Everything posted by Smitty
Motorbike mp3's?
Noting to precise, just something that i can put on my phone, like it starting up then reving off. Basically to make people get baffeled when my phone rings.
Motorbike mp3's?
Thanks, nice sound 2 btw.
- Specs??
bike security
But it's the lesser of 2 evils, being leaving it out the front for eveyone to see as they drive past.
- Specs??
Bike with reverse?
My cuz was after one, i'm straight road for now (in other words untill i can afford 2 bikes). Seems like all yamaha's (local stores) used the same website to produce there pages, so all local ones around here were wrong lol.
bike security
What about out the back of the house, stil not visable but still open. Would still have chain and disc locks on.
Bike with reverse?
They have now updated there website and taken it off after i emailed them lol.
Do i reply here?
Or over here?
Bike with reverse?
I emailed a yamaha store about it, and this is there reply: But ive found it on 2 websites so far. Odd.
Motorbike mp3's?
I'm in the market for a new ring tone, and the normal mp3 song ring tones have been done to death, i'm on the lookout for a nice (clear) mp3 of a bike taking off hard. If you stumble accross one i'd apreciate it. Off to google now.
- Specs??
I heard this was the place to come.....
Honestly, u dont need a turbo to do it mate, i can help ya out All u need is a good paint job, like this And that will give u all the power u need to do whatever u want.
bike security
It seems u have to pay more for the security of the bike to pay less on insurance. More = less, less = more. I think i'll cop the insurance cause i'm under 25, male and first bike.
bike security
But the problem is when u go to a friends place for the night, or go to the shopping center, work etc, basicaly when it has to be in the open and u have no control.
bike security
I still haven't bought my bike yet, but when i do i'll also be getting one of those covers, to stop twits doing stupid things on the way past, like with key's or gum. Wont stop a bike being stolen but stops the little anoying things (i hope).
R6 vs FZ6S
I has a look @ the SV yesterday for the first time, it looks nice, but ive heard to many bad things about it, like it's vibrations and rain getting into the spark plugs and doing bad things. Had a look @ the honda CBR600 and it looks schmick! but it's like an R1 and i dont need to repeat 2 pages on thatl THanks heaps for the help everyone, friendly fourm.
R6 vs FZ6S
From reading the reviews i have seems i can't go wrong with the FZ, Width: FZ = 750mm R6 = 688mm Definatly under the 10 since it's my first bike. Very interesting, i always wonderd about the quality of the bike when i read a review that the FZ would leave the SV for dead. U never know on the internet these days mate. I wont be smiling if i get a ticket lol.
R6 vs FZ6S
I read a review of the bike last night: http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/firstrides/fz6first/ I'd much rather have a sore bum rather than a back. I'll be doing quite alot of comuting and going for rides for the hell of it. Seems the more logical choice. Thanks for the insite from an owner debz.
R6 vs FZ6S
Nope, it will be my first bike and i'll be getting my licence just after i get my bike. =225kmph, dam! I'm looking @ the 05 model so i need a bit of extra money be4 i go buy it without a loan. THis year comes in blue black and silver. Still deciding about blue and silver. I'm still looken round @ the Suz SV650S & Kaw Z750. All hondas seem more expensive. I just read that "Not surprisingly, the FZ6, with its R6 motor, would leave a Suzuki SV650 for dead in a drag race". I'm gonna head out to some stores to go look at these other brands and see what they offer. The yamaha is winning so far but i dont want to cloud my judgment. But if i do buy it (good chance of that) my decisionw ill feel better cause i didn't jump @ the first thing i saw. I'm a big fan of the side bars for the pilon, gf's gotta go on the back and will be easier for her to hold on. The others are 650 and 750 (might be to much for first bike) but that dosn't botther me. I want to stick with a relaiable brand and yam has a good rep.
1st time for me......
Them loud buggers, dont ur arms get sore from leaving them hanging up there for so long?
Bike with reverse?
where do they wack it anyway, 1 gear (taps) below 1st? would be funny to see someone take off at a set of lights and they left it in reverse.
Bike with reverse?
http://www.yamaha-motor.com.au/motor/index...44&modelcatid=3 What the? Ive heard about it on gold wings but a trail bike?
Who can do this?
http://media2.big-boys.com/awesomebike.wmv Must have a modified back to do that.