Everything posted by kobascle
newbie with a question ??? help me decide
Stop screwin around. Put lights on a YZ250. Its an easy mod and youll have everything you want...
360 RT oil fouled plugs
Sounds like you need new piston rings
Yamaha DT400
I refurb a DT 400 and got most of the parts I needed here. http://www.brenhamyamaha.com
Bigger sprocket?
Going 2-3 teeth larger in the front or smaller in the rear should gain you about a 5 mph increase in top end speed. Hope this helps.
new bike 1974 DT175
You can find all the info you need at this website. [url="http://www.powerpartsplus.com/pages/parts/viewbybrand/default.aspx"]
I have doubled the spacer length on several bikes and found that it reduces the travel by about half. Simply use a piece of pvc pipe double the stock spacer length
Appreciate some advice and help on buying an old Twin Shock DT
I had onr of these 250`s. Mine was orange and white though. This one looks like it has been painted 400 colors. Anyway. If your not wottied about torque? Change the rear sprocket out to one that is three teeth smaller and you`ll be able to cruise 65 to 70 mph all day long. I used to commute 40 miles one way to work and rode my 250 at highway speeds 65 to 70 mph without a problem
75 dt250
Try running it on premixed fuel and see what happens. You may need a new set of rings. I don`t believe there is any adjustment at the pump. I got alot of usefull info from this site when I was rebuilding my DT 400. I hope this helps. http://www.powerpartsplus.com
1975 dt 175b points & condenser
If i remember right. All thats needed for this job is a phillips or flat screwdriver and a feeler guage set. Have your new parts before you start the job and just remove old parts and replace with new parts as you go. It`s really a pretty easy job.
Interchangable parts
You can buy the part you need from this dealers website for around ten dollars http://www.powerpartsplus.com/pages/parts/...d/2/Yamaha.aspx Order the one for a 1976 250. I already checked and they are the same. I used this shop alot. They carry a great amount of new old stock for the DT`s
DT 175MX rear wheel noise
Chain is to tight when your on the bike
DT50 MX engine problems
Sounds like it`s seizing. Try increasing your 2 stroke oil ratio. Also if it has an oil injection pump it could need to bled
dt 175 carb
This site has alot of info and they carry alot of old new stock DT Parts. See wiring diagrams, part placemsnt photos etc, etc, etc. This site was alot help when I was refurbishing my 1975 DT 400C Good luck. http://www.powerpartsplus.com Visit this Website
Led tail light
Get it bored out two sizes over and put in a new piston and rings
1976 yamaha 250 enduro
Removing shock bolt
Torch/cut the head of the bolt off. Remove the shock. You should now have more to work with. If you still can`t twist it out? Cut it off. Re drill and tap the hole. Ya I know. It`s alot of work. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
1983 DT100 cdi stator coil or info needed
If your not worried about lights a points CDI is pretty easy to hook up. These are more readily available. I had the same problem with a DT400.
1976 YZ 125c CDI unit.
Pull the engine case off and use a wheel puller to remove the flywheel. This will give you access to the CDI Unit
YZ250, Which Year??
There should be an ID plate on the neck of the frame or some numbers stamped there. May have been painted over so look closely
dt175mx rear brake lever
Here ya go m8 http://shop.ebay.com/items/_W0QQ_dmptZMoto...t&_osacat=0
problem with my dt 175
You should be able to pull one up here. [url=""]Visit?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent> this Website[/url=
Problem with my 78 dt 175
Sounds like it is siezed. Don`t try kicking it over any more. It will only get worse. You might try pulling the sparkplug and dumping in some Marvel Mystery Oil, let it sit a couple of days and see if that will free it up. If not you`ll have to take it apart and replace the piston and rings. Don`t worry. If you can turn a wrench? You can replace a piston.
warming up dt125
You might try leaning out your carb a quarter turn and running a hotter spark plug
I would just replace both