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steve m

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Everything posted by steve m

  1. steve m replied to trippmar's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    There are no known problems with the FZS/Fazer gearbox (except damage by heavey footedness ) if it`s a new bike ,,, take it back to the shop.
  2. steve m replied to troyboy's post in a topic in Naked
    Try it,, see what you think ? if it`s not for you then put it back " as was" you only need to disconect the servo cables from the exup valve (no need to remove them) wire the valve open and se how it goes........... Ps, make sure you make a note as to which cable goes on which side of the pully, better still take a picture ..
  3. steve m replied to Jimmi's post in a topic in Naked
    Got BT021s on the Fazer thou and the wife has them one her Fazer600, they are a good tyres, but the fronts have worn faster than the rears, looks like it could be two fronts to one rear !! Going to try the new Dunlop Road Smartsnext, they seem to have a good write up.
  4. CPC

    steve m replied to JimR's post in a topic in The Bar
    """I've already got a NVQ in transport" A shiver ran down my spine at that little gem""" sanctimonious t**t !! There is no requirement for a course to include a test or pass/fail element. So, you have obviously done the CPC, so I wonder what your thought are on the syllabus ?? """I have every qualification going""" Do you really """"If you seriously think your knowing the difference between a road wheel and a steering wheel makes you a good driver you should enrol now. """ Do you know me ?? or what experance i have ? before passing your judgement on other people, get to know them first !!
  5. CPC

    steve m replied to JimR's post in a topic in The Bar
    """""""PS I think you'll find dust cart drivers may be exempt """"""" CPC booklet Periodic training is designed to complement the individual drivers work and be relevant to their everyday job. Courses may include defensive driving techniques, first aid, health & safety, driver’s hour’s regulations and tachographs. Courses will also enable drivers to keep up to date with changing regulations. The syllabus broadly covers: • Safe and fuel efficient driving • Legal requirements • Health and Safety, service and logistics. There is no requirement for a course to include a test or pass/fail element. Allready done the first syllabus 7 1/2 hours of total boredum !! I allready hold an NVQ in transport, but I still have to do the CPC !
  6. steve m replied to JohnnieM's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    5 spoke are correct for the year. Sorry, Not sure what other wheels will fit.
  7. steve m replied to awxjr's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Works for me every time
  8. steve m replied to martti-r's post in a topic in Classics
    Sounds like a starter motor problem, the clicking you hear will be the relay working, but still worth checking it out first.
  9. Engine and frame No starting from 12R -000101 are the DOHC engines, your model should be for 1982 the XS400J. As drewpy says """the 12r and 12e for your purposes, will be the same""" The engine specs are the same as the XS400RJ (12E) but the carbs are differant ( Mikuni BS43/12R-00 on the J and BS34/16m-00 on the RJ) as are the main jets ( LH jet 125 RH jet 115 on the J and LH 127 RH 117.5 on the RJ )and also the rear sprokets (35 tooth on the J and 38 on the RJ) XS400RJ with DOHC engine.
  10. steve m replied to Blades_2's post in a topic in The Bar
    Wot you all woried about ?????????????????????? Gordon will sort it all out, no problem !!!!! 2 pence a litre on petrol and chuck in few more speed camaras,,,,,, job sorted
  11. steve m replied to Blades_2's post in a topic in The Bar
    """These brave men should be allowed to stay in this country - and it pisses me off that so many illegal immigrants are allowed to stay without so much as a bat of an eyelid, yet the Gurkhas arent allowed? """ Yep, got to agree, let them in,,,, then send a troop of them off to the Euro Ports to help befend our Borders,, that should help keep some of the illegals out
  12. steve m replied to cool uncle's post in a topic in Naked
    More than likley that the valve needs a strip,clean and lube, this is something that should be done every service really, ( I do mine every couple of thou miles ) unfourtnatly, Mr Yamaha never thought to add it to the servicing schedule, so more often than not it gets missed and the first you know of it is when the dreaded ExUp fault appears......... Yes it is a job you can do yourself but,,, before you start pop on to this SITE and have a look round, you should find all the info you need to do the job and any advice you need,just ask,,, another but !! first of all introduce your self !!
  13. steve m replied to Mayharg's post in a topic in The Bar
    Try HERE
  14. steve m replied to Heather's post in a topic in Classics
    Should be a 60/55 watt bulb if it looks like THIS ( H4 bulb ) then you should be able to pick one up at any auto shop.
  15. steve m replied to squiz's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Sticker should be on the bike under the seat ? 1999 Fazer model code 5DM4 Color Code SM1,,,,,, Silver Metalic 1 ..........
  16. steve m replied to grayVTWIN's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    What club or clubs are you looking to race with ??
  17. Hi Jim,, I think the Goverment and thousends of car drivers will be pleased to read that comment !! Ooohhhh and don`t froget the push bike brigade !
  18. steve m replied to G-man's post in a topic in Classics
    Some Info HERE I had thought about putting one on the wifes XS400 seca, but in the end stuck with the lead acid battery, mainly cos it was the cheaper option !
  19. steve m replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in Naked
    You would need dyno time to set the Power Comander up properly any way, you would be looking at + or - £200 for a Power Comander and Dyno time ,,, yep, there is a good chance that the bike will run OK if you put the standard air filter back in,,,,,,, would be the cheapest option !! what small gain in power there is ( if there is any gain !!??) with the K&N filter really aint worth the cost . That is ,, unless you are going racing ??
  20. steve m replied to barwell1992's post in a topic in Naked
    K&N filter + Quill exhaust = Dyno time !! Going to be the only way to sort the fueling out properly..
  21. steve m replied to Blades_2's post in a topic in The Bar
    Tell you what ???? This goverment are that bloody corrupt they make the Sicilian goverment run by the Mafia look like angels.. We are being well by a set of The whole of Europe and the USA must be pissing them selfs with laughter
  22. steve m replied to christoph21's post in a topic in Classics
    Won`t hurt to do a plug check, see if it`s running weak or rich, popping is more than likley caused by the exhaust sucking air in somewhere..
  23. steve m replied to workers85's post in a topic in Naked
    You ain`t been putting any of THESE in your tank,,,,,,,,,,,,have you ?????
  24. steve m replied to workers85's post in a topic in Naked
    ""Are the carb rubbers the rubber on the bottom half of the airbox that go over the top off the carbs?? If it is I've just taken it off and 2 of the 4 were not seated properly "" Could be part of the problem, but check the rubbers that go from the carbs to the engine, these sometimes perish or crack and allow air to be sucked in there for weakening the mixture, more usual on older bikes than yours though. """The can hasnt got a baffle, ,""" Could be the cause of your popping and farting !!?? ""then i think i'm gettin out of my capabilities so i'll take it to a garage""! Good move,,, better than buggering the carbs up altogether if you are not sure what you are doing !
  25. steve m replied to workers85's post in a topic in Naked
    Don`t know anything about your can ? popping and farting could be caused by the can or a leak in the exhaust system some where, are you running with or without the baffel in ? Could even be a leak in the induction stubs/carb rubbers, that could cause both problems. Fueling could be one of a hundred things !! the choke ain`t stuck on is it ? have you had the plugs out ? the ends should be light brown ? may be worth a carb strip and clean, make sure the float height is set correctly on all the carbs, then have the cards balanced.