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Everything posted by Mikey*DTR

  1. Mikey*DTR posted a post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    ok yesterday my bike when getting up to about 60 feels like it goes then like holds back and it doesnt really rev past 8K i have never had a problem with it getting up to 75 and revving freely to the red line never taken it over apart from the odd accident. its hard to explain what its like but at about 58Mph it starts holding back then going then holding back whats the problem? any ideas? i thought it could be a clogged air filter so i took it out sprayed carb cleaner on it blew it out with a air line and it doesnt seem much better at all? please send ur suggestions thnx
  2. hmm yer could work i wasnt on about a copper washer i was talking a gasket to cover to whole mating surface then cut a hole for the bit of the dep pipe that sticks out to go through its a big eye shape let me no how u get on
  3. hmm yer could work i wasnt on about a copper washer i was talking a gasket to cover to whole mating surface then cut a hole for the bit of the dep pipe that sticks out to go through its a big eye shape let me no how u get on
  4. hey iv got the same problem after riding for a bit the whole underside of the casing is covered in oil from the leaking DEP pipe im planning on making a copper eye shape gasket to go over the whole thing around the manifold
  5. Mikey*DTR posted a post in a topic in General
    lol whats a power commander?
  6. Mikey*DTR replied to Goff's post in a topic in General
    lol i dont have a clue mate we didnt do it! i have to wait 10days until i can re book then im guna get a cacelation! its ok mate
  7. Mikey*DTR replied to Goff's post in a topic in General
    yes it was yesterday failed got 2 minors then just before the test centre on the way back i took a wrong turning came out and turnt left and he told me i failed it was a no left turn ...gutted lol
  8. Mikey*DTR replied to Goff's post in a topic in General
    isnt that what we did our CBT for? silly i think....whats a angle start mean?
  9. Mikey*DTR replied to Mikey*DTR's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    thanks Goff trust a women to turn it into a positve thing i cant book until my 10days are up your so true thanks
  10. Mikey*DTR replied to Mikey*DTR's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    yer thanks mate il keeep you posted
  11. Mikey*DTR posted a post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    ok so i arrived at the test centre this morning a nervous wreck jumped on my bike settled down and got into it done all the manovers everything cool i thought id definantly passed then we were on the way back i was thinking how well i coped being in a place i have never been to anyway so close to the test litterally 50meters i took a left into this park and ride car park and the examiner drove past and stopped told me i had taken a wrong turn so i spun around out the car park turnt left then the next left into the test center was absolutly gutted when he told me it was a no left turn i should of went right then round the roundabout and back up 2 MINORS AND I BUGGERED IT UP SO CLOSE TO THE TEST CENTRE im more angry than upset becuase i went into it as luck having had no lessons etc not knowing the place but when he told me i was so gutted itwasnt something like observations i failed on becuase at least i could practice them but to fail on something so stupid just gets to me....now i have to wait 10days until i can try get a cancellation
  12. thanks mate cheers il take the head into work when the piston comes in and decoke it with there bench grinder cloths thank you
  13. Mikey*DTR replied to Mikey*DTR's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Thanks for the support once again cheers
  14. Mikey*DTR replied to Mikey*DTR's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hmm sure the examiner wouldnt like that now would he?
  15. Mikey*DTR replied to Mikey*DTR's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    wednesday 3 days
  16. Mikey*DTR replied to dbkdave's post in a topic in The Bar
    thanks for that matey haha 600 miles gee wiz your beating the r1 boys with there race conti's on lol thanks for that
  17. Mikey*DTR replied to Mikey*DTR's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    thanks Goff did you have any tuition? i cant get any as its way to short notice like i say im going in as a lucky punt! i agree i think il b more aware becuase i havent been there etc thanks for the support guys and girl!
  18. Mikey*DTR replied to Mikey*DTR's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Bloody Hell Goff i like i like alot looks nuts! mmm thats guna look so good when its completed...on the head light front why not good old fashioned streetfighter twin spots? any idea how much swngarms cost to get chromed ruffley? haha a bandite-o u streetfightering that 2? your so lucky to be busy with bikes! cheer e o
  19. Mikey*DTR replied to Mikey*DTR's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    wow i never relised it was so cheap im guna contact some more powder coaters see what they say tad dissapoited now but glad your saving me squids! wheres these pics of the sling they Goff im waiting....hehe yep i recon black
  20. Mikey*DTR replied to Mikey*DTR's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Thanks for that Fosdyke i hear what your saying im heading off there now to try find it and reconise some places in terential rain ....my alpinestar water proofs are worth there weight in gold. im taking Big bike thanks for the lil tips im like a sponge at the moment absorbing every ones information! thank you
  21. Mikey*DTR replied to Mikey*DTR's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Thank you Oldgitonbike yer my friend luck yep thats what i thought cheers
  22. Mikey*DTR posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hello just to let you no how the saga of the test is going! iv been ringing up and told theres no tests in the future until they are annoced in two weeks time when the new test is sooooooooooo i asked where they had a availible slot turns out Bristlington Bristol theres me expecting atleast a week or so nope next wednesday! so i booked it and am now panicing iv never even been to Bristlington bristol and i cant get any tution as its way to short notice im going on a pot luck theory! Im pretty poistive that if fail iv got a insight as to how a test goes lala etc as iv never done anything so serious (not even a car test got that on the 29th August) so i dont really no the butterfly feelings and stuff but if i fail il be more prepared for the new test becuase iv done this totaly unprepared and off the cuff how ever if i pass it will be a punt a lucky punt a the moment i think iv got atleast 50% 50% chance becuase im pretty sure i can ride a bike but not sure if all the feelings of being assesd will take over. but we'll see and il let you all no now iv got to find Brislington test centre i sure its about 30ish miles away ruffley il let you all no how i get on p.s on my test i am aloud to use bus lanes right..
  23. Mikey*DTR replied to Mikey*DTR's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    wow makes it look not so cheap now he told me 80 for the frame or all of it for 100 inc masking and blasting
  24. Mikey*DTR replied to Goff's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    i here where your both coming from! its so stupid but we all no them type of people have never came off before cuz they definatly wont be wearing that type of stuff again will they...
  25. Mikey*DTR replied to retro's post in a topic in The Bar
    welcome cheers for the drink