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Everything posted by iomrob

  1. iomrob replied to Kenap's post in a topic in The Bar
    think this is yours http://www.givi.co.uk/per_la_tua_moto.asp?...769&lang=en
  2. iomrob replied to forest's post in a topic in General
    XJR's, did 5 euro trips on 2 different ones, loaded or not handled really well even on alpine roads .would sit on the motorway all day at a ton , but just as happy touring around at 40.
  3. iomrob replied to unfazed's post in a topic in General
    hope i have read this right . Give do 2 racks for the top box to fit on , but the box should fit straight onto both. http://www.givi.co.uk/caschi_borse_bauli_a....asp?CO_ID=1403 when i changed from a XJR to an FJR i could not use the wing rack system had to go for the Tubular set up. it has a different topbox holder. i take it its a new fitting kit for thr model you have used {just have to ask}.and its a new box holder. if it is contact Givi and ask, the part would be cheaper new luggage
  4. iomrob replied to koreanbaz's post in a topic in General
    welcome in
  5. iomrob replied to a post in a topic in General
    welcome spiderman, enjoy your stay
  6. iomrob replied to a post in a topic in General
    yeah im on it, only look at it a couple of times a week............................. Jimmy no mates here
  7. iomrob replied to tigger's post in a topic in The Bar
    have a FJR, and use a Caberg helmet, do not suffer from wind noise. although the Caberg's are known to give more wind noise. i am also getting the after market screen fitted next month. remember each model of bike will divert the wind slighly different than another. i think it could be a helmet problem, try some of your friends helmets {as many types as possable} as i had this problem when i fitted a fairing to my 900 honda,never had it with other bikes with my helmet ,and i tried earplugs. but it was the helmet in the end. the only problem i have with the screen is when its right up it pushes my head down , this is why im going for the 2" higher screen.
  8. iomrob replied to Sambo's post in a topic in The Bar
    ok if it feels like the front wheel is weaving , a number of things could be. front wheel bearings front wheel buckled head stock bearings front tyre, it could be the balancing of it, are the weights still on the rim, or it could be the tyre its self. is the bike new , or second hand , has it been in a crash, cause it could be a bent frame if its been crashed are you sure its the front end thats moving {i know that sounds daft but} rear end moving could give you the feeling that its the front end moving . are the tyres well worn?
  9. iomrob posted a post in a topic in General
    you dont have to be into the "biker rally" scene for this to affect you. if you go to meets of any type, IT DOES affect you some of you may know , some may not, but the Rock & Blues , and now the Welsh Motorcycle Show has been cancelled. the Welsh , due to Police objections, that were not raised with the authorities (Licensing or otherwise) but directly with the committee of the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society. now the Welsh is a show, not a rally, and more a family type event . there are also plans in the pipe line to try and get the licences for other smaller motorcycle events revoked. god knows where this will stop. after seeing the violence in Manchester last night, are they going to stop all football matches , i think not. no pick on the minority biker/motorcyclist. this is a copy of a post by a friend of mine that sums it up better than i could { i know its a bit long but if you enjoy motorcycling please bear with it.} An open letter to all who care about riding their bike The recent cancellation of the Welsh National Motorcycle Show by the committee of the Royal Welsh Agricultural Showground due to representations made by Dyfed Powys Police has not only saddened me, but has made me angry. Angry that my very way of life is facing it’s most dangerous threat ever, a threat that could end biking in this country for good. I cannot stand idly by and let this happen. Dyfed Powys Police made representations to the committee regarding the ‘potential’ threat of violence at the show and that they could not guarantee public safety courtesy of the ongoing feud between certain Motorcycle Clubs. The organisers of the Welsh National Motorcycle Show were not invited to this meeting to refute Police Claims. They found out after the decision had been made with no chance to appeal the decision. Both Dyfed Powys Police and the Royal Welsh Agricultural Showground committee know that the Welsh National Motorcycle Show is one of the most peaceful, well attended events in Wales. Many Bikers take their children to the