Everything posted by Stu_B
V Star 1300 pic
Well lets see if this works!
V Star 1300 pic
Hi, been meaning to try uploading a pic... this is my first try http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/4461/imgp0334.jpg I wonder if it works Stu
Passing lamps + the law
Are i see what you mean.. sounds like a good idea, As you say mine are permanent, but I just used a "in line" pair or crimps in the T piece, so you can unplug the lamps... also the fuse is inline so you can split the wire there as well.. And no didn’t come with the lamp’s... I'll try for a pic later and see if I can figure out how to get it loaded
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
I didn’t know there where two sorts of Oxford Hot grips... The wife has a Kawasaki ZZ600 with "full grips"... well they just look like new grips, with a nice digital heat controller Mine are the same, albeit with larger diameter tubes, cos the cruisers are bigger bore.. Mine has "old fashioned" analogue control, still work just as good but don’t look as nice... I use mine for work, and don’t mind filtering, I think its mostly a sate of mind... I bet the 1300 is not much more than 12" wider than the 125 and has a whole lot more presence, especially with the lamps on, I also have a Sebil Horn, so I tend to sit behind the cars so they get the full benefit of the lamps, if they don’t move then a genital prod on the horn normally helps :-) That said I'm thinking of a second bike for the winter... maybe a Triumph Speed Triple. I'm coming to Leeds next month to visit my daughter who is at Uni there.... maybe we could meet for a quick coffee, I would like to see the engine guards fitted... also be interested in your bar position.. I can do much more than 1 hour before I get stiff, my longest run so far has been 450 miles in a day
Passing lamps + the law
I Still have not sorted that picture thing But Maplins ( amongst others) sell these... if you have not used em, they make a sort of "T" You simply add the "spur" wire to say your Passing lamps or heated grips :-) and away you go... Snap-Lock Automotive Cable Connectors only £1.99 SAVE £0.10 was £2.09 Order Code: L71AZ
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
I wouldn’t bother with the Polly heaters... they do heat up the bars a bit.. but not enough…. Some you win some you lose… wasted my cash I got a set of Oxfords for mine after trying my wife’s... a whole different class.. I rode home yesterday and with the Oxfords turned right down, they where loads hotter than the Pollys... They are almost to hot! Of course the grips aren’t so nice to look at, but I'm leaving mine on till spring... I would love to try a set of those RSTD bars on a long trip... I feel like I must be missing something. It must be nice to have a p[air of bikes to chose from... especially if you don’t mind one getting a bit dirty :-)
starting problem
How about either a bad earth, that goes high resistance when its hot, or maybe the starter relay is not working properly when hot, or I guess it might be the starter motor itself, if the coils are braking down when they get hot.. You say it starts from a bump... will it start with a jump start? if it did then that might point to the battery Start with the cheap stuff first... earths and move forward from there...
Passing lamps + the law
I think they look better with the screen off, but much more comfortable with them on... To get the headlight open you will need to remove the light bar... at the risk of a bit of "egg sucking" make sure you put a rag or something over the mudguard before you undo the bolts... :-) Once you have the light open the plug is in the loom taped back on itself, although your dealer may have used it on his install he may have simply taped into the main beam... it took me a few mins of head scratching to find it :-) I simply teed into the back of the plug with one of the crimps you can get from Halfords.. Best of luck with it... Oh BTW the crash bars look good too.. on my list sometime :-) I must take a photo and upload as you suggest Stu
Passing lamps + the law
Hi Nice to see you have the fast red colour! I must take a photo and learn how to upload it. I don’t know what u call em, but I have exactly the same on my bike, and agree the switch is a waste of time. Re "blinding" on coming cars... Mine don’t, but they are nice and bright, certainly make you noticeable, which surly can only be a good thing. I just angle mine down a bit, you have to take off the indicator, then underneath there is a bolt that you can loosen, the lamps are on a sort of ball joint so its easy just to twist them down a bit then re tighten, so no one gets blinded. My personal view is that whatever the letter of the law, surly the more you get noticed the less the chance of someone pulling out in front of you? However I wouldn’t have thought they where illegal, my car has its lights on all the time, the bike has its primary light on all the time, and no switch to turn it off.. On another note, is your screen OEM... it looks a bigun... is it the 22"er? Stu
Passing lamps + the law
I fitted mine myself and used the Green wire in accessory plug ( On all the time once engine starts )... what’s the point of only on High beam?... They are driving lights surly the purpose is to make you more visible. Do yours have a small switch on the lamp to turn them off?... mine are Yam OEM and they do... mind you mine vibrated apart so I took it out! Re "legal" I'm not sure, but I think most policemen use a bit of common sense, as long as they are not blinding anyone coming the other way and you are not driving like a prat they are unlikely to worry to much... ( So now watch me get nicked next time I'm out )
removing rubber off chrome exhaust??
