Everything posted by chrisw
Yamaha Thundercat...
Hi there and welcome! Sorry if I state the obvious here but when you pushed the caliper pistons back ... you did take off the reservoir cap didn't you !! If you didn't then they would have been very hard to press back. Usually if you push them right back and give thearea a good clean (I use parrafin and a toothbrush) then they'll probably work fine. To bleed them shouldn't be a problem, are you saying when the bleed nipple is open and you squuze the lever then nothing comes out the nipple either, or that the system is emptying but not taking and fluid back in? I found the Cat downpip does corrode and swapped it for a stainless steel MOTAD on, but the bolts can easily snap in the engine .... which aint funny.
Thundercat Neutral light will not go out
Excellent glad to have been able to help out !
Thundercat Neutral light will not go out
The starter cut off relay is under the seat, if you lift the seat and stand on the left of the bike (seat lock side anyway), then you'll see the battery and then going towards the rear there's the negative cable block, and then the next item is the Start cut off relay (markins will be 81950-00 (amongst other markings). with the turn signal behind that. If you have a multimeter with a continuity tester on you can put the positive probe on to the green wire (this is the earth wire that leads towards the joint to the Neutral switch) and the negative probe to the blue/white wire ... There should be continuity, now reverse the probes and there shouldn't be continuity, if there is then it's feeding an earth back into the Neutral light. This sounds like the most likely cause of your problem to me.
LED & Standard Indicators / Turn Signals
For what it's worth here's my two penneth Motrax do some lovely e approved front flush fitting indicators, I have them on my 04 R6 and I'm sure they also fit the 07. http://search.lycos.co.uk/searchframe.html...mp;query=motrax then clieck on LED fairing D lights, and then images. They show them fitted to an R1 which use the same lights as an R6. I also have the rear integrated light/indicator unit fitted. It's never drawn any police attention and I've driven in front of coppers with it many time, both without indicators on and with them on (when I needed to obviously). The law merely states that indicator must not interfere withe the rearlight/brake light .. as in some american cars where the tail light flashes as the indicator ... but an MOT tester could fail it if he deemed it (mine has passed but I bought it to there attension when booking the MOT in the first place) I do agree with Matt though they aren't the easiest of indicators to see, and I've actually separated the lens from my original light so I can see about putting some brighter orange LED's into that to make it more visable. Something I don't think your going to have much chance doing with yours.
Thundercat Neutral light will not go out
right I've got the wiring diagram in front of me now. Coming out of the Ignition switch you've got a brown/blue wire that should be positive, this then routes through the Turn Signal fuse (amongst others, but it's the turn signal that it routes to the Neutral light), then throught the Neutral indicator light, then through a diode (no further info on that though) and to the Neutral Switch direct to earth, however between the diode and the neutral switch it branches off to the Starting Circuit Cut off relay. This must mean that the fuse is OK that powers the light, and that somewhere it's picking up an earth after the bulb, and there only seems to be one place that can come from (starter circuit cut off relay), unless you've melted some wires that are either earthing though themselves or have earthed on the chassis. It's going to be a bit of a tedious to solve this one but it should be relatively easy. Things to test ... does the light stay on when you remove the wire the screws on to the Neutral switch and making sure it doesn't earth on the chasis etc? ...... If it does stay on then then you need to trace the wire from the neutral switch to the back of the instrument panel. If you know someone else who's got a Thundercat you could try swapping the Starter circuit cut off relay to see if this is the cause of the problem. Otherwise go through all the steps then get hold of a 2nd hand unit from a scrappy or ebay and try swapping them over, Not guaranteed but a possibilty of the culprit.
Thundercat Neutral light will not go out
Not sure how the wiring works but it may be another fuse that's gone and preventing the light going off. I'll have a look in the manual later to suss out the wiring setup.
- 2003 R6
2003 R6
Ditto Matt on this, I've got a 2004 R6 (same as 03, unless your 03 is actually an 02 that was registered late ....(O3 onwards have injection instead of Carbs). I've done almost 45k on mine and has been extremely reliable considering it get's used what ever the weather is like (even snow). In fact during June when we had all the floods I got through some floods with water above my knees as I was sat on the bike, and even went past lorries that had got stuck ! Bike just came out the other side unfazed! Got photo's that prove it :-) Then in August I travelled over 2000 miles in 5 days on it and didn't find it uncomfortable on the knee's or wrist, like some of the other Kwak/Honda/Suzuki riders. So I think it's a fantastic bike to have, and would highly recommend that you buy one. Happy riding !!
another newbie
Welcome to the site, you're bang on there. The Thundercat is a fantastic all round bike, Yamaha should have bought out a new model instead of dropping it from the range. It fits nicely in between the R6 and Fazer
desperately seeking
I'd like to see on too !