event knowing their children will be in a safe environment. This is due to the reputation that the organisers of the show have worked extremely hard to maintain over the last 18 years, yet Dyfed Powys Police totally disregarded this in favour of indulging in what has now been seen in many quarters as a concerted Police campaign to close down every single bike related event in the UK. THIS MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN! This is a violation of our civil liberties and our way of life faces its darkest hour. If we lose this fight, we lose everything. Our events, our meeting places, our clubs that we have enjoyed being members of since Biking began. Whether you a dyed in the wool Rally Biker like myself, or you just enjoy riding your bike on sunny Sundays to one of the many peaceful meeting places around the land. This affects YOU! It affects every last one of us and if we do not make a stand now, then we are lost, consigned to history as a group who did nothing when we were trampled underfoot. I call upon M.A.G, the B.M.F, the N.A.B.D and every single bike club in the land to unite and stop this madness, to stand up as one and defend our way of life. Write to your MP, write to the Home Office, write to anyone you think will listen and make the Powers That Be aware that we will stand tall and fight. We have succeeded before when threatened with stupid safety measures that were designed to maim and kill, we can succeed again. But we need to start NOW. you can leave it to someone else, have a "i cant make a difference" attitude, but when there is no where to go apart from a ride out on a sunday, then what will you think. 10 minutes to right a short letter to your MP is not a lot to ask to try and ensure that there will still be motorcycle events in this country for us and future motorcyclist to enjoy . thanks for your time if you read all that Rob
  10. iomrob replied to pint puller's post in a topic in The Bar
    awe right mate
  11. iomrob replied to mpgscott's post in a topic in The Bar
    hi , Mark and welcome
  12. iomrob replied to andrew john's post in a topic in The Bar
    any chance {although you might have tried} you have the wires on the wrong coils. just an easy idea. i know that some time we miss the easiest things and start getting into the technical stuff , but have missed a simple thing. also not plugging another forum{ sorry Mr Admin } but there is an XJR owners forum and most of them were from the UK, although i have not looked at it for a long time. yeah, let me know which pub it is, as a good Scotsman i might be able to blag a free drink from him
  13. iomrob replied to andrew john's post in a topic in The Bar
    hi mate , welcome. sounds like you have a wiring or ignition problem, cant see both coils going at once, more likely to be in the ignition system else where. best advice i think would be see an auto electrician.................unless we have one on here {dont know if we have as im new also} just a thought, have to got the wires {think there are 2 to each coil} on the right way round. had 2 XJR's great bikes took them all round europe, never missed a beat once, apart from burning new oil off quickly with the heat.
  14. iomrob replied to TazR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    cant help for the area Taz. but i have had decals made up in the past when rebuilding bikes, and any good sign maker should be able to do the job. they will want the seat before you take them off to get the lines and angles. i would compare their prices with a price from your Yam dealer first . i found it a good idea to get them to fit them as im crap at getting decals in line . so the extra hours labour could be worth it
  15. what Geoff , said. i have been using Givi topbox and side box's for touring for 7 years now, really rate them. all that you have to do is but a new fitting kit for the rack, for model of bike when you change, normally around £50 to £70
  16. iomrob replied to nova72's post in a topic in The Bar
    hi ben, welcome. ok,first, i have not owned one of those, but it look a standard 4 no the air filter will not be oiled ,i take it when you said "it", its a standard filter in an airbox {where the filter is housed} if its dirty change it, as it will cause poor running and fuel consumption. as for the 30mpg, depends how you ride it, i for one have never bothered working out what any off my bikes get. the items on the link {the pictured did not load} going by the name are the correct items. there are a few names for them , depending where you are in the world. inlet manifolds, inlet manifold rubbers, card mountings, inlet rubbers. get them changed if they are splitting, if a split goes right through it will cause that pot to draw more air , which will