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Everything posted by Ryan09

  1. Ryan09 replied to toolie's post in a topic in Naked
    that is such a cool bike B)
  2. Ryan09 replied to KILBURN's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Once split it will be causing a leak, its pretty common to happen on older carbed biikes. I know its a lot but dare i say, you are probably better off replacing it than messing around with an attempted repair. Its just one of those things.
  3. got to love a bit of photoshop
  4. Ryan09 replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    If you want to get into green laning you can either get involved with the trf or buy an os map of your area and look up all the byways close to you (might not be many) but its a start to get you going legally. Theres always the Cagiva Mito as well which is worth considering, my brother used to have one and they do really look the part.
  5. Ryan09 replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    Also tbh £120 isnt too bad for what they were supposed to do if they did actually do it. If you wasnt happy with the work you should have refused to pay.
  6. Ryan09 replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    The rs would be a good choice, http://www.125ccsportsbikes.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=31334 looks straight forward to de restrict as well which is a bonus. I would recomend trying some green laning with the xt, its great fun and will make you a better rider on the road.
  7. Ryan09 replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    I never ever take my bike to garages to be repaired, i even get itchy feet watching a 'mechanic' mot my bike and poking at it. Half of the time i dont agree with them if i get an advisory as they are usually trying to get work out of you (not always but has happened to me in the past). I wasnt very confident with working on my bikes at first but once you give it a go and get to know how it all works you will start to enjoy it and the thought of the amount of money you will be saving. Another thing you will notice with garages is that they dont usually like to be given parts to fit once they have diagnosed a fault. As you found this is because they can charge you what they like for the parts hoping you wont question it and will make a profit on buying them for you. As you can tell im not a fan of bike garages but i can assure you that they arnt all bad. Id recomend a 2t sports bike as well, theyre great fun if looked after properly.
  8. Ryan09 replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    Go for an rs, easier to get a good one for a decent price than the tzr. Id go for one that is still restricted and de restrict it myself and add an arrow pipe on etc. Xt 125s do seem to go pretty cheap now days, youd have to keep hold of it for quite a long time to gain a few hundred back. Youre better off selling it now rather than later imo.
  9. Ryan09 replied to gazfunk's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Very nice!
  10. Ryan09 replied to dand's post in a topic in The Bar
    If its anything like the fz1 itl be a brilliant bike.
  11. Id still recomend checking your spark plug to make sure its running right as it will probably need up jetting.
  12. Ryan09 replied to Paullaith's post in a topic in General
    You put an old piston ring in? Personally i would have bought new rings and waited a couple of days.
  13. Same engines but most likely different gear boxes, weight also plays a huge factor. A 600 single will have a lot of torque which is perfect for off roading which at the end of the days is what a dt and a ttr are made for, I know i wouldnt like to be pushing 80mph+ on the dirt! I get a bit miffed when people buy a dirt bike 125 and expect the speeds of an rs etc but id bet you that the acceleration on the dt is much much better than the rs, mine was for sure up to around 50mph. As for the TVR and Range Rover id say the main problem being weight!! Imagine a Range Rover doing 0-60 in under 4 seconds
  14. Youll probably have to up jet the carb to get it running properly with the exhaust, if it runs better with the cone filter why not leave it on? All youre hearing is the induction noise.
  15. Ryan09 replied to spurs59's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Yep, theyre all the same.
  16. Ryan09 replied to spurs59's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Just out of interest why arrow over dep? Dep seem to be the popular choice for the dt.
  17. Ryan09 replied to spurs59's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Its in the expansion chamber, you have to cut open the exhaust to remove it and have it welded back together again.
  18. Ryan09 replied to spurs59's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    http://www.mandp.co.uk/productinfo/576133/Exhausts/Exhaust-Systems-and-Silencers/Arrow/Full-Road-Complete-System first result that came up in google. If its the dt 125 x you have then this will fit.
  19. Ryan09 replied to sniff6's post in a topic in Video Section
    What if you forget your towing and try to filter through traffic....
  20. Ryan09 replied to bojas's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    650 singles are amazing machines, i loved my CCM. You do have to be in the right gear all the time though as it will feel rough to ride but you will get used to it if you keep at it and will start enjoying it especially if you enjoy hooning around back roads. It will feel pretty lumpy in traffic and will be a bit jerky. Its not comparable to an i4 in terms of smoothness though.
  21. Ryan09 replied to craige_01's post in a topic in The Bar
    Could try mounting it to your helmet, swingarm for rear shots or maybe even on your forks down by the wheel? Might be a bit low to the gorund but its been done and looks pretty cool. Or as already side a fairing mount, near a crash slider or something so it would be a bit more protected?
  22. Ryan09 replied to JoeS's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    They will be fine, the sprockets are an oem equivilant but the chain is probably slightly better. Dont worry about it, get them fitted and go for a ride Just as a side note, you should probably read the listing thoroughly before you buy, especially if you thought you were getting something else.
  23. Ryan09 replied to hayes123's post in a topic in Insurance
    I paid about the same my 1st year with a dt at 17. Its mostly because they are popular to theifs/ scummy chavs who think it would be a bit of fun. Same goes for stuff like rs's and the r125 etc
  24. I wouldnt risk going 3rd party only as its a bit of a gamble, you wont be covered if the bike gets stolen. Even if it is locked up it can still be pinched if you go out and park up somewhere in public.
  25. Ryan09 replied to Paullaith's post in a topic in General
    On a 2 stroke?... Unless youre on about the pv?