Everything posted by Ryan09
DT125r Deristrictions and Mods
If you have a full dep pipe why you you go to a kx tail pipe? It would make no difference at all imo. Are you sure the cable is earthed properly? I know it sounds stupid but its suprising how many people dont get a good earth. The only proper mods i done to mine was fit the dep full system and earthed the cable behind the speedo. Being a 125 2 stroke there isnt going to be much bottom end power, it needs to be rev'd a lot to get it going. Even then its hard to keep the momentum going in 6th and it can easily drop off the power.
If it looks anything like this then it was due to seizing.. In my case running out of fuel doing 75mph on the m25 and not changing to reserve quick enough leading to a nice rear wheel lock up! This piston was changed after 14000 miles by the way. It has the scoring all round the piston, When you say 'crumpet' it may just be a build up of carbon which would be normal. Doing a top end rebuild is really simple, its only a 2 stroke after all.
chain and sprocket set
Do you know what the standard gearing is? I cant remember off the top of my head.
dtr 125 wont rev past 6000rpm
Buy some carb cleaner, strip the carb and give it a good clean making sure theres no crap in the jets. Its a straight forward job really.
Best value chain lube
Not all of us like riding in the rain if we dont have to
- Kev Try's Veet for men
Best value chain lube
Depends what sort of mileage you are doing, I try to do mine once a week at the moment but im travelling less than 50 miles in that time. You should be cleaning and lubing the chain more if you use it a lot in the rain, just keep an eye on it and make sure it doesnt dry up.
Recommendations for Servicing the R1 in Plymouth.
For a mechanic id recomend Spikes (K williams motorcycles), based in Blackwater just passed Truro.
dtr only doing 65mph
Iv got a sticky on here somewhere about basic mods for a DT, might be worth a look. The dep does look pretty but is so hard to keep it shiney, it fades and rusts quickly if not kept on top of and dents really easily as well unlike the stock one. Lot of money for what it is but i did enjoy the difference it made on acceleration. Thinking back it makes me laugh a little how i used to try and squeeze every extra mph out of my dt then i upgraded to a bigger bike and thought 'wow this is so much nicer!'
dtr 125 wont rev past 6000rpm
Id suggest cleaning the carb like you've said, you probably have old fuel gunked up in the jets.
Tinted visors - Whats the deal?
I like my tinted visor, saves me especially on those mornings with low sun going round country lanes when the sun flickers between the trees trying to make you pass out! Actually makes me feel sick. I have one of these at the moment, except im not using the peak.
DIY GPS tracker
You posted 'http://maps.google.com/maps?q=41.73806,0.496035' that says its in spain? I also just noticed youre also from Chelmsford! Just up the road from me when im home. Seems a pretty decent piece of kit, i wouldnt pay £155 for it though lol you might have got lucky with your price? Might have been a typo?
dtr only doing 65mph
The dep only seemed to improve acceleration on mine, the top end was near enough the same as before.
Recommendations for Servicing the R1 in Plymouth.
You could try Damerells if they werent where you went before?
New 125 Rider
As said above just learn to live with it and put the money you would have spent on an exhaust towards your full test. After all is £250-£280 worth around 5mph to you?
chain and sprocket set
By putting a bigger rear sprocket on youll just be increasing acceleration, youd be better off with just a couple of teeth less on the back and leave the front. That said the bike might struggle to get up to speed as it doesnt have loads of power in the first place.
dtr only doing 65mph
Try earthing the cable to the frame or the bottom yoke? You should see 75mph pretty easily, i wouldnt mess with it too much though as youll start affecting its reliability,
Read this (your small print) it might just save your bacon
Iv had a blow out on my bike before and the recovery man took me and the bike home which was a good 10 miles, looked like a private recovery company though but it was my insurance company who sent them out to me. The guy was a biker himself and it was a nice journey just chatting about bikes (as you do). I was with Swinton at the time as well. EDIT: Just read about the flat tyre thing, thats utter crap imo. An off should be more of a priority surely.
- TZR 250
warn status
You can only see your own, its there to warn you if you are pushing your luck with swearing or being out of order really, if its empty youre fine.
drive chain noise
If youre changing the chain you should do the sprockets as well but from the sounds of things it just sounds like a dry chain. Iv had this before after a long wet motorway ride and it can sound horrible. Just give it a good clean and a lube and you should be all good to go
Clunking sound
Is there any play in the front sprocket?
Yet another insurance question: XJ6 with an 18 yr old rider
When i past my test i kept my dt for 2 years instead of getting a restricted bike, the insurance was cheap being a 125 (around £200 mark) then when the 2 years were up i had the extra 2 years ncb which bought my next bike (650 supermoto) down to around £350. Depends how desperate you are to get on a bigger bike i guess. Some people will probably think i was mad in keeping the 125 for an extra 2 years but the bike was brilliant, i had loads of fun on it which to me is the point of riding. Cheap to run and tax etc as well. Im now on an r6 and to be honest i probably ride at roughly the same speeds as i did on the dt.
Fuel duty.....AGAIN
I live in cornwall and pay around £1.34 at the moment. God knows where you went!
- the taste of fuel!