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Everything posted by rikernumber1

  1. rikernumber1 replied to SRJ999's post in a topic in Naked
    It's not an XJ, but I'm selling my Radian on eBay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160418063915&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT
  2. OK - I do have a problem. Managed to get it to start after a lot of coaxing. However, it won't idle. The adjustment screw on the back of the carb doesn't seem to do any good - I think the choke is making some difference, but not enough to keep it going. I haven't touched the setup on the carbs at all - all I did was take them off, and replace them again. I'm guessing the system is more airtight than it was as I've replace the carb holders that look a bit perished - unless somehow I've got something wrong and it's less airtight. Any ideas?
  3. Not a question - just an observation. I'd manage to source a replacement airbox for my Radian sometime last year - finally got round to having a go at fitting it today. Unfortunately, I discovered that when they built these bikes, they started with the airbox and then built the entire bike around it....I'd dismantled virtually everything, and after a couple of hours trying to bend ease it out I gave up - seems the only way to get that baby out is to take the engine out. I fitted new carb holders whilst I was at it. Now it won't start.....there's always tomorrow I suppose (once the battery has re-charged...)
  4. Check the starter connections - also check it's bolted tight. However, the fact it's running hot doesn't sound good.
  5. Hi, Looking to replace the air cleaner housing and the inlet manifold rubbers on my Radian (YX600) - US import. I know it shares some parts with XJ, FZ and FJ 600 models, but not all. I have two specific questions: 1. I know the FZ600 air cleaner box/housing is different to my YX, but can anyone say whether an XJ-600 one is the same? 2. Inlet manifold tubes: Haynes manual indicates that the YX600 and FZ600 share the same carbs - so I'm hoping that means the inlet manifold tubes are shared between them as well? Can anyone confirm this? Both of the components described above are looking a bit knackered on my Radian - looking to replace them from UK if possible. TIA
  6. As it happened, it passed the MoT OK, so I will just keep an eye on it. Thanks for all the advice - especially about wemoto - just got a load of oil from them....
  7. Duh! Forgot about the SatNav - that's how I checked my car..... I'll get a mount for my TT One. It's definitely a Radian speedo - they're quite distinctive and different to Xj,FZ etc.
  8. Hi All, I recently replaced my speedo on my Radian YX600. I can't remember the rpm against the speedo on the old one, but the new one feels like it's over-reading - I can't put my finger on why. The other alternative is that the other one was under-reading. Anyway, at 6000 rpm in sixth gear, I'm doing an indicated 75 mph. Does that sound about right? I think the chain/sprockets are standard. On the other hand, it could just be me....
  9. Looked at Mr Hayne's manual and the forks look different across the range (manual covers FZ-600, FJ-600, XJ-600, YX-600). Bugger.
  10. Hi Guys, Thanks for this - looks like it's even stevens for re-chroming v. replacement (Radian specific). I'm guessing these forks are shared with the XJ-600 and FZ-600 (I'll look in the manual when I get home....) - I guess that widens the possibilities for spares. Anyone know if they are shared across other models?
  11. Seen those - were already in my eBay watch list - cost is a consideration though, so not sure whether it's cheaper to re-chrome?
  12. Hi All, MoT is due at the end of March. Advice from the last one (before I owned the bike) states that the fork seals were replaced, but won't last long because the forks are pitted. I assume that means the chrome is no longer smooth, allowing the oil to seep out of the seal (there's a slight seep now). What can I do to fix this problem in the long term? I'm guessing: 1. replace the fork(s) or 2. get the forks re-chromed Any advice welcome, particularly on approximate costs for re-chroming (if this is the answer). Bike is a 1986 Radian (US import) and I'm in the UK.
  13. I did kill it. I noticed that when charging off the charger, only 5 of the six cells were bubbling. New battery solved the problem. And now I have a spare starter motor.....
  14. If I remember correctly my YB100 was N-1-2-3-4 - can't remember now whether it was up or down.....anyway, I tend to work my way down the gears, partly 'cos sometimes the gearbox feels sticky and unless I come to a stop in 2nd or 1st it won't shift down to first unless I let the clutch out a little....and then stall it....and then look a prat.
