Everything posted by Bilbo515
Continue Riding or Quit?
Thanks for all the positive replies. Totally agree it's a way of life and as my bruising is now starting to subside, I'm wanting to get back on two wheels again. Definatley going to book myself on the IAM course suggested and get some additional training. Let's hope it's positive news from the insurers.
Continue Riding or Quit?
Nice one - thanks for that. I've been thinking about doing an Advanced Riders Course if I get the bike back. If it is written off, will probably get a car for a few years, then get a new bike, when the kids are older. Apparently I will find out on Friday if the bike is to be written off repaired - will keep the post updated.
Continue Riding or Quit?
I have been biking without much incident for the past seven years, passed my test and spent 4 years on a ZXR400, then traded up to a CBR600 and most recently a YZF750R. I ride my bike every day to work, 3 miles there, 3 back, in every weather, apart from heavy snow. When the summer comes I do the occasional evening / weekend ride. My mileage is about 3,000 per year. On 1st April on my usual commute home on my CBR, I was wiped out by a car driver at low speed (25mph) who wasn't looking when turning right / changing lane. The CBR was written off. I was given an 07 plate Bandit 600 as a courtesy bike (fully comp on insurance) and in the second week of riding the Bandit, I stopped at some traffic lights on the way to work, however the car behind me didn't and took me out, the Bandit suffered minor damage and me some heavy whiplash. Anyway not deterred, another Bandit was delivered, my work colleagues telling me it was a sign and to stop riding, third time unlucky etc. I thought, bollocks to that and was now riding just a little more cautiously as my confidence had been knocked. My insurance money came through and I bought a YZF750R (£1400), what a mint bike (when it started), everything was now perfect, until Sunday 2nd May................ I went for a ride to Sherburn-in-Elmet, good ride too, then about a mile from home in a residential street doing about 25-30mph in dry conditions, I saw a parked car on the side of the road, moved out to pass it (about 600 yards away) and saw another car coming my way, so backed off the throttle and moved back towards my side of the road, applied a little front brake - wallop!! Front end disappeared like I had hit ice, the bike shot off down the road, me behind it. I picked the bike up and thought f*ck this, I'm quitting, thoroughly peed off, three crashes in a month - what's going on!?!? I walked home pushing the bike (no clutch lever or gear selector) thinking that's it, no more. Got home, the wife agreed as did the kids, get rid and get a car. I agreed too. Then looking at the bike later when I had calmed down, the damage is minimal to the fairing, clutch and gear selector missing, indicator missing - this might not be written off! Mmmm. The bike was collected today by the insurance company, marked low risk. I've told my wife if it is written off I am getting a car. However I'm thinking it may be repaired, then what do I do? Continue riding to work everyday or sell it and get a car? I love bikes, but this recent spate of events has really given my confidence a kicking and I don't know what to do next, 7 years of easy fun filled riding, then 4 weeks of sheer hell!!
YZF750 - vibration
The bike has done 18,500 miles - so it's not due shims etc until 28k. Got a some more advice on my bike with it not starting and the low compression - I did some more investigation into what mileage my bike has done since 2002, bascially it's done approx 1400 per year for 3 years, then a year stood, then from 07-08 400 miles, and from 08-09 90 miles. The previous owner would start it once or twice a month in his shed. Been told that the valves and engine are probably coked up, so put in fuel treatment and thrashed the bollocks off it, redlining every now and then - that was last night a 2 hour blast. Doing it again in the next couple of days. Also been told bikes don't like to be stood deposits start to build up inside the engine. Started first time this morning - choke still needs sorting though. This bike is the fastest, most responsive thing I have ever ridden!!!
Thanks for the info on the spark plugs - much appreciated. Gutted to hear your's now won't rev out, the obvious answer is something is still wet on the bike and is causing the problem - WD40? Got a some more advice on my bike with it not starting and the low compression - I did some more investigation into what mileage my bike has done since 2002, bascially it's done approx 1400 per year for 3 years, then a year stood, then from 07-08 400 miles, and from 08-09 90 miles. The previous owner would start it once or twice a month in his shed. Been told that the valves and engine are probably coked up, so put in fuel treatment and thrashed the bollocks off it, redlining every now and then - that was last night a 2 hour blast. Doing it again in the next couple of days. Started first time this morning - choke still needs sorting though. This bike is the fastest, most responsive thing I have ever ridden!!!
YZF750 - vibration
Got it back today - new plugs fitted, the old ones were incorrect. The garage also did a compression check and found it to be low - told me it needs new shims and valve clearances checked. A 4-5 hour job costing somewhere in the region of £400 to £500. Other than that the bike is fine, they told me that the new plugs may solve the starting problem, see how it goes.
YZF750 - vibration
It wouldn't start this morning, so finally gave up and called the garage. Let's see what they diagnose!
YZF750 - vibration
Getting the wheels re-balanced on Saturday - £40 all in, will let you know the results.
