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Everything posted by YPVS TONE

  1. Have a look at the website www.thevirago.co.uk under technical / vin number section. Looks like you do have a 1991 UK model .Tony.
  2. YPVS TONE replied to njs_special400's post in a topic in Naked
    Has the bike been standing for anytime if so it could be the choke jet in the floatbowls could be blocked with varnish from old fuel. Also when starting from cold use full choke with No throttle. Tony.
  3. YPVS TONE replied to superbike36's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Have you got some freeplay in the chain ? The manual states you should have 40 - 50mm freeplay measured at the middle of the bottom run of the chain with the rear wheel off the ground i.e on a padock stand.I know you said you have replaced the chain / sprockets but it could have been over tightened in the past which will have put a lot of strain on the front sprocket shaft bearing and the rear wheel bearings. Tony.
  4. Silly question but is the battery topped up with distilled water up to the level mark on the side of the battery ?Also i wouldn't run the bike without the battery connected as you will probably have problems with bulbs blowing. If the neutral and oil lights get brighter when you start the bike i would say that the charging system is OK. Tony.
  5. Hi Pots It could be where its just burning off the acumulation of oil that has built up in the crankcases and exhaust after the engine rebuild. On my 83 powervalve i find that if i have been pottering about town for a while and then open it up on the dual carriageway you get a cloud of smoke for a while and then it clears itself and the oil pump is set spot on to the book. If yours is an F2 i believe you set the pump on full throttle and the middle one of the three marks should line up with the plunger pin. Tony.
  6. Was the oil pump bled properly after the engine rebuild ? You say you re shimmed the pump did you just remove shims to reduce the smoking or did you set it up according to the manual with the bike ticking over and the adjust plate on the end of the pump fully out you stop the engine and set the clearance to 0.1mm - 0.15mm or 4 to 6 thou between the raised part of the pulley and the adjust plate ? Tony.
  7. The valve clearances are Inlet 0.05 - 0.09mm or 2 to 4 thou and Exhaust 0.11 - 0.15mm or 4 to 6 thou with the engine at TDC on the compression stroke with the engine cold. Tony.
  8. Keep an eye on your gearbox oil level as if it is getting past the RH oil seal then you will be burning gearbox oil. Tony.
  9. YPVS TONE replied to peebee's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    The fork oil qty for the FZR400RR is 509ml per leg after draining. Tony.
  10. YPVS TONE replied to ericjourney's post in a topic in Classics
    Looks like you have got a 1966 to 1971 Yamaha YL1 97cc two stroke twin. Looks in good original condition to so definately a good find. Tony.
  11. Hi phil The standard settings for the DT125MX are Carb type / I.D mark VM22SS / 4J300 MAIN JET = 130 NEEDLE CLIP POSITION = 2nd DOWN FROM THE TOP Pilot jet = 22.5 Air screw turns out = 1 and 1/4 Float height 21mm Are you getting a good flow from the tap with the pipe removed because as well as the filter in the bowl of the tap there is also a filter screen over the on / reserve pipes of the tap inside the tank. When you checked the float height did you remove the gasket between the carb and float bowl and measure from the gasket Face of the carb to the bottom of the float with the tang of the float JUST touching the needle valve but NOT compressing the spring in the needle valve.Has it still got the original air filter fitted as this could require cleaning out and reoiling. If you move the clip on the needle from the 2nd to the top you are actually lowering the needle and making it weaker and by moving the clip from the 2nd to the bottom position this will raise the needle and make it richer .Hope this helps. Tony.
  12. YPVS TONE replied to steverqpr's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    It sounds like that the fuel is coming out of the carb overflow pipes usually caused by the float valves not seating properly because of dirt or the float valves being worn.You will have to take the carbs off again and check the float valves for wear and also check the O ring on the valve seat and make sure it hasn't split. The pri positon on the fuel tap is usually used for priming the carbs after you have drained them or if you run out of fuel but for normal use you leave the tap in the ON position as being a vacuum tap fuel only flows when the engine is running but the answer to your question is No even in the prime position fuel should not come out of the overflow pipes. Hope this helps. Tony.
