Everything posted by Chris
TRX850 tyres
Hi, Mich Macadam are NOT the best tyre for the TRX, mine had them when I first got it and they slide everywhere - scary stuff. Try Avon Azaro's - excellent fun until it rains really had, or try Dunlop 207RR's which are same as Avons in dry but better in the wet. Either way you should get at least 5,000 miles from a set (no trackdays). Not tried them myself but Bridgestone BT020' are also rated by some as are Continental Road Attack (what a daft name for a tyre). Anyway enjoy the TRX, it's a great bike. cheers Chris
TRX - noisy camchain?
thanks for this - haviig racked up about 500 miles last weekend it does seem better, but will clean carbs anyway. thanks Chris
TRX - noisy camchain?
Hi Stormy, cam-chain noisy now gone, this following a 25 mile slow-ish ride on the way to the dealers to get it checked - which was immediately followed by a 150 miles quick-ish ride when I realised that my bike wasn't about to expire on me - thanks for the sound advise that you sent, have saved for future reference. Have just seen the pic of your TRX in the gallery, very flash looking - so go on then what are the "few modifications". Spotted the end cans, usd forks, belly pan, what else? cheers Chris
TRX - noisy camchain?
You are a gentleman & a scolar. Thanx for that, it's snowing here at the moment so it'll have to wait for a dry day, the joy of no garage! But, your explanation is very clear, so barring acts of mechanical incompetance I see no problem with checking this out. Will arm myself with a new gasket and sealing compound - just in case. Thank you again Cheers Chris :
TRX - noisy camchain?
Thanks Stormy, sorry can you tell me how to check if the tensioner is stuck? cheers Chris
TRX 850. Any comments
Hi had my TRX for 4 yours now, and generally very happy with it (fairly rare in the UK too). Expect anywhere between 40 and 65 mpg depending on how you ride, tyres are very subjective, but I can recoomend Avon Azaro or Dunlop D207RR for genarl hooning about, approx 5,000 miles life in a set. Change the oil every 6 months or 4,000 miles and all should be ok - except I think I have a noisy cam-chain. The really expensive part of ownership is getting that 10-valve head sorted out when it is tappet/valve adjustment time, Yamaha quote once every 24,000 miles, mine needed sorting out at 14,000 miles and cost a fortune as all the valves need re-shimming! Despote the above, it is a great bike, comfortable for up to 500 miles in day if you must, and great fun if you just want to blast thru the twisty bikes for an hour or even if you just want to go for a gentle ride - YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RIDE A TRX at 10/10ths to enjoy it! Not recommended to carry a pillion unless they are small (5 foot)! Definately worth fitting better pipes, I have a set of Renegade cans and it sounds great, also fit a decent freeflowing air-filter and sort the carb as this will make the mid=-range stronger. If you have to ride in traffic very often make sure that the throttle cable and also the chain are properly adjusted, otherwise at low speed it will be really snatchy. Bottom line - excellent fun bike - go and get it and enjoy. cheers Chris
TRX - noisy camchain?
Ok, thanks for that, I'll have to take to the garage for a second opinion, fotunately there is one close that I trust not to rip me off.
TRX 850
Hi, bit of an odd one this, as I think that the TRX has started to make a weird ticking noise at tick-over, hard to say with the load-ish pipes. Has anyone else had a similar problem, I think it could be the cam-chain rattling, it's unlikely to be top end (valves) as these were sorted (at great expense) less than 10,000 miles ago. Any advice, info would be great. Thanks Chris
TRX - noisy camchain?
Hi, bit of an odd one this, as I think that the TRX has started to make a weird ticking noise at tick-over, hard to say with the load-ish pipes. Has anyone else had a similar problem, I think it could be the cam-chain rattling, it's unlikely to be top end (valves) as these were sorted (at great expense) less than 10,000 miles ago. Any advice, info would be great. Thanks Chris