Will scan in the fault pages and attach them in the next couple of days. My bike wouldn't start this morning, so took the car - gutted. Got home this evening, tried it, started first time. So my mate and I took the tank off and checked the air filter tonight - I was told it was a new K & N - no it's not! Looks like no one's been under the tank for a long time. The air filter was black, so given it a thorough clean and blasted the carbs with carb cleaner. We were going to remove the spark plugs, but we couldn't work out how to get to them - do you know? Even the Haynes manual doesn't cover spark plug removal, how wierd is that, it has a brief section on spark plug maintenance and that's it! So we put everything back together and the bike fired up first time, ran it till the fan kicked in, sounds healthier now, just got to see if it fires up in the morning.
ypvs tzr125
My RD also had a standard ALLSPEED pipe, got rid of the standard can, they have a big restrictor in them. Do you have a standard can on yours? That could be your bottom end problem.
ypvs tzr125
I had a RD125 YPVS once in my youth, all I did was undo the YPVS side plate then manually open the power-valve and left it open. Ran really well and you certainly knew when the power band kicked in!! I'd definately try and get the valve open and leave it open.
Changed tickover to 1150, sounds much better now. By the way, how are these bikes supposed to sound on tickover, this thing runs like a swiss watch, very mechanical, sounds nothing like my old CBR600 and ZXR400 - is this normal or me just worrying too much? Also do you have a Haynes manual for your bike? I've got one and there is big section in the back for fault finding, if you want I can scan these pages and email them to you.
Ha ha - how lucky is that! I had a CBR that did something wierd on a morning, if I started it in the morning in my garage it only ran on three cylinders until warmed. But if moved it out of the garage and onto the street then started it, fired up on all four!! Odd. YZF started on the button this morning - no choke! Question for you though, I upped the tickover to 1250 from 1000 and now when I put it into first it goes in with good clunk, whereas before it was less of a clunk if you know what I mean. What is yours ticking over at. Still getting used to the speed on this bike, so much quicker than my CBR - deceptively quicker!!
YZF750 - vibration
Started first time this morning - no choke required wierd!! Took a look through the old MOT certificates last night and here's what I found..... 2007 – 2008 : 415 miles (new tyres fitted during this time) 2008 – 2009 : 90 miles The general consensus is that the tyres have developed flat spots – not sure if these can be run out. I won’t change them, I will just stick under 80 for the time being and change them when bald, most of my riding is town anyway, with the odd weekend / evening back road blast.
Have you read my post (YZF750R - vibration) - mine won't start with the choke out! It only starts without choke, wierd!! First bike I have ever owned that is happy to fire up and ride off without any choke applied. So the only thing I can suggest is firing it up first thing without any choke and see if that works. Have you had the bike long? Just got mine - 17th April - it's been sat in shed for two years, only done 500 miles in those two years - waste of a bike really.
YZF750 - vibration
Bit of an update really, had a chat to few biker mates today and they reckon it's the tyres or the wheels need re-balancing. I'm starting to agree, had a look through the MOT certificates and the bike did 400 miles from 07 to 08 and less than 100 miles from 08 to when I bought it. Been told that the tyres may have developed flat spots from the bike sitting idle in a shed. The tyres were fitted in 08. So booking it in on Saturday to get the wheels balanced and the tyres checked. Will keep you posted with the results. Sorted the tickover now, running at 1,250. The choke problem is wierd, I left the bike all day today at work, then at half five started it with no choke, fired up straight away, I then opened the choke, the bike popped and stalled. So closed the choke, started it again, fired up first time - wierd!! A bike that needs no choke on startup. Let's see what happens tomorrow!
YZF750 - vibration
Hi Everyone, I've just purchased my dream bike - the YZF750R on Friday 17th April, but now I am sat at work wondering if the bike is not what it seems!! I've bought something I know a lot about on paper, but in the flesh it all seems a little different. The test ride was spot on, nothing out of the ordinary there, however on the ride back home, as soon as I went above 80mph, there is noticable vibration in the handlebars, below that everything is smooth. Today when the bike was warm and running, I held the revs high and the same vibration appeared again, but I don't know if that's a normal trait for these type of bike. Do you think my wheels need re-balancing? This morning didn't get off to a great start when it wouldn't start, then also found out that the choke lever does nothing, pulled it back, nothing changed. After about 10 mins the bike started, I had to open the throttle with the engine off then hit the starter button. The tickover is way too low, 1,000rpm - going to try and sort that tonight with my Haynes manual. Any hints and tips on how to live these bikes will be greatly appreciated and anything I learn I will post on here. Cheers - Scott
YZF750 1994 Buying Guide - HELP & ADVICE PLEASE!!
I need some help please! I have just seen my dream bike a YZF750 and finally it's in my price bracket and nearby!! Initially the pictures look good, it's got 17K on the clock and is a 1994 model. I have been trawling the internet for buyers guides and found very little. So can anyone give some advice on what to look for when buying one of these awesome bikes? What should I look for when looking round the bike? What should I look for on the test ride? EXUP Valve issues - what should I look for, will an aftermarket exhaust system affect it? Burning Oil - Is this an issue? It has a polished frame -is this a good or bad sign? Any advice big or small will be much appreciated, I am going to look at the bike one day this week, will keep you all posted. Many thanks