Everything posted by Smitty
virus alert
Don't i know it, gettn 4 hr's sleep a night and not seeing any mates and gf occasinally. Don't u just love uni..
- Helllooo
Theres some bloody crap
How do u post only 8 times since 16-October 03?
Theres some bloody crap
Did someone type something? i can't see it. hmm
- Helllooo
I have a bike licence
Thats why, drinking solves everything. Thats why i have a beer next to me now. When u had the bike licence, was it the full one? If so i'd say they just put a ban on your file, and then re-opened it and the info is still there.
Making Love
ok who done it
So are you after another female then?
Theres some bloody crap
xXx2 is about to show and he didn't make it back. I guess they dont like him either.
Theres some bloody crap
were not that lucky tomg
Theres some bloody crap
But thee guy's are just plain odd. When ever ive seen people like this they keep comming bakc in to stir the pot, they just say soething and then leave without a reply.
Bike not running well.
And bang it few times if there's stuff left on the bottom
- Underground song
Techie Help
Geez, when will the joke die.
Bike not running well.
Easy, turn the bike upside down lol.
I know, very big job. but it's one that ive been thinking off for a while. It's for an assignment for a web application class that i'm taking next semester. Done alot of programming before but sever side is new to me, ive done a bugger load of client side, both web (html + javascript) + run of the mill programs(c++, java etc).
OI! Own up!
Bikeless lol. I prefer to call myself "Learning in advance".
Nah an individual list, in your account you have a list of names, so when the page get's displayed it checks to see if there's a match. if so then dont show that post. It would be weird cause people would be replying to things that u havn't read. So then u might need a thing to temporaly turn off this thing. Just an idea. Thinking of writing one of these fourm thingies next semester.
OI! Own up!
Mods picking on the newb's.
OI! Own up!
Ur a funny bugger Beezkneez lol. Show's how much i read my own things lol.
jack daniels or jim beam
An empty cup is what kills me, cause it always has to get refiled. If it was always full i'd be fine for the night.
- oil
The male brain
Think it's eddy with two logins?
- rd forum
OI! Own up!
Call me slow but i ususaly dont read my own profile, but i only just found it I don't remember doing it, and i use different smilies. "Whats that big red button for :-)" is now my sig? "Big Red Buttons" are my interests? To who ever does it, i NEVER use a nose in my smilies! (evidence like handwriting) the :-), i would of used a , or a . So own up, who's the smart ass?