Everything posted by Mikey*DTR
Proper pics of the hornet
lol OG i wouldnt say inferior id say more focused....on hornets, although i do pop in time to time! yes i no a lense is missing should of taken the pic with it on actually seems every ones eyes go straight to it! thanks for the compliments. Shokz no not yet mate, having just forked out for them i cant bring myself to do it yet
Other forms of transport
cant forget the hornet..
Proper pics of the hornet
iv done loads to it so far it stands: damn good clean, bars, mirrors, belly pan, under tray, rear lights, indicators, brake lines, full service, special twin exhausts very rare, custom made the brakets, cut and polished rear sets the list is as big as my arm for stuff i want to do..
Crossplane crankshaft?
Hey every one hope your well. was just reading through aprils edition of Bike motorcycle magazine and looking through the awsome spec on the new yzf-r1 and would like some one to explain it in simple terms for me just so i can get my head around it! another thing that is pretty cool is that 1 fork leg is for rebound (right) and the other for compression damping (left)
- FAO Goff
Snapped key in ignition
that sounds like a really good idea but its a inch deep into the igniton it didnt have the curtosy to snap off flush lol
Snapped key in ignition
thanks mate il see what i can do tomoz
Snapped key in ignition
hello most of you might be aware iv just got a honda hornet 600 and today was my first day out on it restricted after having a really good day i stopped at a service station when i came back i found i had snapped my key ( i no its a honda and im asking for help on a yamaha forum) after a hour of fiddling and fettling the broken half of the key into the igntion i managed to get it started thank god or it would have been a really really long walk! do i have to replace the barrel now? rough cost? or is there any alternatives? any help would be much appreciated
:D got my first big bike!
congrats on passing your test mate! go with what your heart says or even better if your dad is feeling nice and gives you his bike bonus! i like the hornet admitadle thats not a bias choice its up to you im sure what ever you pick your enjoy it! i will let you all no how i get on and be popping in time to time read the latest on the yamahas...and put my 2pence in where i can. take car
:D got my first big bike!
thanks! i no id been pretty lucky 2 bikes and a car at my age can you tell i still live at home . ohh i will mate dont worry...id hate to prang it i doubt id wana come home if i did lol thanks for the advice! no need to charm the birds the hornet is RED yes that does make it the fastest model!!
:D got my first big bike!
will do OG will definatly have to go for a ride with you soon! take it steady mate
:D got my first big bike!
Hello every 1 hope you are all ok and looking forward to the start of the good weather. at last iv got my new bike but im sorry to say its not a yamaha so il be leaving you but popping in once and while to say hi as im keeping the dt till june. my new bike is a Honda Hornet cb 600 was my dads bike which i rode a few months ago and loved it and surprisingly he has agreed to give it to me as hes going to hang up his leathers and become a cage driver having had many close calls commuting to work everyday for the past 4 or 5 years about 60mile round trip. so iv been on the insurance all day and got a fair deal which im quite happy with £325 third party only with 1 years NCB with my dad as a named rider. just booked it in to be restricted to 33bhp costing a steep £250 but hey ho.. i managed to grab a really decent bike for nothing so i cant complain
Broken Bleed Nipple
id second the "easy out option" they have always came up trumps for me mate. i no it prob sounds a bit silly but remember *its only a bleed nipple* lol not the end of the world what ever happens..i used to have to be reminded constantly when i do stuff like that. your find the calm steady approach goes smoother than angry annoyed approach good luck
my new ZX6r...
what a total shame sorry to hear that mate hope ur ok and the bike is..so whos fault was it? get well soon let us no how you get on
DT 125 RE Exhaust
So did mine remember we spoke about making a thin copper eye shape gasket? i done it and great sucess! no more spewing oil down the cases
got me new bike!
That is SEXY! the best colour to...so stealthy looking you got plans for it? or leaving it be? have fun
- More Ink
finance on a bike?
food for thought mate is it possible to get a loan at 17? i vgot a steady income etc etc and i could save up for one but it would take time id rather just have the money there get what i want then pay monthly
finance on a bike?
Hey all hope every one is well and safe in the poo weather! as you probably all no im after a new "bigger" bike im 17 at the minute and im after a 600 i was wondering what age you are able to get finance out on a bike at say if i were to buy at a dealer? thanks in advance
found on autotrader
thats hilarious
what size jet ?
take your spark plug out clean it up then put it in start your bike up quickly take it up to the redline dont let it idle over to much then turn it off. remove spark plug and hope it looks a chocolatlly colour this means you can sit back and no need to fafff around with jets....usually you wont be that lucky tho best bet is to do the plug chop depending on result go buy a jet set (online quit cheaply) then you can play around see what works best good luck
My 2006 r6 camel colours
seriously smart looking bike mate.. 1 day fingers crossed
05 DT125X front calliper problem
worst case you have to buy a second hand one for 35quid max.....look on the bright side you dont always have to buy new from a dealer
Traffic Cops
watch it...only decent thing on tv atm
dt 125 suspension jack up ideas or info please.
the rear unit is NOT adjusatble i only changed the rear plastic and the angle it sat on the subframe