  13. YPVS TONE replied to r62001blue's post in a topic in Naked
    The oil level is checked with the bike UPRIGHT NOT on the sidestand.If you check it when its on the sidestand you will overfill it. Quote from the GENUINE Yamaha workshop manual. CHECKING THE ENGINE OIL LEVEL 1. Stand the motorcycle on a level surface NOTE. Place the motorcycle on a suitable stand Make sure the motorcycle is UPRIGHT 2.Start the engine,let it idle for several minutes and then stop it 3.Check engine oil level The engine oil level should be between the minimum level mark and maximum level mark.
  14. YPVS TONE replied to r62001blue's post in a topic in Naked
    Did you actually check the level of oil in the sight glass before you topped it up as the R6 uses an oil level switch in the sump and can come on under hard acceleration or braking and is nothing to worry about. With only 12000 miles on the clock i wouldn't worry about the engine being worn out unless it has been severely neglected by the previous owner.When checking the oil let the bike stand for a couple of minutes with the engine off and with the bike upright check the level in the sightglass in the RH side clutch cover. Tony.
  15. YPVS TONE replied to O-T-B's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Madison Actually the R6 does use an oil LEVEL switch which is held in by two bolts at the bottom of the oil pan. Tony.
  16. You need to refill with 154ML per leg of 10w fork oil or measure the fork oil level which is 166mm from the top of the fork with the fork vertical with the springs removed and the fork fully compressed. Tony.
  17. YPVS TONE replied to fencewell's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    In the Yamaha service data book i have it says 1 and 1/2 to 2 turns out from fully screwed in for the 1999 R6 . Tony.
  18. YPVS TONE replied to EwOkIE's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Just had a look on the mandp website and the only exup cables they list are for the fzr1000 91 to 93 but these are £24.99 non genuine.But not sure if they will fit the YZF750R. Tony.
  19. YPVS TONE replied to grant74's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    A good website for the Rd350lc / Ypvs is www.rd350lc.net which has some good colour pictures and info for the lcs and powervalves and also the haynes book on the Rd350lc / ypvs is worth getting .I think the original key would have had a metal tag with it which had the key number on so im not sure if the number is stamped any where else.Did you get the manual or service book with the bike as it might be written in there. If not if you join the rd lc forum i'm sure someone would be able to help.Tony.
  20. YPVS TONE replied to MIG's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    If you just want to clean the chrome Auto Glym actually recommend using their super resin polish .I wouldn't use solvol autosol unless the chrome is pitted or tarnished as it is slightly abbrasive and can scratch the chrome. Tony.
  21. YPVS TONE replied to element51's post in a topic in Classics
    Looking at the picture you take out the bung at the top of the fork item 20 and if you look inside the tube you will see item 23 which as jimr has said you need to hold down ( i found a long extenson bar from a socket set used to work ).Once compressed you should see the circlip which you need to prise out with a small flat screwdriver.As jimr has said again be carefull as this is under spring pressure and sometimes it helps if you loosen the top yoke bolts that clamp the fork tubes and squirt a litle bit of wd40 down the top to help it come out. Tony.
  22. YPVS TONE replied to Yamigirl's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Try Fowlers of Bristol on 01179 770466 if that is a yamaha part number they will tell you if it is still available and they do mail order. Just out of interest what thrust washer is it for and what model of bike. Tony.
  23. According to the Yamaha data book i have on the TDR125 it says 403ML per leg of 10w fork oil .Tony.
  24. Yes if it is the cover highlighted in the red box and held on with seven bolts Yamaha call it the "pickup coil rotor cover" in the genuine workshop manual. I can't see it being called the oil pump cover as the oil pump is accessed after removing the oil sump pan at the bottom of the engine. Maybe if the R6 was a 2 stroke i would agree as Yamaha positioned the 2 stroke oil pump on a lot of their models on the right hand clutch cover at the front. Tony.
  25. YPVS TONE replied to lxjamesr's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I have a Yamaha service data book that lists the headlight bulb for the DT175MX as a 6 volt 35/35 watt if this is any help but doesn't say what type of bulb.I would think a Yamaha dealer would be able to tell you from their parts catalogue. Tony.