Only a 1000 miles... ah I'm at 12,000 and second service time, we did over 1,000 on a trip to scotland :-) I got to say the Advanced Motor Cycle group down hear are pretty good.. I passed my test awhile ago and am now doing some more Advanced training this weekend.... its always great to have someone else to ride out with. I also joined the Virago Star Owners Club, which again are a nice bunch, I think the lot up your way are very active, and more cruiser focused, and lots of trips to Rallies... I think I'm getting a bit old for camping, but we did have a nice time in Holland, it did take me back to my youth... Grinding the boards with the wife on is maybe not such a great idea... mind you mine leans her bike my further than I lean mine :-)
removing rubber off chrome exhaust??
Roller skates, now that’s an idea that may work! Have you started to grind the foot plates yet? I am a member of the local Advanced Motorcycle group ( not that my riding is all that advanced personally )... they run a course called "Look Lean and Role", where you get to ride around a sort of test track in tighter and tighter turns... as you can imagine mostly sports bikes there, and me on the 1300... it wasn’t long before I was grinding both sides into the floor... scary at first, but with the folding plates, and the weight of the bike it doesn’t have much effect on your lines... We had a weekend in Wales last weekend with the group, it was great, clearly our cursers aren’t as fast as most, but frankly we could keep up with the vast majority, and given the torouge of the 1300 it was possible to pull away a bit on some of the less experienced riders out of the bends Great bikes!
removing rubber off chrome exhaust??
Glad it worked for you to! Its a bit of a worry when u start but it does actually work! I had to buy the wife a "new " bike this weekend, so now I have a nice Suzuki Intruder VS800 for sale with your wife’s name on it! :-) She wanted something more sporty so we got her a old ZZR 600, but it has to be said the Intruder is a real nice starter bike... v low not to heavy, mind you the exhaust is covered in rubber! :-)
removing rubber off chrome exhaust??
Where is the mark... on the header pipe or the back... When my SWMBO used to go on the back I fitted some hawk passager plates... much bigger than the standard pegs, so much harder for feet to slip off onto the pipe
removing rubber off chrome exhaust??
