Everything posted by rikernumber1
Tyre pressure loss
Hi, Both my tyres lose about 6lb pressure per week (from 26/28 front/rear respectively to about 21/22 lp per square inch). I can't remember whethere this is normal - maybe I just pay more attention to these things now I'm older. Anyway, tyres themselves seem fine and quite new. Any advice? cheers
Oil burner
Hi All, Just over a month in to Radian YX600 ownership; serviced it a week or so ago and since then it seems to be using oil - not sure if it was before as I hadn't had it long enough - this is also my first bike for 16 years so I'm re-learning a lot of things. It's using about 500ml of oil (just under an imperial pint = 20 Fl oz) per 100 miles. I'm using semi-synthetic 10/40 motorcycle oil - stuff I got from http://www.wemoto.com - full URL for the oil is http://shop.wemoto.com/pictures.dyn?u=2147944qqq5828349 Its main use is commuting - I do about 40 miles a day, down dual carriageway at approx 70 mph (plus or minus.....). Fuel consumption is between 53-60 mpg (again, imperial gallons). Performance is fine - plenty of welly when you need it. Engine seems to be original so is about 22 years old with approx 42K on the clock (speedo was replaced at some point, so this is best estimate based on old MoT certificates). Smokes a bit when starting - especially in the morning. I have some questions: 1. If I use a more mineral based oil would that be better for it (and less likely to burn? Maybe a 20/50 oil would be better? 2. I'm guessing the rings/bore is worn, hence oil is going in to the cylinders that way and being burned, or maybe an internal leak from a gasket allowing oil to be burnt in the cylinders from the top - any opinions on this based on what I've described, or is it a case of taking it apart to see? 3. Is it simply too old to be used for for hacking down a dual carriageway at 70mph for 30 mins at a stretch? TIA for any advice.
xj600 oil
I had the same problem with the sight glass on my Radian (US version of the XJ600). I've just got back on a bike and all the bikes I had when I was younger had dipsticks. As I've only just bought the it, I decided to service it and measure the new oil that I put in - and watch what happened in the sight glass. Turns out it was full of old, black dirty oil - and I can now see the clean stuff and see it just below the top level marker. Changing the oil is an easy job - and cheap. Do it for peace of mind! Do the filter as well if you can.
Recommendations for online supplier?
Cheers - ordered air filter and oil - much cheaper than I've seen elsewhere.
Recommendations for online supplier?
Hi All, New to the forum and returning to biking after 16 years - when I last serviced a bike the web wasn't around I'm looking to do a service on my bike - I've done some web searching, but can anyone recommend any online UK parts suppliers? I'm after an air filter for my 1986 Radian YX600 - already got the plugs and oil filter. Cost is preferred over performance - it's not a rocket and never will be! (and certainly not with me riding it.....) TIA
yamaha radian
Sorry - looked at mine and it seems like the silencers are US ones - no part number.
yamaha radian
Hi, Just bought a Radian myself - my first bike for 16 years (and first time on one for about 16 years!). My silencers look quite new and are Yamaha ones - I doubt they are original and the bike was imported over 10 years ago, so they must have been replaced relatively recently. I'll take a look and see if there's a part number on them. I also got a Haynes manual off eBay this week - I'll take a look and see if that says anything useful.