Everything posted by Mikey*DTR
ok i will do that tomorow its definatly the front end the rear swingarm bushes are all ok. have you ever heard of a bent axle or snapped? bearings arnt too expensive surely. i have been hitting speedramps pretty quick recently but not since iv noticed it but i was sure it used to do it before! and surely a speedbump on this type of bike isnt a big deal.. this bikes been a head ache from the start as rule of thumb i advise any one who gets real exited about buying bikes not to rush into it and buy the first you see as i did (well i didnt see it, it was a ebay job which i regret!) thanks again mate il let you no what happens im not sure if its had a bump the bike was a wreck when i got it but is now the nicest dt lots of people have seen according to the middleaged people who had them as youngsters.
hi thanks for the reply yer it feel dangerous but i need to use it to get to work so im just guna have to go slow and steady all last week its been doing it but im sure it always has its just got worse tho.. i tightened the fork pinch bolts up to the correct torque but it didnt make a difference. what am i looking for when i check the bearings? will they just be inside the hub and visible? would i hear a noise if it were bearings becuase i cant hear anything? ok thanks for the tips il get on it
- OMG!!
DT125R pulls to the left not the normal slight pull from the camber but if i lightly grip the bars the hole bike sort of dives like it wants to swoop to the left even at higher speeds also when breaking it does the same thing. when i put the front wheel between my nees and wobble the bars the bars go left and right so do the forks but the wheel stays still only slightly what could this be? is it possibly for the axle to break? if so would it cause this effect? wheel bearing? "-------------" i no the brake isnt sticking so thats elimanted what else could it be? any suggestions
Polish & Port
wow nice pic thats look well polished
Polish & Port
theres a valve not a 4stroke type valve just a reed valve
lack of power dt125
yer prob time for rebore/piston change or just rings compression ratio should be in your haynes manual mate good luck
Will not get up to temperature!!
hi again my bike from cold takes about 5miles to get up to working temperature the only think of is Thermostat? is there anything else that can stop it getting up to temp? any suggestions would be great help!
Polish & Port
ah i see more to it than the average bike kid fiddler recons then. i think il just leave it be now iv booked my bike theory cheers for the advice mate!
Polish & Port
Hi guys looking for some info on port polishing is this something i should try myself? compressor and air dremol?i no smoothing out burs etc for better gas flow has got to be a good thing but is there any disadvantages? will it be a noticeable increase in power? where should i be polishing exhaust port, inlet and boost port? has any one ever done it there self or sent it away if so let me no the process or anything cheers
ohh yer il be rebuilding it myself i couldnt let some one else enjoy it could i? lol
what the rebore lol? il be rebuilding myself dont have machines or experence to rebore
when you hear piston slap a light metalic noise when your bikes not under load rubbish running speed. you can find a guide in your haynes manual or type in top end rebuild on youtube theres none of dt's but there all pretty much the same. good luck
great cheers mate im glad the rebore is quit a quick process theres me thinking il have to send if off for weeks! yer Yam are seriously ££££ where can i buy a art or mitaKA piston? cheers mate
DTR 125 exhaust question
hi mate i bought a DEP pipe front and back and surposibly they are ment to be "universal" for dtr 88-04 however when i got it i had to make a new bracket to come off the frame to hold the end can on a strap for the joining pipe and get a bit of inch copper pipe to slide between the expansion and end can becuase its sleeved so it will fit lol mine did it just took a bit of fiddling around so brave it and buy a DEP cost 200 quid all in all but well worth it looks the business in chrome and is 10X better than big one! do it mate good luck
Cheers! Ryan09 thanks for the advice orite i didnt know yam do rebores thats good saves me hassle trying to find some where else to do it! other question i have is do i keep the powervalve in place as i dont really fantsy taking it out etc should i just disconnect the servo from the frame? thanks again im going to my local yamaha dealer after i get back from sunny spain
hi again! ok i really want to rebuild the top end of my yam dt125r but im slightly put off by the fact so far this bike has been a curse and something always happens with it . i have a few questions id be greatful if you could answer: 1. Ruff price of a rebore? 2.will yamaha sell over size pitsons/rings 3.ruffley how long will it take? 4.whats the worst that could happen lol 5. any tips or tricks that could save time or money? 6. before starting should i drain the cooling system from the waterpump? cheers all answers received will be a great help!
DT neutral light??
Hi guys im new to this so go easy on me ok well i got my dt a couple of months ago and it was a real dog! although i didnt no this until i foolishly bought it on ebay and was to kind hearted to send the bloke back who deliverd it 200 odd miles. any way iv made her my pride and joy now 100% better theres still a few niggly things like the neutral light some times comes on when out of gear other times it doesnt...any ideas? also shes coming up to 12,000miles now so any advice on piston change/ re-bore? any help would be great! thanks Mikey