Everything posted by Boozehound
Time to Cut Loose!
Some nice pics there fella.
Another new member
Welcome! What the hell is a dax 50 by the way?
At last I'm back!
That's my favourite model R1 in the coolest colour scheme. You jammy bass!
- Deja vu
What first 'proper' bike???
Tomo, I jumped in feet first and bought a 2000 R6 as my first bike. Twitchy, uncomfortable in town, terrible stering lock but not one of those things made me love it any less, they just added to the charm. I loved that bike. First week or so I worried that I'd made an expensive mistake but then I spent a day on proper biking roads (empty, well surfaced A roads around Loch Lomond) and that was it for me, finally realised what everyone was on about. I'd say that if you want the R6 you should go for it.
tyre pressure
Worst experience I ever had on a motorcycle was riding 400 metres to a petrol station with a flat back tyre (bike had been recovered after it was nicked by some ratboys).
Unfortunately I can't help as I've never ridden either bike. I'd hazard a guess that the Fazer is definitely a better quality bike and certainly more modern but I'd wangle a test ride on both if I was you. Either that or you could buy a new R1.
Have a good one fella.
New Road Tax Scheme
Stupid British government. Was sent this earlier: >>This is probably one of the most important emails you have received this >>year... >> >>Sign and pass it on. it only takes a minute. >> >> >> >>The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having >>to >>purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use >>it. >> >>The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by the BBC, >>the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for a >>delivery >>driver. >> >>A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in >>one month. >> >>On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody will >>know where you are at all times. They will also know how fast you have >>been >>going, so even if you accidentally creep over a speed limit you can expect >>a >>NIP with your monthly bill. >> >> >> >>If you care about our freedoms and stopping the constant bashing of the >>car >>driver, please sign the petition on No 10's new website >> >> >> >>http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/traveltax/ >> >> >> >>Please pass this on to anyone who owns a car/motorcycle. It affects them.
Things Not To Say To A Cop
My mate's are coppers and they're of the "yer polite, ye get the minimum punishment; yer cheeky, yer getting the book off your head (and probably a dig in the ribs); make him laugh, yer getting let off" variety. Going for the funny angle's a risk though and if ye don't pull it off, shield those ribs.....
R6 for a short arse
Would love to help Steph but as I have no technical knowledge at all, the only thing I can recommend is a few of these:
Alright Kev, welcome to the forum.
Happy new year to you all!
Well, that's just lovely.
Funny Stories
Phil, I was pissing myself laughing at both of your stories. Superb.
Yamaha Factory Racing and Camel
I hate to admit it but I really love the Repsol scheme on Hayden and Pedrosa's bikes.
I'll add u 2 myspace m8 then we can txt each other. lol We'll be l33t myspacers. lolol roflmao NOW you feel 15. God bless the English language. Once so elegant, it's rapidly being destroyed by mobile phones and MSN.
Wrecked 2006 R6 - Price Estimates
I like you.
Nice leathers
i have a new form of transport
I can't believe someone on your street still drives a Maestro.
Hi, new to the forum :)
Invisability Cloak
I would've thought that the moral is just because we're on a bike, doesn't mean they won't over react to what amounts to a bit of playground name calling, assault you and damage your bike.
Invisability Cloak
Not read the whole thread as I'm lazy but one point regarding forward facing cameras. According to 3 of my mates (who are coppers) there is some EU ruling that means they cannot prosecute anyone who's photographed face on as it's a violation of human rights or something like that. Only with traffic offences though, so if you're caught robbing a bank don't say I didn't warn you. They might be lying to get me to try it - they'd have a right laugh if they got to jail me, the dobbers.
- tyres
Yamaha 1981 3Y8 (SR 250) owners manuel
Didn't find a manual but you might be interested in this lot: SR250 bits
Biker Game
So addictive. Took me half an hour and sever finger cramp to complete it.