Everything posted by steve m
Fazer 1000 clock fault
Allways thought the speedo on the R1 & R6 was a digital unit ?
Fazer 1000 clock fault
As far as I know the 2001 - 2005 Fazer Thou unit is not the same unit as the R1 or R6 but like you say , it will have a back up battery for the odo unit. Trouble is , most of the time, people don`t come back and tell you what they have done to cure the problem.
Called there in 2006, we did a 3500 mile 3 week tour around France, the wife on her Fazer600 and me on the Fazer thou, I don`t know about organised tours, but would think that they will have all the main places to visit planed for you,they should aready have told you what docs you will need to take as well, we always carry a tyre pluging kit,spare bulbs, small tool kit, bit of tape and cable ties,also a small can of chain lube !! as for clothes pack the least possible, if you think you need 5 T shirts, pack 3, we have never yet used all the clothes we have taken and every year we take less ! As madison,, also make sure you get your European Health Insurance Card, (E111) this is free. We also take out recovery insurance from Euro Rescue but the AA, RAC, and NCI also do recovery as well. A law concerning the compulsory carrying of a reflective jacket (EN471) and a warning triangle (ECE R27) in France came into force on 1st July 2008. However, this regulation will not be enforceable with on-the-spot fines until 1st October 2008, when the fine will be between 90 and 135 Euros. The French Road Safety Department has now confirmed that: From 1st October 2008 all drivers in France, including drivers of vehicles registered outside of France, must have one warning triangle and one reflective jacket in their vehicle. This does not apply to drivers of two-wheeled and three-wheeled vehicles. Motorcycles: Use of dipped headlights during the day compulsory. The wearing of crash helmets is compulsory for both driver and passenger of any two-wheel motorised vehicle. French Road Signs have a look here, quite interesting. Speed limits: Standard legal limits, which may be varied by signs, for private vehicles without trailers. In built-up areas 31 mph (50 km/h), outside built-up areas 55 mph (90 km/h), but 68 mph (110 km/h) on urban motorways and dual carriageways separated by a central reservation and 80 mph (130 km/h) on motorways. Lower speed limits of 49 mph (80 km/h) outside built-up areas, 62 mph (100 km/h) on dual carriageways and 68 mph (110 km/h) on motorways apply in wet weather and to visiting motorists who have held a driving licence for less than two years. Additionally, speed limits are reduced on stretches of motorways in built up areas. Minimum speed limit on motorways 49mph (80km/h). It is compulsory to carry a driving licence, bike registration papers (Carte Grise) and insurance documents. (These must be the original documents; keep copies separately.)
Fazer 1000 clock fault
Look Here
Fazer 1000 clock fault
Could be a lose battery conection or a bad live power conection on the circuit board in the meter unit , or even your battery could be on it`s way out. Hiya marcus ...... you just beat me to it !! Red green wire is the live feed to the unit, should run from a 10Amp back up fuse some where under the seat ?? (i think !! )
RD400 restoration
You could also try here ,,,,,,,,,,, Yambits
Cracked Engine Case Repair
All new gaskets, all new oil seals, the rest of what it will need will depend on what you find after stripping it down ? this is a full engine strip,, would have thought here will be a need of some special tools. Is it worth it ???????? Up too you ?
Disc brake drag
Nopeeeee Orange groves,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lot nicer
New tyre
Depends on what make of tyre you want,What tyre have you got on the front ? better to have the same make on both wheels.. Bridstone BT45 £69 , Metzeler Lazertec £68, Continental Avenue £60, Pirelli Sport Demon £67, Those prices are from M&P direct (mail order) so the price you have been given ain`t that far out. Then of coarse you need to get it fitted ! unless you are going to do it yourself?? if so best of luck ! Yep I have fitted many a tyre, but of the tubed type,they ain`t so hard to do,, but I have found it just ain`t worth the trouble with tubeless, our local tyre guy charges bout £8 to remove and fit a bike tyre and it takes him about 4 mins to do.. If the damage ain`t to bad on your old tyre and there is plenty of life left on it, then it could be worth repairing, but get some one who knows what they are doing to do it .
