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Everything posted by Elhith

  1. Still having no luck finding a broker or anyone stocking these at a resonable price (eg less than 300 quid) Noone got any suggestions ?
  2. Ive had similair problems last year when i was using it during the winter (as well as loosing transmission when trying to get above 60mph ^^) was mainly down to the cold though, dosent seem to like cold weather too much, im at work atm, but when i get home ill consult the haynes manual and see if i can find anything that can help, like i said though im not much of a mechanic so dont expect a miricle :$ hehe Ive had a quick look on ebay but theres nothing current, hence me been nosey about whether theres any alternative pipes i can look for instead!
  3. Hello board! , first post and all that. My yamma obsessed dads been convincing me to get registered on here for ages, but anyway enough of that. Just taken my virago in for its MOT, (4th year of ownership now!) and for the first time its failed, long story short part of the exhaust system has deteroiated beyond repair. More specifically the exhaust compressor is the part that has gone, the rest of the exhaust is fine but unfortunatly its all one complete unit so i need a new set of pipes and the works really. Im not going to claim to be a brilliant mechanic but i know i can get the work done if i can get replacement parts, the engineer at the test center quoted 400quid for a replacement set of pipes of the same type but suggested i try ebay to try and get some cheaper ones. I am aware that theres many different types that are compatible with my yam but im not sure which ones are, so if anyone can offer me some advise and help on compatible exhaust types and where to obtain cheap ones i would really really appriciate it. The bikes my only means of transportation and its been through pretty much every kind of whether Englands tried to throw at me so i would be gutted to see it go or fail to last out another year! Any help and advise very welcome 'hith / Joe