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Gas up - Let's Go!

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Everything posted by Gas up - Let's Go!

  1. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to Chezz's post in a topic in The Bar
    Like corners, or roundabouts.....
  2. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to Chezz's post in a topic in The Bar
    That depends who you talk to, some of us have had a few different steeds from different stables, some good, some bad.... Again, it depends. If you were to ride soemthng like the XT660, or the MT-03 then it's a 6000 mile service interval, a Honda is 4000 miles. It's been a while since I rode a 125, but looking at the Honda, it has a rear tyre that's narrower than my mountain bike! I think the 125 Yam is a much better bike, with loads more presence on the road. If you want lots of go check out the Aprilia RS125. BWJ - your call startled the dogs, can I have a bit warning next time?
  3. Not wishing to put a dampener on things, but in your own words you are new to biking so I'll give you some sound advice, Think very hard about a bike that can go from standing to dead (and I mean the rider) in a few seconds. It takes alot of skill to ride these bikes safely (not least that the field of vision is very narrow) . They don't teach you this skill in DAS, you have to learn it over the years. You are also going to pay stupid money to insure the bike. Look around at other bikes, sure they're not as sexy to look at but the grin on your face will be the same at the end of the ride. Consider the Fazer, it's a great starter bike and in the right hands can give an R6 a run for it's money, easy to ride, easy to look after and not so expensive to insure. If you decide to stay with the R6 then at least you know what else is out there, and you've learned a bit! The choice however, is yours. Ride safe.
  4. Yes, is the short answer. There are few people who are a little short for the Ten, and I've seen it done over and over without incident. Just be aware (as I'm sure you already are) that suspension compresses a fair way when you do. just make sure the foot doesn't bury itself in soft ground, or fit a camel-toe extension or makes something similar (easliy done).
  5. Ooppps The Engine Oil Header Tank Drain Bolt (the one next to the exhaust header pipes) is 18Nm Remember these bikes have a semi-dry sump, so put your measured oil into the header tank (removing the plastic side cover is a big help when doing this) then run the bike for 20 minutes or so before checking the level. For a bike so easily fixed at the roadside, changing the oil is a complete sod of a job!
  6. Check with your local county council, they are required by law to produce a 'definative map' that must show all byways, bridleways and footpaths. Or try your local TRF (www.trf.org)for some information. and you'll need an OS map of the area to copy the information from the definative map too, if the council doesn't have an on-line copy.
  7. Is your bike the XT660Z or the XTZ660 ?? they are not the same...... although I can't see the sump plug being any different. Here's a link to a page from the workshop manual for you -> Oil Change Linky
  8. When Foamy see's this, it's all over........
  9. I've just priced up the material costs to make this, comes out at just shy of £4 using 2 1/2 x 1 1/2 x 1/4 and 2 x 1 x 1/4 alloy channel. The problem is finding a SS 75mm bolt with a 60mm shank... without having to cut it. £15 + p&p sounds a reasonable price though.
  10. Done it once (Miranda De Douro to Amsterdamm in 24 hours), never again. Nearly bloody killed me.
  11. Not sure how many people are aware of this, but BT is giving away (you have to pay the p&p) Broadband Accelerators to help you increase the dowstream speed of your connection. I've just fitted mine and it has had given me around an extra 500Kb/s over what I had. I'm over 5km from the exchange so I'm impressed that this works. Broadband Accelerator Link
  12. That's the trouble, there's no though process with a second bike, it's kinda simple that way, but it's a big step for me. The reality is, if I'm honest, is I want someone to give me the downside, crapside and shityside of owning a cruiser.... That way I'll keep my money in the bank (well thier money really, they are on 0% at the momment) I did have a go on one of these a while ago, but I got sick of scraping the foot paddels on the road at junctions and roundabouts!
