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cane my 600

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  1. cane my 600 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    In ''Destination France" magazine this month. Take a look if you're interested. David
  2. cane my 600 replied to cane my 600's post in a topic in General
    Also now linked to this site: http://www.bestbikingroads.com/links.php (viewable from the footer of every page) Thanks again for your support. David
  3. cane my 600 replied to cane my 600's post in a topic in General
    Thanks for the support, I am currently working on expending the coverage, watch this space If you know anyone who might be interested in the site, please let them know, the level of support is what will decide how useful the site is ultimately. Any good ideas for the site also welcomed, use the feedback form on the site, I am reading it Cheers, David
  4. cane my 600 replied to cane my 600's post in a topic in General
    Bump 500 members and over 200 routes. Anyone else using this regularly?
  5. cane my 600 replied to cane my 600's post in a topic in General
    Thanks for the support guys, glad you like the site. YamaHead, it wouldn't be very difficult to extend the functionailty of the site to include the US, so watch this space, at the moment it is a question of resource, so the more people that enter routes/support the site, the better it will become. Thanks for helping. David
  6. cane my 600 posted a post in a topic in General
    Hi, Apologies if some of you have already seen a post about this on the Fazer forum? Some friends of mine have built a site that allows people to enter and review their favourite biking roads in the UK and Europe and I am helping them try to make it a but known. It is a pretty cool site, it allows you to view and generate maps of routes as well as review existing routes. The idea is that it will become a knowledge base for Brit and European Bikers to use for ride outs and trips. The service is offered free and there is no catch, it is run by bike enthusiasts who are pretty well travelled and wanted to offer a useful service to others. Obviously the more people that sign up and add their own routes the better the site will become, it has been running for about a week and half so far and there are about 100 routes added. Take a look if it interests you. http://www.bestbikingroads.com Cheers, David