Everything posted by daglad
Hi, I am no great shakes at it anymore (too old, too scared) but l take mine up in second at about 60mph, just throttle off quick jab of clutch ping the throttle and up it comes. Don't panic about how high it comes it's never as high as you think until it is as high as you think and then it's to late anyway. Everybody says if it gets to high just hold it on the back brake, ye right, sheer panic has taken over by that point! Be lucky
- Pointless
- Pointless
hi all
Hi andnez welcome, l am new as well (Couple of months). I am from a small village near Barton upon Humber (Humber Bridge). Life gets pretty wild up here, we had a bring and buy sale in the village hall the other day complete with a Tombola stall bet you southerners can't compete with that for excitement.
You just have to have a go
Hi Yamahahead Hang Gliding, you must be as mad as badger! You wouldn't get in one of those things, for a sniff of Kylies Knickers!
My mates got a couple of planes, l don't want to appear an anorak but the tiny 3.5bhp engine is a work of art. as l recall it was the only bit left after a small altercation with ground apparently he just can't keep it up longer than 30 seconds
I watched a programme about radio control submarines the other day. Think about that for a moment. Yep, you push your submarine into the lake press the submerge button and there it is gone. Half an hour later up it comes. Marvellous you have just watched a lake for 30 mins. Next question, what happens if it brakes down under water how the hell would you know, are where the bloody hell do you look for it?
Pet Hates (Drivers)
Car/bike thieves MP's who don't have a grip on reality. Dark Visor Law (See above) Patronising coppers Old people in cars Speed camera's in the middle of nowhere where there hasn't been an accident in years. No speed camera's outside schools (Where there should be) English bigotry towards bikers
Hello M8, I can't remember exactly but they were about £750, which isn't cheap but they are quality and you would pay that for dianese/alpinestar which aren't guaranteed to fit as well. The web address is www.crowtreeleathers.co.uk and are based in Louth, North Lincolnshire which is only a couple of miles from Cadwell Park (Trackday Nirvana). Cheers
Road Signs
I've had another vision of the future. How about bluetooth technology? mini headphones inside your helmet much like a normal two way (But without her indoors nagging) but giving rally pace notes, speed camera's and good pubs in the area just for good measure. It could even tell you when your riding like a prat or insult you when your wheelies are shite. Anyway must go my day release is nearly over!
Road Signs
Hi, Ever gone into a bend with chevrons plastered everywhere only to find it wasn't a bend at all just a flat out kink, or, the other way round gone barrelling into a non chevroned bend to be confronted with the mother of all bends and had to anchor up sharpish. Here's an idea, howabout changing these inconsistant signs with rally notes on signs. (Stay with me). Instead of the wiggle bend sign how about a bloody great sign that say LEFT 3 INTO SHARP RIGHT FOLLOWED BY FLAT 6 Even better FLAT 6 INTO BROW, WHEELIE 3RD GEAR Well i was bored at work today!
Hi, Have you thought about made to measure. I have the opposite problem being a short arse (Have you ever tried turning the bottom of leather jeans up). I have a set of Crowtree's and they fit brilliantly. I have done about 35000miles in them over about 6 years and they still look brand new. I haven't binned it with them on but they do make race suits for a lot of national racers so they can't be bad. The only niggles l have are that the liner is not removable and they are bloody heavy, but when your riding you don't notice them.
- Weather
Styling and Profiling.......
If you have two sheep with you at the curbside doesn't that make you a pimp in Wales?
MotoGP Winner
Rossi all the way! Wish List 1)l Somebody to give shakey a decent bike 2) Chaz Davies to get a spanish passport and then he will get a works Aprilia and smoke everyone in 250's. 3) Colin Edwards to stop balling about Front End Chatter (Thats a joke he's quality) 4) Biaggi to admit he can't deal with pressure (That's not a joke) 5) Sete to stop crying 6) Bayliss to scare people And lastly when shinya comes off at 200mph wave and look like he is enjoying it!
Pissed Off
I used to live on my own, every winter most of ZX6 went in the spare bedroom. Reasonable to me, however, the 1st winter my better half moved in l am wondering upstairs with the fairing when the better half inquires as to what l think i'm doing. Putting it in the bedroom as normal love. Fine she say's no problem, which bedroom is my horse going in! BOLLOCKS back down stairs l went fairing in hand. Heater in the garage now for my beloved R1, The horse is still in it field though.
- Weather
- Weather
Pissed Off
Hi, My mate JC has one of them hardley dickenson things, funny but the wind didn't blow that lump of scrap over. Apparently it's the power to WEIGHT ratio. Sorry to hear about the bikes going over though, it's a shit when it happens
- Weather
long way round
If you want a DVD that is worth it then buy Faster it is absolutely brilliant. my far better half bought me it for Christmas and now wishes she hadn't, it is constantly on!
Should I buy a used 2000 R1?
They have, they are, they always will do! Probably not the most sensible contribution but the point is it's your life live it. I think the events over the last week have brought that into focus. Have you bought anything yet M Falcon?
Should I buy a used 2000 R1?
Hi Alan, You are correct the throttle does go both ways and all bikes do bite. I guess my point is the R1 is such an easy bike to ride it can flatter your riding ability a bit and get you into situations quicker than you realise, but after saying that it is a brilliant bit of kit. One question to consider is insurance if you haven't been riding very long. God l sound old. Buy it, enjoy it, there really isn't a better feeling, just make sure you do a trackday then you really can send it on as it was intended to do. Daglad
Hello again, Good point, Here's a war for you Rossi and Biaggi! There now thats not quite so heavy. Will Biaggi ever beat him or will one of the young guns (Pardon the pun) get the better of him, Elias for instance, mad as a badger that lad. daglad
HI, It's Christmas eve 2004 in the civilised world, CIVILISED MY ARSE What is wrong with this place. The two most powerful men in the world have just contrived to get one re-elected on the strength of Iraq, which country is going to be sacrificed for blair to be re-elected next year, And while i am ranting how come every person on the planet knew iraq would turn into the killings field after the so called war had ended apart from the above two egotistical idiots. Happy christmas everyone. Daglad