  13. Gas up - Let's Go! posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    With all the let down from Yamaha over the go-anywhere 1200 Tenere, by let-down I mean yes the bike will go anywhere, if you can afford the dammed thing and as long as there is a road......... Sorry, Anyway, I was considering chopping in the XJR1300 for the New Tenere, but that's a none starter so I was looking at what else I could get.. And by chance I fell over the MidnightStar on the website. I know Goff has one, but my question to you all, well those of you who have some experience of cruiser ownership, what are the pro's and con's of one of these bikes ? The XJR is a bit of a plaything, and the only one of my bikes I use for pillion, so it has to be comfortable for the missis. It has to be capable of hauling her luggage and my toothbrush! I've always like the whole cruiser ownership thing, but at close to £10 it's a big jump for a bloke who is happiest covered in crap halfway along a deserted track, or trundeling along a road with more holes than a fishing net. So, ups and downs of ths sort of bike please ..... ->
  14. And wearing earplugs ? ---- The problem isn't with wearing and listening to music, that in itself is not a crime (unless as barkwindwinder says you have some dubious choices). But you should consider the effect it has on your attention and what you can and cannot hear. If your visual observation is good then there realy isn't a problem. You could find yourself in the possition, after an accident, of being questioned about your attention to your riding, with a view to riding with undue care, but the reality is that a huge proportion of riders ride with some kind of audio, be it Phone, music, bike-to-bike or sat-nav. It's your choice, but think about how you will switch it on and off should you need to. Invest in a set of plugs that have a waterproof volume knob or on/off facility and you'll be fine. Volume is a problem, the faster you go the less you can hear it! and when you slow down, the volume required to listen at 70mph is a bit loud when you stop! If you have good quality in-ear plugs then this is not an issue
  15. Gas up - Let's Go! posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    It is widely accepted that the UK Motorcycle Police are the best trained riders in the world (not least by the UK Police!), this has forged a link between what these guys do and the normal civilian riders in the form of the IAM and ROPSPA. So in the UK we have Civilian Advanced Riders who have trained and passed examinations that lead to the coverted 'Advanced Rider' status. Personally I feel that this is normal riding not advanced, and those that do not ride to this standard are 'learning' (you can still ride to the standard without taking the test). So, here in the UK there are bodies who will teach you and help you to improve your riding (or driving) to the benifit of everyone around you (if you've taken the training then you'll understand). The question here, and it is aimed at the international community (rather than the UK based riders) is, Do you have, in your country a recognised body/group who provide advanced training, what is it called, are the affiliated to the Governement/Police? is there a test? have you do it/any experience ? Or are you guys left with learning it on your own ?? Here is the link to the IAM if you need more information - www.iam.org
  16. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to AustenM's post in a topic in The Bar
    Geese. They don't go off while you are riding, and no-one will ever get near your bike, ever! Or, you could try Goffs dog,
  17. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to Bikerman's post in a topic in The Bar
    I doubt it, it more expensive than the 1200GS-A.......
  18. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to Rich_B's post in a topic in The Bar
    You've got no chance, £13750 and it's internet orders only.... no test ride, you can't even get to sit on it in the showroom. It'll be May/June before the dealers get them and with restricted sales there will be no demostrators until next year at best. Save yourself £5k and look at the Varadero, it'll do everything the Yam will.
  19. I wish that were true, the bike has a price tag of, are you sitting down ? No? You need to be,,,,,, £13,750......... A BMUU R1200GS-Adventurer is around £10,750 and with the extras added to bring it to the same spec as the Yam, it comes in at under £13K...... AND, the BMUU is lighter (on paper), It's no off-road bike, too heavy, too low, too expensive, and if you look close it even has posts on the pegs, just like road bikes! If I was looking for a mile muncher, with adventure looks and lots of comfort I'd save myself £5k (yes that's right Five Thousand Pounds) and go for the Honda. The old Firestom V-Twin is an fantastic motor with a lovely sound. Yamaha have been winding the world up over this 'go anywear' bike for months, pushing the 'Tenere' legend of old (to those of us that can remember) then they give us another road warrior.....
  20. Gas up - Let's Go! replied to a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I like your satnav...... Rutts, mud, sounds like heaven. If you want impassable, get yourself up here!! There is alot of Solar activity at the momment, and this will have an effect on the cheaper SatNavs in the market (this isn't a dig, it's just that there is a reason why some are cheap and others aren't) first as the signal from the satalites is upset by the electro-magnetic pulses from the solar flares. So don't be suprised if they start to do silly things. If you have a one capable of supporting WAAS, the land based augmentation system then you will be fine as these are not affected. (WAAS has different names in different countries but the technology is the same, and it's most likely to be listed as WAAS on your GPS) But I still like your SatNAv, which one, I'll crack out the TTR and get dirty!
  21. Gas up - Let's Go! posted a post in a topic in General
    Well, it's out, the all new Super Tenere from Yamaha. Looks like Yamaha are taking the fight straight to Bavaria with the lardy love child of Mr Honda's Varadero and the whore daughter of Madam BMUU.... Very dissapointed I am...... http://www.yamaha-motor-europe.com/products/motorcycles/adventure/xt1200z-super-tenere.jsp?view=explorer&subview=features
  22. Wonder if Yamaha will be there with their new Super Tenere...... ?? (we get to se real pictures of it tonight at 20:00CET, and it's first showing at the Turkish show on Thursday..)
  23. Dunno about Biketek, but here are a couple of alternatives. I've used a Keis, this heats the kidney area (thoery being that it warms the blood as it passed through the kidney keeping your core warm) and they are very good. But take a look at EXO2 jackets as they have a unique cloth that heats the entire jacket, I have the gloves and they were great in the Arctic
  24. When you say nothing, do you mean nothing, or is there something, such as warning lights, sidelights?? or is it totally dead?
  25. 3:45...... I had to bail when Kris Kristofferson started to sing happy songs..... I'll never be able to watch Convoy again! If I were 54 years younger, I'd do Marie Osmond too - but as my dad would't be old enough to reproduce it might be tricky!