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Everything posted by Ogri

  1. sure I saw one on ebay the other day. Quite dear though for 2nd hand, about 60 quid. Hope this helps and I hope he's not the one who just beat me to a set of spot lights on there. lol OGRi
  2. Ogri posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi Guests, At time of writing there are 49 of you mooching around on this site. Is this some kind of voyourism thing that you are doing? or are you interested in joining our happy little group? It's not like the Masons, there's no rolling up of trouser legs ( although you might come across a few pic's of one of our ladies showing her tat's off.) and as long as you don't want to buy or sell something it's absolutly free to join. And we accept girlies too! Infact the more the merrier. So don't be creepin around out there come and join in ( even if it's only to tell me to mind my own f@"in' business ) there's some good people here and they'll even offer advise on problems ( bike related not matromonial ). They might even help you to keep that Harley on the road! if you ask them nice. We're all on two wheels after all is said and done Sign up and lets have a look at you. OGRi
  3. Ogri replied to awh18awh's post in a topic in The Bar
    Sorry to hear you got caught mate, quick question though, were you caught by a camera or a cop? because if it wasonly by a camera then don't confess to anything! you wern't there. It wasn't you and it wasn't your bike. I seem to remember something about you have to be cautioned on the day by the plod for it to stand up in court. Check it out with your brief first. Best of luck. OGRi
  4. Ogri replied to Perro46's post in a topic in General
    old fassioned, inexpensive remmody for stiff leater. Piss on em'. Scientific fact is that the ensimes ( should be a G in there some where) in pee are great for softening leather. I shit you not!
  5. Ogri replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in General
    Guess this means that we're a bunch of nodders? Up our way a nodder is another name for condom
  6. Ogri replied to golfdub's post in a topic in General
    MMMMMMM could be killing in the name of ( rage against the machine) cos' I'm sick of people tellin' me what I can an' can't do all the f@!kin' time these days. Used to be denim and leather (saxon) back in the 80s cos' it reminded me of turning up to one of their first uk gigs ahhhh good times. Or maybe the boys are back in town (lizzy) or.......... to hell with it if it rocks it rocks! I love em' all!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Ogri posted a post in a topic in General
    Hi Guys ( sorry an' Dolls ) Been riding my 125 Dragstar for a while now, we've all discussed ways of beefing her up a little and I've come to the conclusion that because I'm 18 stone and as wide as a barn door we are only going to get a top cruising speed of around 60 out of her ( don't want to hurt her by wraggin' her engine so it's time to look for something a bit bigger). I can't afford to take my test at the momment and to replace the current bike I would have to use the cash from her sale to pay for the next one. So after talking to my friends we can't get a firm answer to one particulare question. If a motorcycle is less than 33bhp can it be ridden on a learner leicence? I know it's not the answer to "life, the universe and everything" but there is a 400 Dragstar waiting in the wings and it could have my name on it for a very reasonable price. Does any one know the difinative answer? and if YES then is anyone looking for a 125 baby draggy or is it back to ebay again? lokking forward to your witty replies as always. Cheers OGRi
  8. Great find! I now can't make up my mind if i'd be better off new or not so new. but I think I can work that one out on my own. Cheers for the help. OGRi
  9. Thanks for the help. Much appreciated.
  10. Oh mate this is getting confusing!! I've just been talking to a friend and he reccons that a rectifier is a rectifier so long as the pin outs and voltage are the same. He does recoment that the larger the surfave area of the heat sink the cooler it will stay and that the larger the bike it's off, the better it should charge the battery. Also after looking at the site you directed me to, the lay out and appearence of the 1100 is identical to the 125! AND they're all the same price. In conclusion what have I learned tonight? They're all the bloody same unit right accross the XVS range and all that matters is whether they will fit in the slot next to the battery. The only one that appears different is that of the 650 which also appears to fit the R1, R6 and most other Yamahas. It's octagonal in shape and I think it's a pattern part. Great detective work mate! now I shall go to the ball! PS it now turns out that he's got one in a box some where in the shed............Typical!! Many thanks for your help OGs
  11. Once again Oldtimer thanks. It's been running on the existing one since I bought it and I was having troublr tracking it down to model. I had an idea that it wasn't the original, saying that now as I've had a propper looksee, it does look as if the last owner has been having a play around with the wiring in general so I'll have to check everything out from scratch. Once again thanks for the help. OGGs
  12. help rectifier needed for xvs 125\250. The part number is sh678-11. I've got the egg run on the horizon and the damb thing has died. One of the connector spades has sheered off right down to the base so I cant even get a bit of solder on it to get me through the run. If anyone can help I'd be most obluiged obliged obblijed? any way I'd be made up. Many thanks in anticipation. OGRi Just been hunting around on ebay. There's a SH650D-11 regulator rectifier pattern part there obviously for the 650 version, but does anyone know if it would be ok for the my little 125 draggy. It has the same number of pins and the voltage is the same. Any ideas?
