Everything posted by Smitty
Theres some bloody crap
I TOTOALY agree with you, it's been on my mind for a while. People like Vin Diesel & EddyIrish are perfect examples of this lol. Whats even worse, is that u dont just leave, why waste your time and stay here? 99% of memebers are fine here, i think your that other 1%.
Why does the search engine need > 4 letters?
Where's superman when u need him.
jack daniels or jim beam
Maybe i'm still just young and stupid?
bloody weather
Few, like 8-10. It's cheaper to fly to NZ and go there rather than flying down south. Alot to do with the accomidation and good packages.
what do you reckon?
The word former makes me laugh, like he's past his prime and trying anythign to get back into the spot light. Well maybe, if rossie had no arms perhaps.
- ive been conned
bloody weather
U ever heard of it snowing in queensland? Were up the top of Aus so we get the heat, go way down south and u get snow.
bloody weather
It might get bloody hot in Aus but @ least it doesnt snow where i am. Good for dricing, but sucks cause we can't ski.
Why does the search engine need > 4 letters?
I just had a play and dont know. It's quite funny actualy cause alot of bikes are 3 letters long. Odd.
jack daniels or jim beam
If i gave up after an incident on a type of grog, i'd never drink again lol. Just give it a year or two then u can get back on the stuff.
Be AFRAID ..... be VERY Afraid !!!
Very sharp bike
Starting Off on the Right Foot...
If u want the rest of the race i can share a special 200mb url with the file?
- The male brain
mossys secsi big sistah has joined da house
If u go to the site that i ripped it from (another bike one) you'll fidn them. Pop's up everywhere
mossys secsi big sistah has joined da house
there are a million and 1 uses for that image!
jack daniels or jim beam
Ah i c that you haven't been exposed to the cask wine. U know the stuff in bladders. And if u want stupid drinking stories u came to the right man lol. The nic name for cask wine is 'goon', and i managed to make a goon chair & hat and the ultimate waterfall!
hey eddieirish
Hopefully you never will
jack daniels or jim beam
I used to belive this, i even use to drink it out of the square box. I learn't after many big big nights.
mossys secsi big sistah has joined da house
hey eddieirish
lol, big mouth hasn't replied yet. Do you think we could all start our posts this way?
jack daniels or jim beam
- Rim trims
jack daniels or jim beam
Ive heard those things are evil
jack daniels or jim beam
did u ask the pigeons? what do they prefer?
No more super!!
Hello fello aussie, there getting rid of it up here too and gonna stuff alot of people. U heard of the additive u can put in yourself?