Everything posted by daglad
Had to laugh
Hi all hope everyone is well in Yamaha land. Went out for a tootle yesterday, bit of a shakedown run really, anyway on the way back in there is a stretch of about two miles which is pretty good for a blast to finish off. Yesterday l followed a shogun up the hill that leads to the stretch. This geezer in the Shogun suddenly became all Jenson Button after spotting me in his mirrors. What a laugh he was all over the road trying to keep me behind him. They are bloody fast them shoguns he reached nearly 90mph at one point. Laugh l nearly fell off!!! what a plonker rodney. Any other daft car stories out there Catch ya later.
Looks like.....
Hi N TART, i am instantly jealous of your mates!!!!! Do they think it will be competitive in the end or with the big boys coming back in with a vengance do they think the race is run? Have they made any comment about Troy Corsers alleged (It was in MCN after all) scathing comments about Foggy not being interested in the project?
Looks like.....
Didn't he do some GP's in the mid/late nineties? Here's a thought how about re-introducing the old Trans-Atlantic series. I know it used to have all the top GP stars of the day and for reasons of Cost/Sponsorship that couldn't be the case anymore, but l feel both BSB and AMA are big enough in their own right. How about doing a Davis Cup type event every two years in each country.
Looks like.....
Shock Horror! Foggy Petronas goes on sale (All right it was in a showroom in Malaysia) £35.000. I bet the big four are shitting themselves over the market share this thing is going to take off them. Thanks for the info Yamahead l watched the Superbikes and have to say Mladin looks strong, fair play to Hodgson i would settle for second, l thought he had taken Mladin's front wheel at the start it was a bit close.
Looks like.....
hi, yamahead, has hodgson got any chance today at Daytona? who's your money on? I have just read that this years Daytona 200 will be a 600cc race not the full blown litre bikes is this true and if so why? won't it loose it's kudos as your biggest race of the year? l just assumed the 200 was the first round of AMA cheers mate
- snowing
Looks like.....
Ducati Cheat anyway!!!! As l understand it WSB is production based with modifications within certain realms. This being the case how come Frankie Chilli had a 998 bike with a 999 engine, a tadd illegal wouldn't you think. Strikes me foggy better give Garrett Ten Kate a quick call and stick a blade motor in that kitchen appliance of his.
Loud Cans
Hi, l have just taken my R1 for it's first MOT, it has a micron high level on it which isn't road legal however it is all stamped to keep the dim gits happy, not being sure how l stood with it on for the MOT l asked my dealer if it would pass. To my utter suprise it is now down to the tester to deam if it is too loud or not, and not if it has the correct stamps. Guess what, you can thank harley dickheadson for this little ray of sunshine because they refuse to put euro stamping on any exhaust and choose to write Harley Davidson instead, and being Harley they can do what the hell they like. However, you will still get pulled and be given the chance to share a shower with the Jackson freak PS. My dealer is as deaf as a post!!!!!!
Thanks mate i will tell him and let you know
Thanks for that l was just curious, at the risk of boring you, my mate has got a zx10r (Tosser don't know why he didn't by an R1) anyway he is 40 with three years no claims and is paying 580quid will you be quote him even though the knob has a crappywaki thanks
Hi, a women in our office has been telling me all day that her and her husband both have a car each, but both cars have been registered in her husbands name. He now has a no claims bonus of five years on one vehicle and four on the other. They have swapped one of the cars into the womens name and he has transfered 4 years worth of no claims onto her, is that possible? i am curious because this women talks bollocks from 0730 until 4.30 everysingle bloody day!
I Predict......
Hi, l went to the Bol dor two years ago (Stick it on your must do list it's effing mental) and a rider that impressed me was Sebastian Gimbert. He did a couple of rounds last year in WSB, notably two fourths at Magny Cours (Still after walloping around it for 24hrs he should know where it goes) l think he has a full ride this year. He WILL be on the podium this year.
I Predict......
I know what you are saying about Hodgson being 2nd string really. The year he won the WSB crown he did it with consitancy (Which you have to admire him for) but you could see Xuas was a quicker racer with more natural talent, it's no suprise he's still in motogp and hodgy isn't. Which one of the ama boys will follow Nicky into motogp, Jake Zemke maybe or the younger Hayden is it Roger?
I Predict......
Hi, I think it will be between Troy Corser and Chris Vermullen, but then last year l said Toseland had more chance of kissing the popes baggy white ass than winning WSB so that shows how much l know. Question for Yamahead, does anybody in the states think a) Hodgson will win care that he is there or c) Have a clue who he is?
Guess the bike
So it's not from Harry Potter then?
most embarrasing biking moment
Here goes, six of us out last summer, wednesday evening in Lincolnshire, i am at the back as norm, all lining up for a left hander and all of a sudden everybody brakes like buggery. looked to my right at some poor sod climbing out of a ditch. Anyway as good guys we stopped and dragged his thundercat out of said ditch, by which time his mates had arrived (Number of spectators now upto about a dozen). With everything now shipshape a glib 'you watch l'l drop mine spinning round' comment, and yes you guessed it lovely red R1 on it's arse! So the moral to the story is, you who get into ditches get your bloody selves out!!!!!!!
- Who Cares
- Who Cares
First Bike
Hi all, the first was a right shed a YB100, what a tool but when your fourteen and live in the country it was ace. In the end i think i fell of it that much the gear lever was a pair of mole grips! Then l turned sixteen and had to go all legal with an AR50 which maxed out at 32mph and yes that 2mph was important.
What colour should I paint it?
Hi, I also like the look of Beezneez and the roberts speedblock, l did my powervalve in it years ago and it looked trick, Have you thought about Marlboro Colours l know a lot have used them but they are classic
Write off categories
Hi, Thanks guy's. It looks like if l stick with a cat D it should be ok. Also, the HPI register bit is worth remembering for future sale, but as l want to keep it no worries, so for now everything in the Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Team looks chipper Thanks Daglad PS: Winter is starting to drag the old R1 looks more and more tempting!!!!!!
Write off categories
Thanks for the info, now the bad news it's a kwack, but don't worry l won't be selling the R1 l just fancy a zxr1100
Write off categories
Thanks mate, just asked him the question
ANd the neweees keep flowing
Hi Insurance man welcome to our little bit of cyberspace. Can l take you up on your offer of advise, I have been offered a Cat D write off. I just want to know what l can legally do with it regarding putting it back on the road. It has been stolen recovered. Will it need/can l re-register it with a year plate or will it get the dreaded Q Plate. Thanks PS Hope you enjoy the forum.
Write off categories
Hello again, can anybody help me with the shady area of insurance write-offs. I have the chance to buy a cat D write off. From what l am told some low life has tried to have it away and smashed the locks and scratched all the panels and generally abused it. My question is can l put it back on the road after a rebuild and will it get a Q plate. Thanks