makes it run weak, and can cause the cylinder to blow up. and this will happen 100 miles from home not 100 yards. just change the lot for safety. as for changing them , depends how you are at mechanical work, if you ok, they are quite easy to do . the main problem use to be they were held on with allen bolts {uk name for them} and were prone to rounding the allen slot and it was always the hardest one to get to that done it. {although that model could be bolts i dont know}. if you fit the new ones correct ie, flush to the cylinder head {run the mounting bolts up evenly , not tighten one right up then fit the other} refit the carbs , some times heating the mountings with an hair dryer before fitting the carbs is a good idea as the rubber is quite hard, just warm them to make the rubber more softer, all four at once then fit the carbs quiclly before it cools down. then refit the air box. i have found this part the hardest in the past {in fact once after 2 hours of trying, the air box got ripped out , thrown in the corner and a set of K'N's fitted.} as it seems with some air boxs , years of heat from the engine warps the air box. if the card mountings, the carbs, and air box are all fitted on correctly, the bike will start no problem just a few extra turns on the starter. just make sure you leave one of the lock nuts on the cables to the carbs in place so the cables are at the same place as they come off. if you have any worries , just buy a workshop manual for the model. but its not a hard job for someone with mechanical knowledge hope this helps, someone on here could have more knowledge of these models. but as i said it looks a straight forward 4 cylinder Rob oh if you have trouble with the air box and go for 4 single filters fitted to the carbs, the carbs will need up jetted.
  17. iomrob replied to gunnysonics's post in a topic in General
    agree 100% .i have always said that, the problem would be making sure they did the miles to learn . back on topic. there will always be for and against in a poll like this im for a step system. if i had been able to afford a 900/1000cc when i passed my test way back then, i would have killed myself, as i was a "i know it all, know how to do it" teenager, but i know not all are like that. the problem is though people who make laws like that , dont know feck all about riding bikes.
  18. iomrob replied to mrtn's post in a topic in The Bar
    welcome mrtn
  19. iomrob replied to XTreme's post in a topic in The Bar
    so let me get this right , your saying our admins on here look like dodgy seventies porn stars, complete with the standard moustache i did have a look back at some of his posts , and i could see why one or two people could get a little peeved off with him
  20. please sign the pertition to try and keep the cost down http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/motorcycle-tax/
  21. iomrob replied to iomrob's post in a topic in The Bar
    cheers oldgit will stick to the St Andrews ty Beard, to be honest the FJR was not my first choice. had 2 XJR's before wanted another one , but the mods on the 2007 model with the single exhaust, sitting higher at the back ment i could not fit the Givi side box's on it for touring. was not going to bother getting a new bike last year, but, the Yamaha shop is 100 yards up the road from us , and Shaz {she who must be obeyed , or else a whipping is in order .........well beats paying for it } kept on popping in and when they got a new FJR in, dragged me there , started on about comfort ,how the XJR would loose money, bla bla bla. so i ended up getting one . was not happy with it from day 1, vibration in the bars at 4000 rpm was murder. the dealers were great trying to sort it, but we had to head of on tour when it was 7 weeks old. the vibration got worse {14 miles on a motorway and my throttle hand was numb,} it would not go over the alps due to the fault that all 2007 models had with the fuel mixture sensor. got stuck in the Italian Alps for 4 days due to that. but it appears to all be fixed now, will only be able to tell for sure when we head off at the start of July.
  22. iomrob replied to R1evad's post in a topic in General
    Carol Nash we get ours ever year from her, because of the time we are away it has to be a year's cover, about £90 for the year for the 2 of us. also covers bike luggage, clothes.
  23. iomrob posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    .......as someone seems to have left the door open, and newbies are wandering in all over the place. thought i would nip in and see if there was anything worth stealing........errr say hello. 47 year old , FJR rider................thats me thats 47 , not the FJR oh im Scottish, but live on the Isle of Man, so wheres the Isle of Man flag.