I had a similar problem... As others have said, get exhaust hot and the worst will come off.... Then I used wire wool and thinners... very very carefully to get rid of the rest. I know it sounds mad, but the wire wool is softer than the chrome so doesn’t scratch it... well that’s what I was told and it didn’t on mine :-) For a long term fix I removed the passenger seat put on the OEM rack and brought the wife her own bike
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
I know what u mean about the screen... Yamaha do a quick relase kit but it loads of £'s...thats why I like the vent idea, but I alrady have a small and medium screen, so a third is maybe taking the mick... on the 125 u could fit Oxford heated grips, they do them in two sizes, I dont know what size bar the 125 has... they are a fairly easy fit and get real hot real quick... We are off to Wales at the weekend so will probobly get some good use out of mine :-)
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
I got the heaters from Alchemy they are not on the web site, well at least I couldn’t find them, but when I spoke to Chris he pointed me at Polly heaters, http://www.pollyheaters.com/ph400.htm he had em in stock, cost about £40, which I didn’t think was to bad. ... Took me all day yesterday to fit them! They wont work with the standard grips, because you have to drill out the threads that hold on the bar end weights... like others hear I have changed the standard grips, so couldn’t use them anyway. Tried them on the way to work today and they are pretty good... takes about 10-15 mins to get up to temp though... the wife has "traditional" grips on her bake that get up to heat faster, but mean you can use fancy grips Alchemy also sell the 02 mod, its about £60... and takes 2 mins to fit... easy to do, and makes the ride a lot smoother... What’s the tall screen like? I have the small and medium.. I am thinking of a clearview shield 18" they do one with a vent in just like the Gold wing, which might be neat... its also 4" wider than standard. www.clearviewshields.com Bloody thing... whish I'd never started moding :-)
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
Hi, Glad to see you guys are getting there! :-) I'm not sure about the bars, but I wonder if rotating them a bit towards the tank might lower them a bit?? Mine certainly bump into my legs at full lock, but on the other hand I don’t get much of a sore back :-) There is a "lay down" mod available for the back number plate that I’ve seen... I have just brought a smaller "show plate" that looks a lot better... so far I’ve not bee pulled over, lets hope I haven’t just jinxed myself. I have a chrome rad grill, and passenger plates, that are much nicer than the standard pegs... This weekend’s project is heated grips in time for winter... I got some units that fit inside the bars rather than replace my lovely Kyrinani ( or however you spell it) grips... Oh and I’ve taken of the passenger seat and fitted a small fender rack.... I'm a serial moder... :-) New: Grips, rad cover, 02Mod, passenger plates, screen, driving lights, exhaust ( Roadhouse slip on) fender rack, Sebil Horn, LED light kits, "spinning" tail light... probably a few other bits I have forgotten about... oh like the redundant sissy bar and rack, that I have taken off with the rear seat... Money I'll never see back, but hey makes me smile when I look at her! :-) Ride safe Stu
Vstar Tach
I had a look and came up with these numbers... Maximum power: 39.4 kW (54 PS) @ 6,000 rpm Maximum torque: 76.8 Nm (7,84 kg-m) @ 3,000 rpm So a Tach that goes to 8K wuld be fine Stu
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
Hi Ya, Ive heard loads of people cmplaoning about the bars, but I'm same hight as you and find them fine... maybe I have arms like a monkey? When you ride how straight are your arms... I was out with Dave from the forum a while ago, who has the RSTD bars.. and he said his are where straight out.. mine are bent and nicly relaxed, we where wondering if my bars where maybe twisted back a bit... it might be worth a try, u have to get the crome cover off to get at the clamp. All the best Stu
These any good?
Skull levers... hard to tell from pics what they will be like in real life
New XVS 1300A Midnight Star owner
Scotland will be great in the Spring.... I wish we lived a bit nearer, its a long way from darn sarf. SHMBO fancies Spain for us, we are looking a ferrys as we speak What did you do to the number plate?
new to this
Cool... have a look on the Delphi forum site... Jack 02 Mod is what u want
new to this
Hi Chris, no pics I'm afraid... but the Exhaust mod looks just like the standard exhaust... you simply fill a big hole ( about 30mm ) up inside the pipe... if you look up the end you will see a blank plate about 12" in... You need a hole saw and a extension to do the job takes about 5 mins... The 02 mod simply plugs in line at the current 02 sensor plug... its a bit of wire about 6" long... nothing to look at and again about a 5 min job to fit best of luck with the bike... do both mods you wont regret it! Stu
new to this
Hi Chris, no pics I'm afraid... but the Exhaust mod looks just like the standard exhaust... you simply fill a big hole ( about 30mm ) up inside the pipe... if you look up the end you will see a blank plate about 12" in... You need a hole saw and a extension to do the job takes about 5 mins... The 02 mod simply plugs in line at the current 02 sensor plug... its a bit of wire about 6" long... nothing to look at and again about a 5 min job to fit best of luck with the bike... do both mods you wont regret it! Stu