  13. help rectifier needed for xvs 125\250. The part number is sh678-11. I've got the egg run on the horizon and the damb thing has died. One of the connector spades has sheered off right down to the base so I cant even get a bit of solder on it to get me through the run. If anyone can help I'd be most obluiged obliged obblijed? any way I'd be made up. Many thanks in anticipation. OGRi Just been hunting around on ebay. There's a SH650D-11 regulator rectifier pattern part there obviously for the 650 version, but does anyone know if it would be ok for the my little 125 draggy. It has the same number of pins and the voltage is the same. Any ideas?
  14. Ogri replied to mits007's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    PS you could always swop it for a celtic baby draggy
  15. Ogri replied to mits007's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Hi, I was looking for ways of getting round the expensive side of custom upgrades. I'll include some pics when she's finished. Bought a really nice celtic knot belt buckle on ebay for around a fiver and mounted it on the air filter box. That was the start of the celtic theme for my xvs 125. Next came a pair of celtic knot key rings, dosen't sound too exiting eh? drill them out and attatch to your bar ends and the theme continues. Next bought some decal sheets which you can use in an ordinary ink jet printer. Make your own custon decals! you can use any picture you like. There's loads of bits and bobs around that arnt dear or even made to be fitted to a bike. Have some imagination. Get some cool mirrors from one of the Chinese manufacturers for between 10 and twenty quid. But most of all don't forget to watch what Orange County Choppers are up to on DMAX. The world dosn't have to evolve around Highway Hawk , go made and spend 20 quid on an engraving kit and DIY a master piece on your heads or casing. BE DIFFERENT OR YOUR BIKE WILL LOOK LIKE EVERYBODY ELSES !! Once she's finished let us all have a look at what you did. Best of OGRi
  16. Hi all, I'm back after me heart attack, but I've got a problem. I resprayed all me tins over the last few months, put some gas into the tank and discovered that the damb rubber carb connector manifold has perrished and split. Petrol peed out every where and I can't seem to get another any where. No breakers by us ! I've got a baby dragstar 125, can any one help? If so drop me a line. Many thanks in anticiation. OGRi.
  17. F@!KIN' BRILLIANT!!!! I've been in hospital after a heart attack and this is the first chance I've had to get back on the site. Great job, big pat on the back!! I've enjoyed reading about all of your ideas and will have a go as soon as I'm able. I knew some one out there would come up with the goods eventually. So I apolloguise if I bugged any one earlier on, but hey it was worth it!! All the best OGRi
  18. Hi Mark, Glad to hear you've enjoyed the story so far. I was thinking about what you said and it appears to me that if "I" was to leave the air restriction valve off (ie said plastic thingie) and drop a couple of teeth on the rear sprocket "I" might loose some ,but possibly not all of the acceleration gained whilst at the same time increasing top end. Also there's an update on the suspected breather valve / restrictor valve. Two local bike mechs' who have 50 years combined experiance recon that the valve is to restrict air flow into the tank and not to stop the leakage of fuel as the valve is actualy set to flow in the opposite direction. IE the valve closes when too much air goes in and would be open if fuel was to leak out. What do you recon? OGRi
  19. Cool I actually got your bloods pumpin and your dandars up. Don't be stressed people I'm not here to upset (too much). I've been watching this site for a while before I even signed up and realised that there plenty of owners who post and get no replies at all. I also noticed that there are plenty of small bike owners who want to improve the performance of their machines for one reason or another. By pissin people off (just a little) from time to time I have often found that those in the know actually try to prove it by parting with their knowlage. I find it hard to believe that the vast knowlage posseced by the entire Yamaha Owners Club membership dosn't even know how to de restrict a 125cc machine. Yes we know the Dragstar was made to luck pretty and that it's not designed for the race track but come on 60 MPH top wack? At least if there was more power you would be able to fit a screen with out the wind resistance killing another 10 mph. Oldtimer I asume you have been guilty of being a "ton up pirate" at least once in your life? hey that was dangerous! infact it was a bit more dangerous than removing a valve that restricts air flow to the tank causing deceloration usually when you need it the most and if the said plastic thingie isn't an overflow stop valve what do you call it? I also know 4 people who have removed the "thingie" and have noticed an increase in power. I therefore believe that it should now be refared to as a restriction valve, unless any one else knows better. With all of your years of experience do you know how to increase the power of a 125 dragstar? if so loosen the tongue, if not bite it. I'm only sharing something which I've managed to glean from some where other than this site. Does that make me a baddie? It's bad form to take the piss out of some one who is trying to help.I'm sure