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d.mac rx

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  1. cheaz mate i have loads of castrol 10 40w engine oil will that work thanks
  2. does any body out there no please
  3. d.mac rx replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    that exhaust looks really nice and i spoke to a dealer down a park road yamaha and he said there are surtain electronic tweeks they can do if you are rideing this on a full licence and he also said not to bother with affter market exhaust because the chances are it could do more harm then good or even make it go a little slower as its only come just come out they couldnt of been able to do much testing.Also has any 1 got a pic of this leo vince one. cheaz
  4. bump really do need to no what oil it needs in the gearbox/kickstart side of the bike thanks
  5. on the kickstart side of the crank case the is a small circular window below the kick start the is no oil in there should it be full and if so what oil do i need. also if i ride the bike around for a while there is engine oil ontop of the case could it be just a new gasket is needed. and 1 last q there is a rattle again on that side of the engine and builds with the revs any1 had this problem thanks alot Dom.