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Everything posted by AustenM

  1. AustenM posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi all, don't know why it won't let me post anywhere else but... My 650 Dragstar still won't start, ​Edit DDT: Wanted items in the wanted section please.
  2. AustenM replied to beef's post in a topic in The Bar
    Really need help - My 650 Dragstar still won't start..... Edit DDT: Wanted items in the wanted section please
  3. AustenM posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    2000 model XVS 650 Dragstar Custom Fuel pump doesn't prime when ignition on but bypassing it to battery makes it pump. Relay? Regards Austen
  4. AustenM replied to AustenM's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Thanks mate that's great
  5. AustenM posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    When I stripped my 650 to fix the fuel pump issue I noticed these big cracks in the rear manifold. Do they look dangerous? http://s274.photobucket.com/albums/jj246/Austentatious_Productions/?action=view&current=manifold.jpg
  6. AustenM replied to AustenM's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Ok so I stripped her down, checked the fuel pump and the fuel pump relay all seems ok but still no clicking and no fuel getting through. Any ideas? EDIT: update, the fuel pump works and pulls fuel through when tested but not priming/filling the carbs on key turn.
  7. AustenM replied to AustenM's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Thanks guys, yes there's a fuse and relay, I checked the fuses so I will check the relay now.
  8. AustenM posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Hi all, been away a while, long story, supposed to be on a ride for a passed friend tomorrow but have a problem. My 650 Dragstar ran out of petrol yesterday, I filled it up today but wouldn't start, after half killing the battery I realised something... You know when you first turn the ignition on you get a rapid clicking sound? fuel pump or rectifier or something? Well that sound never clickety clicked. Recharged the battery and still no clicking or starting. Is it fuel pump? Thanks guys Austen
  9. Good question. As I understand it at the moment (but could be wrong) in this country you can not have a ridehand car unless it's pre a certain year, can't remember the year. Also, I think you only have to register it if the car wheel has drive in which case it has to be classed as a trike. I think that's right. So I think a lefthand car without drive doesn't need re-registering. Anyone know anymore? Good question though.
  10. I just got a Squire sidecar I need to use just for taking my daughter to the shows, so has anyone made or seen any clamps or some sort of system that can be bolted on in half hour? On my 650 Dragstar (2000 model)
  11. AustenM posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Hi all, I noticed a rattle and the heat shield turned out to be loose dude to a broken/worn through bracket/hose clip. I clean it up and found a hole about 2mm under where the clip was. I have a welder and was going to try to fill/cover the hole. Does anyone know a good fabricator that has mode custom pipes for Dragstars? Cheers
  12. Anyone knnow the guage of the wires in the loom? The wires that run upto the handlebars switch gear.
  13. AustenM posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    I'm looking for a new alarm for my Yam. What is a good system? Looking for real recommendations. (No comments about dogs or guards please lol)
  14. AustenM replied to AustenM's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Thanks, that's what I need to know. It is faulty. Thanks again.
  15. AustenM posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi all, how do I test a relay (horn) like the one in the pic below with a multimeter? I connected + and - to 85 and 86 then touched the meter probes to 30 and 87. When I touch the last connection say 87, the relay does click but not every time, I can touch it 7 or even 12 times and it will eventually click then not again for a few touches. Does that mean it is faulty or my meter could be faulty?
  16. Thanks guys. Worked great ... but didn't go down to well with the misses How about for another piece I have to do, hanging it over a hot radiator in the spare room? Will it be hot enough to be of any help?
  17. Hey all, I'm pretty good with a spray can and always leave my work to air dry, but I need a few small bits to cure asap, what temperature would be good in my kitchen oven to hang them to bake? Cheers.
  18. AustenM posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Has anyone removed the plastic head covers and rode it like that? I remember ages ago someone on here had another site I joined but lost the net for a while and can't remember what the site was. Anyway he did it I think and it made the bike look older, classic looking.
  19. I heard years ago the 650 was sleeved down from the 1100. Is it possible to convert it to 1100?
  20. Thanks guys. I tried each method mentioned on 2 calipers and they worked great. Thanks again.
  21. Hi all, my front brake was never great, now I am overhauling it and I notice the rubber seals are shot. I cannot get the pistons out by pumping the brake lever as the seals are gone and I have no access to compressed air...How can I get the pistons out?
  22. AustenM replied to mike1949's post in a topic in The Bar
    That's disgusting! I think you're all sick! Not one of you had the decency to ask what she looks like.
  23. AustenM replied to AustenM's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Update. Whilst SORN for a month I took the op to strip and tidy-up most of my bike and things look great. Fitting white walls was a good idea I think, they look good and if I decide I don't like them they only last a year or 2 depending on riding etc. Haven't needed to clean them yet so will fill you in on the cleaning products asap. Thanks again.
  24. AustenM replied to AustenM's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Thanks for your replies. Will let you know how they work.
  25. AustenM posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Hey all, how do you keep the whites clean? Any special cleaner? UK products. Avon Venoms. Cheers. Austen