Everything posted by ..::h1cks1::..
Carb Jets... Little Buggers
Its good matey, thanks for the tip, theres some lovely vintage enduro's on there! I will post my question and get back to you guys...
Carb Jets... Little Buggers
Aaaa well safeeeeee
Carb Jets... Little Buggers
Still no luck... just cant seem to get any good results on google, or ask jeeves... ANYONE GOT ANY IDEAS, this is literaly ridiculous, considering the amount of DTers on this forum, sombodies got to know where they got their freakin jets from...
Carb Jets... Little Buggers
Thanks for the info dave c and gitonabike, ive got the ebay seller watched, he hasnt got any TM jets on for auction yet, and ill give those guys a call dave, as for yoda... whey, but i dont realy fancy drilling out jets, dont feel comfortable with ruinin them ...
Carb Jets... Little Buggers
Hey all, ive sifted through this forum after all the jetting posts made, and none of them realy help... I need to find out where we can order DT125 jets from, seen as no-one seems to know of a solid dealer, appart from e-bay, and there arnt any at the moment... Most DT125ers need to go up to a jet size of 240, this is offcourse if you have a new pipe add on, and most of the de-restrictions done, you may possibly need the 260 but i have picked up that this is too much unless youve gone for the new reed valves which let in that little bit more air.... The DT's run a Mikuni TM28-32 carb and i cant find for the life of me any website which sells jets for this particular model... Does anyone know if im missing somthing out like jets from another carb fit in this? the Mikuni TMX carbs have the same model number... Anyone have any thoughts? Basically, for those of you who have read this and either dont care because this is a 125 question (I Despise you) or it was too long winded... Heres the questions in simple for you: 1- Where can you purchase the correct Mikuni carb jets? 2- For the DTers who have already got their new jets, where did you get them from, and what is the model name so i can look them up?
Mikuni Power Jets
Hey all, this isnt about 125's so dont hesitate to reply... Found this on the net and was wondering if anyone has any experiance with these? Does it do what is says on the tin? Mikuni Power Jets
DT 125 Carb Jets and Reed's
Found it... Yamaha DT specs: Fuel system: Carburettor. Mikuni TM28-92
DT 125 Carb Jets and Reed's
Hey syks, spot on m8... THANKS for the help! Im just gunna go look up what carb DT's have to see if that site has what i need... Still not sure weather the reed's are a good investment, we will have to see if my pocket can provide once again... :-) Again i ask if anyone knows of a good website for UK DT aftermarket parts... (Not that you didnt help syks )
DT 125 Carb Jets and Reed's
Ha, i love how 12 of you f***ers have looked at this thread, nd no one posted, we to involved in 600's then...
DT 125 Carb Jets and Reed's
Its funny becuase i realy dont get this forum, all you massive bikers have no regard for the little guy, dont any of you remember gettin help from an older guy who new what he was talking about??? Ive posted numerous things about my L plater and blow me, nothing, no freakin reply.... Well god knows how any of you actually sort things out, im still in the dark.... Quite frankley i board of this....
Reed valves and Jets???
Hey all, I need to up a size in my carb jets and possibly get some better reed's... Q1: Where the hell is a good online shop to purchase Jets and Reed valves? Q2: Would boysen or polini reed's be better? Thanks for your help guys.... ..::][-][1cks1::..
DT 125 Carb Jets and Reed's
Hey all, I need to up a size in my carb jets and possibly get some better reed's... Q1: Where the hell is a good online shop to purchase Jets and Reed valves? Q2: Would boysen or polini reed's be better? Thanks for your help guys.... ..::][-][1cks1::..
how to de-restrict a 2005 xt125r PLEASE HELP
So what was the result then ladz? I got a DT125, but my bazzin m8 haz an XT125, he could do with a bit more grunt? Nyone had any success?????
Yamaha DT50 Performance Parts
We'll let you off as you just joined, but being yamaha, theres tonnes of parts to get you hittin the 70s+.... Pipes, Cylinder Kits, Carbs, Airfilters are just a few things that'll get you going... It really, as always, depends on your bike and wallet, the newer year bike you get the better, as having a Y.I.E.S (Boost bottle) and Y.P.V.S (Power Valve) with the younger bikes means you wont have to go out an get one... ..::][-][1CKS1::..
Yamaha DTR 125
Lucky then, i was on 6 miles this morning before i fueld up...
Yamaha DTR 125
I hear that, i know what you mean wih the headwinds, i wear a shoei hornet DS and my head must be a few extra MPG :-).... Anyone know how big the reserve tank is on DT's? I get about 55miles to a fiver... never really run much below my reserve as i dont know how much is in there....
Engine Temp probs...
Okay, cheers boss, that sounds like a less scary problem im willing to acept... :-)
Engine Temp probs...
Hey guys, I recently cleaned out my radiator with radweld, and added nice new clean coolant and water, ran it in for a while and re-flushed it... BUT i still cant stop her overheating, i can get a 45minute ride, with the temp slowly creeping up untill shes at RED and coolant is leaking onto the swing arm from the expansion box... then i just gotta cool her down, also, she leaks about 300ml onto the floor over night, nd i gotta top her back up before i take her out again... Any ideas? PLEASE HELP!!! Arrrggg..... Hicks....
DT125 Radiator fluid ...::PROBLEMS::..
Top bloke....! Yea, i hadnt thought about the pump seals, i would have looked over them as its a 2001, but i cant be arsed with this issue anymore, i know the expansion box is connected correctly with the hoses, it reads on the full mark, and when i re-fill the actual radiator in the morning, i pour untill the water sits just above the fins... As for the de-restrictions, i have earthed the cable up by the speedo, nabbed the CDI, and changed to a D.E.P pipe which wipes the catylist restrictor thing... Ive also got larger inch road tyres which give a bit more ratio to the top end.... Regards h1cks1
DT125 Radiator fluid ...::PROBLEMS::..
So i guess you guys are all to good for us L Plate'ers then...
DT125 Radiator fluid ...::PROBLEMS::..
Hey guys, Whats the use in posting on general bike forums when theres a dedicated yamaha site, TOP SCORE!! (Glad i found you guys...) ANYWHO... Ive got a DT125 2001 model, everythings hunkydory, or was for a while.... I rode the bike for a few days after i bought it, then one trip i noticed my engine temp was increasing pretty quick, so i stopped and looked, id lost the little rubber bung out of my radiator overflow box under my left rear pannel, and water had splashed out onto my swing arm. Seeing this i thaught a bit of RADWELD radiator cleaner and expensive coolant additive would do the job.... I drained the radiator and did the process of cleaning and putting lovely juice back in... After this small overhaul, it seemed to nail my problem, but ive now noticed a small water/oil mark on my garage floor where it leaks a small amount over night through what looks like an overflow pipe... So when i set of for college in the morning, i re-top up my radiator at the front and go, this works, but if i go for an extended journey, she overheats and expells hot fluid over my swingarm again... Anyone had this problem, or got any ideas as to what could be causing this? Cheers for your time guys! Regards ..::][-][icksi::..