wouldn't guess we've been keeping fish for years we just never get problems, maybe because we keep up with the maintenance on the water and filters. We've got a bit to go before moving on to Marine Fish me thinks!
New Bike !!!!!
Yep, just picked it up today, Went for a 08, Yamaha XJR1300 with 420 miles on the clock, it's bloody awesome - I've never had a bike that can pull from the lights in 3rd and keep going past the naughty bit with loads of revs to spare. Saved nearly £2k on the new price....... Great deal so I couldn't really turn it down, I getting to like this 'ere recession thing. I'm having a bit of a to-do with the DVLA, who won't accept an email'd insurance certificate to tax the thing, probably just as well as the roads are well slippy and it's never got above 0c all day. I'll just have to play on the Tenere till the roads have a bit less crap on them
WildFoamy's Aquatic Advice Column
The thread did start somewhere else, the only bit you've all missed is the bit where I asked Steve if he had any idea why Finley (yes she has given him a name!) is acting like a loon. The problem with the stupid bugger, he's very lethargic, not eating, just lying at the bottom of the tank playing dead. Every now and then he gets a spurt of energy, swims around the tank at full speed (which isn't normal for a start) then retires to the 'playing dead' part. Mostly he plays dead in the plants, but today he is just in the corner of the tank. So, Nitrite is 0, Nitrate was 50, put some 'Nitrateminus' in and its down to nearer 25 today. Ammonia is 0. PH and hardnes hasn't changed. The other fish are healthy, with the Domino Molly having made a full recovery (she did have some fin rot and a fungus infection) but there is still medication in the water. I'm kinda thinking that it's the medication that he doesn't like. I'm off to buy a small tank today and isolate him in fresh water, I'll keep an eye on the Nitrite levels, but these should be OK with just him in the tank. I always use Cycle as well as the Aquasafe so should be OK. The other option is to change one of the filter baskets and re-introduce some fresh carbon to clear out the medication (it's £8 a bag - rip off!). Got to go one way or the other. On the plus side he doesn't appear to be any the worse for his behaviour, but he's been like this for 4 days now so it I guess he will start to go down hill if we don't get to the bottom of the problem.
XT 660R
I've a Z, and I can say there are no surging problems at all. The ECU is different to the X/R and the Tenere has a much larger airbox - Yamaha reckon this is the reason. However, the 2009 X/R's have a different ECU, and apparently there is no surging problem. You mention Kev's fix, did you read this on www.XT660.com ?? I'm aware that lots of people have tried to resolve the surging problem, and Yamaha still won't admit there is a problem, curious why they've changed the ECU though..... Despite having the same power plant as the X/R the Z is a different machine, and as such behaves differently too, also there is the added weight (especially when full of fuel), uprated suspension, better chassis, firmer swing arm, better brakes and more off-road bias wheels that mat well all contribute to how the bike progresses. Is that any help at all ??
WildFoamy's Aquatic Advice Column
I've not tested the water of late, I'll do it tonight, although to be honest I don't even think I've got an Ammonia test kit! Nitrite is defo at 0, unsure about Nitrate, again I'll have a check although I did a 1/4 water change yesterday and removed the carbon from the filter as I've put some medication in, the Domino Molly has a fungal infection, which is now clearing up. When I removed the carbon, I cleaned (in old aquarium water) 2 of the 4 foam filter pads and added in some new Biomax into the now empty trap (from the Carbon) the filter - it's an external Fluval 205 filter. The carbon will get replaced next week when the Molly is fuly recovered. All the other fish are fine, even Bruce, the red tipped Rainbow Shark, who is normally a right grumpy git, appears to be living in harmony......
R1 Key recode sequence, Help?
2008 - the returning legend...... <---- Just over there
Who else rode through snow today?
How much do you know about them ?? Our male Siamese has been playing dead for 3 days! he's been a tit since we put in two females for him to play with.... Every now and then he swims around the tank at full speed, then returns to his hiding place in the plants, and plays dead. Actuall, come to think abaout it, I would do that two if I had two females chasing me......
R1 Key recode sequence, Help?
I've a Tenere, and the re-code sequence is 8 pages long and pretty complicated, given that a screwup will cost you in the region of £1K I'd suggest going to the dealer. I'll try to extract the part of the document, but it looks like the PDF (workshop Manual) is locked - Even then this is for a Tenere so miht not work, I'd imagine it's the same sequence though.
What is the Fazer like restricted to 33BHP?
Steve, it's normally just a couple of washers fitted to the inlet side. Stricktly speaking you should have the bike dyno tested to 33bhp and get a lovely certificate confirming this. However as the bike is new, get it fitted by the dealer before delivery, they will provide paperwork certifying it has been done. My mate has his boys done 'correctly' by a tuning house and the fecked around with the engine tuning afterwards to get the power down - it was a total feck up, the bike run like crap and after the rings were removed it was still a pile of crap. He traded it for a Z1000! Most people I know who've had this done, get it done after they get the bike, then don't like the bike after, and so remove the kit. So, there is an advantage in getting it done to the bike before you ride it.