Disc brake drag
As Paul Above.......... Also while you have the pistons out of the calipers, make sure you clean out the groves where the seals fit, this is a bit of a faff, but you can get quite a build up of crap in the grooves, this then stops the seals seating properly which in turn makes it harder for the pistons to slid in and out ........
1973 MX 250 Parts Availability
Think they sbould be paying you to take it away !!!!!!!!!
tips "from the day"
You cheeky young pup ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
discs or speedo drive?
Check thet you have the brake pad spring on top of the calipers the right way round..
Fazer 600 for the Missus
Good god !!!!!!!!!!! what next ???????? You will be telling me it ain`t got a kick start
Fazer 600 for the Missus
Kph speedo, (unles the bike is from the USA 5VX3/5VX4 model code) head light dips the wrong way, not much else really, check the log book, ask the guy. can`t see a problem really, all the parts are avaliable. If you have the frame number and model code then a Yam agent should be able to tell you for sure. Ooooh handlebars may be on the wrong side !!
Fazer 600 Front Forks
He got it sorted,, just seen his post on the Fazer site................
Hi i am rebuliding my fz600 1987 forks, i want to make the front springs a bit stiffer i have heared that i can put some spacers to stiffen the springs as i do not want to buy new ones does any one know how thick the spacers can be i was told 15-20mm should be ok Don`t know,, but 15/20mm spacer you could end up with coil bound springs !! and thicker oil will help thanks dave. That will certainly slow the damping down, both compresion and rebound ???????????????????????????
Head light modification
Seen them for sale on EBay..........
Fazer 600 Front Forks
Yep you could have done, also there could be a load of crud in the bottom of the fork and this has cuased a bit of "sticksion" try draining the fork again, then twist the stansion as you pull upward, I have had this happen to me once when doing the wifes 600 Fazer`s forks, but did manage to pull the slider up ok, was a little more carefull next time I did them. PS,,,, just a thought,, is the fork stansion straight ?? has the bike ever been in a shunt ? you have pushed the stansion down past the oil seal a lot lower than it would normaly go, if there is any damage to the stansion then it would be just below the bottom yoke,about the point that is now in the oil seal !! just something else to think about !!
oh FFS
Where you watching Star Gate ?? perhaps there was a rift in time and there`s a guy in another dimension now wondering why he has 4 remote controls
Dear Mr Cage Driver
Red Honda Pan Euro and black BMW 5 ser plus Skodas in Lincolnshire But at the Wednesday Wilingham Woods meet last year, they where turing up on all sorts of bikes, R1s, R6s, Gixers,even on a Moto Guzi done up as a Spanish police bike !!
To lube or not to lube!
If thats what they sold you then it`s just LM grease !! Most Halfrauds sell chain lube,either there own brand or Castrol, these both come in a spry can, usual thing is to wipe the chain with a rag soaked in parafin to get rid of the crud, dry the chain with a clean rag then give it a good spry with the chain lube, you can of coarse use a spry chain cleaner but the parafin is cheaper. I usualy clean the chain once a month and lubricate the chain every 200 miles or after a wet ride, all depends on the miles you do. I use Wurth dry chain lube, not cheap, but does a good job, my last chain lasted 24000 miles and thats on a Fazer 1000.
Short levers are most often used by racers, means if they bin the bike then more often than not the levers will not be damaged,something less to be replaced, also makes it easier for the marshals to move the bike from the middel of the track when the bike is in gear and the gear change is missing !!
help needed with a 1998 r1
You are going to love the Exup,, if it ain`t been serviced on a regular basis it`s going to be a royal pain !! If you do as madison says and you are lucky enough to get all the bolts out ok, make sure you change them for all stainless items and when you replace them make sure you use plenty of Copper Slip...........
how fast is fast?
Just enjoy......................................... To many people pulling each other down................ Just do what you enjoy..................