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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. OMG! how do u handle it? 70 F is 21.1 C. Today over here is a normal day, not a hot one luckly. Min 20.2 and Max of 30.2
  2. Smitty replied to mozzy's post in a topic in The Bar
    Can u get to everywhere u need on the bike? if so thats the best way to save. No fuel, rego, insurance etc. But if u need to get places bike cant then u'll have to look at alternate measures. Aint that the truth, got me a mountain bike downstairs, there a hoot.
  3. Smitty replied to Smitty's post in a topic in The Bar
    Dat be making more sence!
  4. Smitty replied to Alan's post in a topic in The Bar
    when u dive the same route over here constantly u learn the hot spots. They coppaz dont put to much creativity into finding new ones.
  5. Smitty replied to Smitty's post in a topic in The Bar
    Yeah, i think they called it a key, u know those little things u stick into the bike to start them I at least know what one of them does.
  6. Smitty posted a post in a topic in General
    It's almost that time of the year again, and i'm stumped for ideas. Previously i have filled my dad's bathroom with baloons to the roof (had to use a compressor) swapped this weeks paper with last weeks (delived so it was still wrapped up in plastic, clasic!) switched alarm clocks with an identical, and hid the one that went off behind the tv (now that one was funny) empited the entire fridge and left a dog bone there re-aganged the furniture, kitchen and bathroom (lame but i was bored) So anyone got some good ideas? The only thing i could think of for this year is to wrap up things in either glad wrap or foil like this guy did:
  7. Smitty replied to Smitty's post in a topic in The Bar
    So Cordura aint made out of kevlar then. I'm gettn lost here lol.
  8. Smitty replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    What? just cause u build a fun park to lure in kiddie, let them stay over night at your house, give them grog, and let them sleep in his bed and then pay his parents not to tell anyone. This does not sound like a guilty man to me lol. I heard on the radio today that he's in a bit of finical trouble atm, he left all the work to his brother and none of the staff have been paid for a week and the electricity and the water as well.
  9. Smitty replied to Alex's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    am i gonan have to change my name to big red now? Honestly i haven't ridden a bike that not under 10 years old.
  10. Smitty replied to Smitty's post in a topic in The Bar
    Ah, we dont get that done over here.
  11. Smitty replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    do u only ride half the year?
  12. Smitty replied to Smitty's post in a topic in The Bar
    um, yeah. Ive never ridden this bike be4. Ive ridden 2 and one was a kick start and i cant remember the other, but it def wasn't one of them.
  13. Smitty posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    I was looking at pics of the bike and i couldn't figure out what this big red this is. It's big and red so it must be important. My guess is something to do with turing around cause of the circle, i dont think bikes have windscreen wipers, indicators are on the left, so's the horn. My only decent guess would be traction control, but i dont think it has that. There's even another one down below, small and black so not as important, but it's got the loop over thing again.
  14. Smitty replied to Alex's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I've seen her and i'd prefer to keep her lips as far away from me as possible.
  15. Smitty replied to Smitty's post in a topic in The Bar
    Leather in the hot? dam, on our hot days we get from 35-40 degrees, dont happen to everyday though. i though these things had no understorage, well some but only enough to fit a tissue. This sounds nice, waterproof and warm!!! I was hoping for 1 pair only so i didnt have to judge if it's gonan rain on what to take. Cause if i wake up at my gf's house i still gotta get home rain or shine. Makes a good point, if u buy 1 which do u buy. All i have so say is bugger. Ive ben trying to plan how much i need to spend, and that part just got doubled lol. Then why buy leather? I'd prefer to have something cooler than something hotter. Cause when i'm out i'll be wearing a jacket if it' s sold, so i'll have it on underneath. just throws last comment of mine out the window. I'm guessing thats the stuf cordura's are made out of? Great, not gotta go out the window, get my previous quote and bring it back in. Do cordura's have protection, like back and elbow in them, cause i know leathers do. ok, while i have been studying IT at uni, and someone with a motorbike helmet walks past, i have been observing what brand they have been bought to see what the most common brand is out there so i can get an edge into whats good. Sure it doesnt make a final desision on whats good or bad but it does show me that Shoie is a popular brand, so they must do something right otherwise no one would buy them. The reason there are so many helmets at uni is because there is free bike parking, so there are like 30-40 bikes there at a tiem so over the day with people comming and going it means quite alot of helmets for me to check. Enough information for you? Nice helmet, oin that site for £69.00, 166.873 AUD seems cheap?? Is £ a United Kingdom Pound, otherwise my converstion is off.
  16. Smitty replied to YamaHead's post in a topic in The Bar
    "You've got good eyesight" the "?" at the end of my question shows i've got just the same as urs.
  17. Smitty replied to Smitty's post in a topic in The Bar
    Whats a MOT? Probally called something diff over here.
  18. Smitty replied to Alan's post in a topic in The Bar
    I'd say that he'd have no camera evidence and couldn't do a thing about it. And ive had a cop pull me over for riding my push bike home @ 1am, wasn't speeding, wasn't doing anything just crusing.
  19. Smitty replied to Smitty's post in a topic in The Bar
    Why do u need 2 piece waterproof and a rainsuit? Dont they do the same job? I've been looking at everyones helmets when they have been walking around, Shoei seems to be the brand everyone has. Thanks heaps for the help pete.
  20. Smitty posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    How mad are these, for £75.00. I just wonder what happens when u brake and indicate at the same time.
  21. Smitty replied to Smitty's post in a topic in The Bar
    I'm after something with protection and keeps me dry, so i'm thinking leathers, and seeing if they do the job, if not i'll have to find something to go over it and pants. Single or seperate pieces. Whatever it is has to fit into a back pack. Will it fit into half a backpack? I'm guessing it's just a throw over and has no protection. These alright to ride in everyday? rain hail or shine? I am new to riding, and none on my friends or family have bikes, so i'm learning what i need solo. sorry if it's bugging everyone. I did a search on that guy, some questions i'd like to know answerd in here. He had 2 pages of replies, but these are the ones he started
  22. Smitty replied to YamaHead's post in a topic in The Bar
    Nice windy road for ya?
  23. Smitty replied to Smitty's post in a topic in The Bar
    I can buy a car or a bike, and i'll let u guess which i'm gettin so kinda out of the question.
  24. Smitty replied to Smitty's post in a topic in The Bar
    Do they have good protection for falling off? Cause i'm trying to figure out if i can get all in one, or if i have to buy 2 lots of things.
  25. Smitty posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    From home made garbage bags, rain coats or shop bought gear whats a good 'system/set up' to have?