that you can also remember a time when not every one was arsed about safety. I know I can and I've only been riding on and off for 30 years myself. I have had other bikes in the past and used to enjoy riding my old BSA A10 on international rallies back in the days when it didn't seem to matter weather you'd passed your test or not. Nobody cared! Fool hardy yes, dangerous? not really. And yes I've built quite a few bikes myself in the past, but still don't confess to know all the answers. Niether should you. The Guys at my local motorcycle repair shops dont know how to get more from these draggies and were made up to find thyat I had at least one of the answers and they didn't know the true name for the thingie either. Finally not all bikers are interested in how safe you can make a bike. There are different strokes for different folks. If you really don't want to be in danger you could always just drive your car, but hey where's the thrill in that? My brother in law is the librarian for the BSA owners club, he enjoys restoring old bikes, rallies, touring and being a riding safety insructor. That's his gig. I'm just an old fashioned, old school ex angel who is finally making an effort to grow up just a little, and take a test or two to make it legal. But only because the law would take me off the road if I didn't. That's my gig and who has the right to tell me I'm wrong? No offence to ment Goff either. But agreeing with every one elses smarty pantses dosen't really add to the thread. And could you make up your mind concerning road safety, one second it's not agreeing with wearing no helmet etc, the next breath you can only get 110mph out of your bike on a public road I assume? (smack your self on the wrist you naughty girl)If you have some input as to how to increase the power output to a 125 dragstar without drasticly altering or modifying then out with it as thats where the thread originated. Hope I havn't pissed you all off too much as you never know we might even get an answer to the original idea of the thread some day. Love you all OGRi
  20. Hi, I'm back girls. Just spent a couple of weeks in Crete where there were loads of kids having fun on any bike they could afford to hire. They didn't have a clue about which side to overtake on or if they should be wearing a helmet or not, or if they were a fire ball hazard or not and further more they didn't give a shit! Sorry but that's rock and roll as far as I'm concerned. Bikes especialy little ones are for a bit of fun. Who cares if there is a tiny fraction of a chance that the bike may fall over ( your not supposed to fall off the bloody thing anyway!) on a little Draggy if you are tryin to overtake and the faffy plastic valve restricts your flow then you're knackered anyway! If you start out of a "T" junction with almost no acceleration and MR BMW comes flyin round the corner then your equally goosed! Anyway the damned thing causes a vacumn in your tank and if you thought about it properly it reduces the air intake and was not designed to stop juice comming out. So don't start being a smarty pants untill you have thought about it first. The valve works the opposit way round. Enjoy bonfire night, but if your scared of setting your bikey on fire leave it in the garage. OGRi
  21. Ogri replied to Mikey*DTR's post in a topic in General
    Geoff why do you look like a pretty girly? OGRi
  22. Ogri replied to swanseamartin's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Guys it's a 250 frame, if you don't mind taking a chance why dont you put a 250 engine in it ? Just look at it you couldn't fit a larger engine in it so the one you've got is probably the same as the 250. You could try looking down that avenue of thought. Mabe you could bore the barrels out and fit oversize pistons and rings. These are only suggestions though as I havn't done the research YET! But bare in mind, the 125 is worth more than the 250 because it's learner legal so engine swop fine, engine change probably not recamended. OGRi PS you could always sell it and buy a 250
  23. Now all you have to do is get rid of the scooters. OGRi
  24. No mate, no reseting the the needle or anything. If you find that your engine is ticking over a touch faster, you can slow it down with the big plastic screw on the left hand side of the carb. Glad to be of help. OGRi
  25. I was talking to one of the local mech heads form "grease monkeys" and he told me that there might be some kind of restrictor in the fuel lines causing a distinct lack of power during acceloration on my dragstar 125. I replaced all fuel lines and no difference. THEN I found a small plastic valve thingie in the tank breather pipe. It restricts the air flow to the tank. If the fuel cannot be replaced by air then you get a vacuum in the tank and this enevetably restricts the amount of fuel to the carb. Your air / gas mixture goes out of the window and hey presto massive flat spot. Great when your trying to over take something. So follow the breather hose from your tank, behind the plastic cover and you should find it there. I would suggest you replace it with an ordinary gas filter ( no valve ) besides it's one way of connecting the two bits of hose. You should find better response in your lower gears and expect a 10mph on your top end. But don't forget this bike has no bollocks it was built to look good. Still I'm looking for other ways of giving it a bit more top end. Will keep you all posted. OGRi