Where's the battery
I bought a halfords inteligent charger at a cost of £19.99 (I think). It has a switch to flick between Car and Bike, flicks into trickle mode when fully charged been quite a good charger.
desperately seeking
It's not one of those he's after Mat I've already been down this line. Apparently for the same shape R6 as yours and mine, Gary has seen a tank protector that fits at the front of the tank, so it would look similair to a new R6 with the split tank. Never seen anything like it myself, but Gary has seen one on EBAY before !
Thrown off
Hi Thomas, 207's don't work very good on the R6 compared to other tyres so it could be the same on your bike, or it could be something on the road, are you absolutely sure there wasn't oil or more likely a patch of diesel ? I know I ran over some this morning mid corner and the bike twitched so I stood it up right and had to strraighten the corner as much as I could (anoying car drivers I'm sure as I had to cut across them - Pulling away from lights onto a corner on a dual lane bit of road.)
2004/5 R6 Exhaust Resolution
Scorpion do a stubby carbon can for the 03-05 R6 that will look excellent. I've found there customer service to be excellent as well should you need it.
2007 YZF-R1
errr .. is it something behind the number plate ? I got it ..... standard indicators on the front and rear now fitted !
yamaha r6 injection carbs
I would have imaged that seems the R1 engine is bigger the pots will be further apart (centre to centre) so very much doubt R6 throttle bodies would bit onto an R1 inlet manifold
My 04/05 R6
There's one on ebay at the moment !!
Thundercat speedo/mileometer
Unscrew the speedo cable where it goes into the adapter on the front axle; once removed gently pull the centre cable and you'll soon know if it's broke. If it is replace it, if it isn't check that the cable housing is located correctly on the axle/forks.
Thundercat RPM is freaking out
3000 is the TPS 7000 is the Exup (not relevant to Thundercat but is to Thunderace) 8000 is the Fuel Level Sensor It's very common for the wire on the actual sensor to break free and a simple solder repair sorts the problem.
My 04/05 R6
Totaly with thundercat2325 on this. Resprays devalue your bike, if your really wanting to have a spray I'd get a set of panels of Ebay and keep the originals.
T Tuner Mid Pipe
if you mean 07 (some how) being similair to the 08 .. then a big Familiy Fortunes UGH UGHERRR apart from the styling being similiar the bikes are very different. Different Chassis, different engine (power delivery and performance), different technology. If I were wanting sorry read 'waiting to buy'! a new R6 there's no way I'd opt for the 07 model when the 08 is just about on our doorstep. Not even for the mere £500 saving to be made on the older model Although juggling the numbers you may have meant 1098 refering to the Ducati.
My 04/05 R6
Looking good Matt, a nice set of rearsets and new levers would look good on it. Might try the carbon fairing infills myself, cos I'm sick of the normal black plastic ones snapping at the mounting lugs.
thundercat exhaust
Well I put a Scorpion on my old T-Cat and it definately made it feel freer. To be honest you just need to choose you preference in manufacturers as most will be good enough. The scoprion didn't need rejetting it worked fine, that'll be the one problem you'll get with some exhausts.
Yamaha Thundercat headlight
I use to have a Thundercat and can't remember it being a major ssue and I used it all year round .. so often in the dark. Have you checked that your bulb isn't knacked and gone all funny. If I remember the cat had a Glass light lens so you could try upgrading the bulb (don't do it if it's plastic though as it's likely to melt the lens). Another problem could be the wiring, if the wiring is poor, too much resistance will lower the feed power. Try putting a live feed to it and see if it helps, if it does, then mount a decent relay on to the bike and move the current feed of the light to swithcing feed the relay instead and then put a feed direct from the bike through the relay and to the light. (make sure you wire up the relay terminals correctly though. (The realy will also need to be earthed).
R6 respray
I've sprayed some stuff that is the Yam Blue Purple metalic. and really it's only a 2 part paint. Base and Clear Laquer. Only 3rd part would be the primer inthe first place.