Everything posted by Mikey*DTR
Hopefully the council will pay up for it, is there any signs that are along the lines of 'Vehicles left here are at the owners risk' or something? no probably not but signs will start appearing soon now they relised
DT125X exhaust
block it off i guess
try chainging: the rad cap first of all as it may be closed permantly hence not letting the system de-pressurise if the problem stilll happens do the same to ther thermostat replace it...or you could take ur rad off and back flush it getting all built up deposits out it could be blocked..failing that check your pump hope this helps
DT supermoto
no idea mate i wish i new tooo
Slim to none you no the council..sorry to here what happened to your bike mate id be so gutted! hope you make the C**nts pay
dt125 rear pads coming out
surely that cnt happen can it as it has the tabs...has ur pads got tabs either side? are they the correct pad? is the anti rattle spring in there?
drought on 2t oil
ok every one i dont mean to panic you all, so you all go out and buy the rest of the decent Mobil1 fully sin race 2stroke oil out there but its a epidemic....no where in my neck of the woods has got/had any in weeks my bikes thirsty ebay doesnt have any either would you belive it! if theres a esso near you that has loads buy in bulk!
Womans Vocabulary.
Ohhh so thats were i was going wrong...
louder pipes
Aunty Goff talking about "weapons" again
Bike Struggling
you could always try draining it out see if you can spot any "fibres" in the oil.
yerp just did that aswell il ring when i get a chance see if i can speak to some other seriously helpful-i-no-nothing DSA member of staff Im feelin a whole lotta love in this forum right now........... Me too its great! Big-Free-Hugs-for all...get em while there going
Auntie Goff where is this information from? thats what i had in my head the whole time so i didnt just make it up then its like my own little new bike family
Bike Struggling
wow 80,000RPM jeeezz thats alot... sorry dunno mate you checked your plug is tight...and the gap.ur aifilter is not clogged?
i have i was on the phone sat infront of that reading it to him he told me that what hes saying is correct no matter what the site says so i said id phone back useless bunch of .....
yer thanks that what i was reading to him over the phone saying there is no A2 on here only A1 and A im sure i can A which is what i was booked for last test i failed so just really confused about it all...
hello trying to book my bike test again but this time im confused was just on the phone to the bloke and he said i can only do a A2 test which means il be on a 125 for 2years then have to take another test then be unrestricted?? is this right? i was under the impression i do my A license be restricted to 33bhp for 2 years then go unrestricted we had this whole argument for 10minutes about it and he said thats how its always been im wrong so now i dont no what to do? how come people are buying r6's getting restrictor kits to 33bhp what test did you do? im 17 currently riding a 125 on provisional....any thoughts?
- Tiger Woods
New chain and Sprocs
nope not yet havent had a chance to book it the online booking scheme has turned into a pile of sh*t keeps saying my licesne number is invalid so ring this number...rang up on thursday in my lucnh time but was on hold so long i was nearly late for work so had to hang up..il book it this week most likely
louder pipes
what a rude Tw*T its people like you that arnt needed on forums...you rudely asked a question which i wouldnt reply too yet some one offers advice to you and you say that back you want to learn some manners
New chain and Sprocs
the less teeth on the front the quicker acceleration you get or the more teeth on the back. if you go smaller on the back or more on the front the more top end which i doubt you need or want
Bike thief
cheers nice to be back
New chain and Sprocs
ok mate il look around give me something to do while im all flu-ed up and yes it is man flu! haha whats it like to ride that 175? looks cracking! ok will do il do it tomorow if the weather holds out (wishful thinking) il let you no how it goes...i cant wait to ride im itching!
Bike thief
Im still alive just been a tad busy for the last month its nice to no u all care for me
Urban Assault Vehicle...... don't know what else to call it......
would you be willing to accept my right arm for it ?? oo and some pocket fluff?
New chain and Sprocs
thats what i was thinking pliers il have a crack at that tomorow the car has been made redundent now its boring! nope havent got a chain tensioner although id like one where can i get one? good thinking with the tape cheers its tips like that, that make life a hell of a lot easier good to question you again tooo