Everything posted by steve m
Fazer 1000 (the first one) RWHP anyone
Blue trace is the standard Fazer Gen 1 HP at the rear wheel Red trace is modified Gen 1 Fazer ( with ivans carb mods and slip on end can )
79 750S Headlight Issues
"the plug that goes into the headlight has a yellow and green coming off of it (I am assuming a low and high beam) that needs power. Unfortunately there are no other wires in the head light and I was wondering if the guy had removed them. Where is the incoming source of power suppose to be from? Thanks --" There should be 3 wires at the head light plug,,, Yellow,main beam, green, dip beam and black is earth, power would come from the headlight or dip switch.
Brake pads and shims
I tried to get new shims for my 2004 Fazer Thou`s rear brake,(managed to lose one in the garage) but apparentley Yamaha dont list them ! so been running the rear brake shimless for the last 3 years and I have not had a problem.
Puncture Safe
Yep, been using it for the last 5 years, I have heard some say that it does cause problems, but not had any myself. "There are stories of people who've thus been completely unaware of a puncture and continued on what is effectively a busted tyre. I'll let your imagination fill in the rest. " Yes heard of that as well, ,but if the tyre is that badly damaged then it would go down even with ultraseal in it, but hopefully in a more controled fashion, as opposed to a sudden,,,,,,, Oooooo shit me tyres gone pop !!!!!!!!!!! It is allways good practice to check your tyres after every journey anyway, with or without Ultraseal.
Thunderace restriction?
Hiys golfdub, Why do you keep quoting yourself ?
Dont think so........ check out HERE
need exhaust suggestions for a '82 seca xs400rj
These should still be avlaible from your yamaha agent.
cooling fan
Hiya Al. This is quite normal and not a problem ,, "they all do that sir" ,,,,,,, with the exhaust being so close to the rad, Yamaha have made it so that when the bike is running the fan cuts in,this helps to keep the things cool and also stops the grease in the head bearings melting,cos it gets quite hot around the headstock ! one way to stop the fan running, is to drop the bike into gear then put it back in nuteral..
wire locking
Yep,,,Looks fine to me .............
indicator wattage on ybr125
Yes you can get 12v 10watt bulbs, what sort of fitting is it ?? Try These consuma Bulbs More Bulbs
FZS 600 Tapping Noise
Have you checked the chain tension lately ?? is the chain in good codition and well oiled ? could be there be a tight spot on the chain and the chain is ready for renewing ? are the sprockets worn out ? Also, Check that the nut hasn`t come off/come loose on the gearbox sprocket, to do this properly you will need to take the cover off behind the gear shift lever. This is a known fault on Fazer 600s and some 1000s, there is a nodified nut and lock washer fix. If this is the problem, if you don`t want to do the job yourself then you need to contact a Yamaha agent ASAP, before more damage is done. Yamaha will fit a new gearbox sprocket nut and washer free of charge to any fazer owner who,s had the problem of theres comeing loose. yamaha will also change the gearbox shaft if the threads are 17.5mm or under, this is also free of charge except for the engine oil . the warranty claim is open to all fazer owners ,the age, mileage and number of owners of the bike is irrellevent.
Speedo Drive
Whats wrong with the speedo drive ?? has one of the Rotor sensor lugs broken ? Part No 5VU-2517G-00-00 Rotor Sensor, (£9 ) one of the lugs broke on the wifes 600, Fowlers had them in stock. Full Unit 4YR-83755-02-00 Sensor Speed Or as Madisons says, try Ebay or a breakers.
wartime pictures over present day
10th June 1944 Today !!
exup system???
If this is the 2008 R6 then the exup is part of the silencer, so if you want to put on a different slip on can then the exup has to go, but you need to leave the servo motor in place on the bike or you will end up getting a fault code. If you do go down this route,then as Madison says you will need a remap and may be a power commander,you are also going to need set up time on a Dyno to get the best out of the bike and ensure the fueling is correct. If you really want to do this then the best way is to get a full system that is made for the bike.
end of free parking for motor cycles
May be in London, but not out in here in Lincolnshire,,,,,, but then again, we are north of Watford Gap and still use push bikes and wear flat caps
white smoke on 74 dt 125
The main crankshaft oil seal stops the transmission oil getting in to the crankcase and thence into the combustion chamber, this some times happens if a 2 stroke engine has been left standing for a long time, the seals tend to harden and go brittel,, this would need a full engine strip to put right,, Check the gearbox oil level, if this keeps going low and you have no leaks then this could be the reason. Check the oil pump is set up OK. Accumulated oil deposits in the exhaust system could also cause the same problem, the system may need a good clear out !!
end of free parking for motor cycles
Signed up for that one....... Here`s a couple more for you to sign !! One for the ban on the introduction of "Cheese Cutter type road side crash barriers http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/cheesecutters/ One for making inspection hole covers less slippy http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/motorcycleman/
car drivers
All cage drivers hate BUS drivers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, right??????????? we pull away from bus stops without waiting or signaling ?? they pull out of side roads with out waiting for you to pass ?? they stop with out signaling ?? they take up most of the road and won`t let you pass ?? they are slow and never use there mirrors ?? WE are really just getting our own back on cage drivers !!!!!!!!!!! Cos a lot of us ride MOTOR BIKES !!!!!!!!!!!!!
car drivers
Agree with everything you say and YES it is time the driving test for cage drivers was tightend up !! the present test dates back to the 1970s !!
white smoke on 74 dt 125
White smoke,,could be the crank shaft oil seal gone ?? How long has the bike been stood ??
YZF 600 R Thundercat
looks good
All At Sea
As far as I know, Mabelthorpe is the only place in the UK where beach racing takes place, I know Weston has a beach race but that is just once a year. One thing, the machines are quite interesting......... Armstrong, complete with lights and number plate !! They also have a race for juniors.
All At Sea
Good fun but it can be very cold !! at least a couple of the cafes on the prom are open for a cup of tea or soup !! There`s 3 meetings in March we are hoping to be able to go to them, may be see you there ? thats i if the wife ain`t working, or they don`t clash with a road racing events as we Marshal for a few bike racing clubs.
All At Sea
Just got back from a morning of bike racing at Mabelthorpe, cold, windy and raining, but it didn`t stop these guys and gals having fun !! The track was a little damp in places ! Yep that is a Triumph 3 try riding that on sand !! Look mum........ no brakes !!
Parking for bikes?
Should be like France............. you can park almost anywhere