  15. What with work and Christmas, I had to leave looking at the bike again until now. I'm fairly sure the battery is OK (and I've trickle charged it once a week), and as I can hear the relay clicking over I went straight for the starter motor (also easier to get at). To test it, I simply connected it directly to the battery to see if it would turn (I tried two charged batteries) - and it didn't. I could turn it by hand, so it wasn't jammed. Logic suggests to me that a starter motor should turn if connected directly to a power source, right? However, if someone knows different please shout! TIA
  16. rikernumber1 posted a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    (rant mode) I'm getting really annoyed with the "news" at the moment. Whilst I accept that there are economic challenges at the moment, I think it's made worse by the media bending statistics and facts in the pursuit of some dramatic art that bears little resemblance to factual reporting. I think the media is partly to blame for this recession by winding everyone up - it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's the recession at the moment, but we've had Bird Flu in the past, and global warming is still on the agenda when there's nothing else for them to be depressing about. I remember water shortages about 2/3 years ago, with hosepipe bans etc - and lines from the press like "it will take 10 years of solid rain to replace the lost reserves" - now we hear nothing about it. My wife remembers us being on the verge of an ice age about 20-30 years ago - what happened to that story? I had this idea that everyone in the UK should boycott reading/watching/listening to the news for a day in protest. Problem is, I'm not sure it would take off - 'cos you need the news to tell people about the protest day. Anyway, I did a quick web search and found this: http://www.boingboing.net/2008/05/14/day-w...o-news-bri.html How refreshing! (end of rant mode)
  17. It was commissioned in a shop. I just tried it after leaving it on trickle charge overnight. Lights came on strong, so I tried the starter, and everything went dim and the starter just clicked - engine did not turn over at all. However, when I turned off the ignition and turned it straight on again, it was like the battery instantly recovered - all lights bright again - until I tried the starter again and it all went dim again. So now I'm wondering if there's another problem. I suppose I could try jumping it off the car - never done this before as my previous bikes (over 15 years ago) were all 6v. I guess this would prove whether it is the battery. Any risks in doing this (apart from making sure nothing shorts out....)?
  18. Hi All, I replaced the battery in my Radian about six weeks ago - the old one wasn't holding charge for more than a couple of days. New battery was much better; however, I haven't used the bike for 3-4 weeks. I keep it on the drive, covered up, and we have had a few cold days in that time (UK, Kent). I went to start the bike this weekend, and it was as dead as a doornail. I charged the battery for about 8 hours, but it refused to take anything except a trickle charge. I tried again today - slightly more life as the starter relay clicked. I put it back on charge and the charger meter reckoned it was taking 2 amps, so it was accepting a charge at a higher rate, which seemed to be better to me. I'm leaving it on trickle overnight - I've taken the stoppers out and it's bubbling away (outside, under carport!). My question is: by not using the bike for 3-4 weeks, when the weather has been colder, have I killed my new battery? Can they really die in that short space of time? TIA
  19. rikernumber1 replied to MrGix's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I didn't have one, but my mate did - does that count? I rode it quite a bit. I had a Honda C50 at the time - James May wrote quite a good article on them recently, so I'm glad to have owned or known two iconic 50s.
  20. That's a bit of a bugger - I need to replace the speedo on my Radian after a minor tumble. It's a US bike (I'm in the UK), and both an original and all the aftermarket ones I've seen are MPH only.
  21. rikernumber1 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi All, I'm posting this following a discussion on the Yahoo! Radian group (so some people will already have seen this). I've just had tubes put in my tyres. They were constantly losing pressure - got even worse in the cold weather, to the point they lost about 1/3 pressure inside a couple of days. There were no obvious defects or leaks from the valves or rims (and it was both tyres) - tried the soapy water trick and new valves and no joy. As a result, I've had tubes put in the tyres - and some folks are saying it's a bad idea because of the fact that the tubes will heat up quicker than the tyres. Anyone got any wisdom/experience to share on this? TIA
  22. rikernumber1 posted a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    With my daughter in the car yesterday (she's not allowed on the bike yet), waiting to pull out of a junction; traffic is busy....and along comes a biker....and as he approaches he suddenly reaches in to his breast pocket, and pulls out his mobile phone, and starts looking at it - further down the road it looked like he was texting on it. To do it at all: stupid. To do it in traffic - total twat.
  23. You never stop learning. I've just back on a bike after 16 months off one - been riding again for about 3 months. I came off mine last week - a really stupid mistake caused by not paying proper attention. Dry day, but been through a wet patch on the road and realised too late that the Corsa in front had slowed up quite quickly. I grabbed the front brake (wet tyre); locked it and lost it - fortunately at low speed, so only damage to me was a stubbed toe and some hurt pride, and minor damage to the bike (speedo, scuffing). I also smelled fuel when it was on the ground, but talking to other bikers that seems normal if you drop it. I had a couple of refresher lessons and my recent tumble was also a good lesson. You're doing the right thing by asking and thinking about what you are doing. Riding is different for everyone - that's why there's so many different types of bikes. Find what type of riding you're comfortable with and stick to it. I found the different views on lifesavers interesting - this was the main thing that came back to me automatically when I got back on a bike again. I use them extensively and will continue to do so - it's just part of being aware of what's around you.
  24. I managed to get an Oxford tailbag from a boot fair for £5 - I hate anything on my back when riding, and this is secure and came with the waterproof cover. I'll admit that I don't secure the velcro strap under the seat, but it's secure enough with the bungee straps. I carry a laptop, shoes and my lunch in it, and it's easy to remove - comes with a shoulder strap as well, or zipped up in one pcoket are rucksack straps to carry like that when off the bike. I'd go for a tailbag rather than a rucksack - but that's personal preference.
  25. Thanks for the advice. Bike is kept outside, under a cover, and can go several days between use. I may be doing quite a bit of work over the winter - currently using a bit of oil as well (about 500ml per 100 miles), so there are a few jobs starting to line up! cheers.