Everything posted by Mike91xt600
1991 XT600 no start, no/weak spark
Thanks for the clarification Wild!
1991 XT600 no start, no/weak spark
I think only the mounting is different than yours. It states in the auction they have 8, 10 or 11 wire versions. Your picture looks like yours may be the 8-wire version. In the first auction someone sent him a question if he has one for a 1984 TT600 and he said yes, so he probably has one for your bike. It couldn't hurt to send him a message and ask. I haven't looked at your other link yet. Will do that now.....Do you have electronics background? Do you have an oscilliscope or access to one. I think that's one of those things better left alone if you're not sure about it rather than try it and really mess up the bike.
1991 XT600 no start, no/weak spark
There are two CDIs listed on ebay. The item numbers are: 200326038316 & 200326038712. Just go to ebay.com and type in the number in the search box and hit Enter. They run about $150USD each. That may be what you need since it's an older machine. They don't work on machines with a TCI (transistor-controlled ignition) like mine. I believe they are found on the newer bikes. Bikebandit.com also has them but they're $560USD there. What is the "43F" you referred to above? Mike
XT600 Pilot Screw Setting?
Hi all. A few months ago I was having troubles with my 1991 XT600EB. It wouldn't start - ended up just being a bad coil. In the process of going over everything I pulled the carbs and cleaned them out good. I took care to write down settings, etc., but somewhere along the way the pilot screw setting must have gotten goofed up. The bike starts and will stay running at idle with the choke on until it gets closed about 2/3's in. When it's at speed it's fine, but when I pull the clutch in it will stall. From what I've read I'm understanding it to be lean. The bike is getting hot and backfiring in the carbs too. Again, I'm guessing I don't have the pilot screw set right. I've been playing with it, turning it out a little at a time and it seems to be getting better, but I'm out 3 turns now and it's still having the same symptoms. I have a manual and a service manual for it but the only setting it gives is the pilot air screw (2.5 turns). Does anyone know the correct amount of turns for the pilot screw on this bike? TIA
1991 XT600 no start, no/weak spark
Update: About a week ago I tried connecting the coil from my truck and the bike fired up. So it seems it was that, even though it tested good. The new one will be here today so I'll know for sure tonight. Thanks to khblue for replying. Mike
no start!
Have you checked for spark at the plug? I've learned not to assume, so... pull the plug out, reattach it to the plug wire and ground it (the end of the plug) to the engine or chassis - or something similar, as long as it goes to ground, then turn it over and see if there's a big, bright blue spark jumping across it. BUT, don't hold it with your hand, just get it to where it will sit against the metal. If it throws a good spark while you're holding it, you will know it. Hope this helps get you started. No pun intended!
1991 XT600 no start, no/weak spark
Hey khblue. Thanks for your reply. I wouldn't call myself a mechanic, but I do try to do any work to mine or family's vehicles, or anything for that matter. I read a lot when I come across a problem and go from there. If I'm not sure, I ask for help (like here ) or let the real experts take care of it. Anyway, yeah your posts echoes what I read someone else found on, I think, a Yamaha R1. It seems like that's what is happening with the voltage to the ign coil and the spark too. The voltage from the pickup coil goes directly to the TCI unit, to the ign coil, then to the spark plug. So I think it's one of those three components, I'm just not sure which. I located a service manual for 1990 XT600A which is basically identical and it has troubleshooting info in there. Armed with that and your suggestion, I'll take a closer look at the pickup coil. I'll post any info/progress here. Thanks again. Mike
1991 XT600 no start, no/weak spark
Hi all in the Yamaha Club! Fortunately I was led here, but unfortunately due to my bike not running. I'm hoping someone here can give me some insight into where to look/what to do next. The bike is 1991 Yamaha XT600EB single cylinder 4-stroke with TCI ignition. My apologies if this is long-winded but I want to spell out the problem and what I've tested so far... What happened: bike was sitting over the winter, started it only a few times, the battery drained, 5 days ago I started getting it ready for warmer weather, charged it and put it back in, bike started and ran fine, 2nd night it started and ran fine, 3rd day it ran for 2-3 minutes, was idling fine and just quit, would not start again, it cranks over strong, all lights, meter lights, etc all work and are bright, pulled spark plug and cranked with plug against chassis/ground, I get an intermittent and weak spark, a couple of times about 3-5 seconds after I stopped cranking one more spark would appear. What I did/tested: tried two different new spark plugs - same result, put fresh gas in tank and verified fuel flow, checked air filter/box, tested side stand switch, tested clutch switch, tested Run and Start switches, tested main switch, tested all lights, etc. (to verify voltage through system), tested neutral switch, tested REV light, tested diode in rear of harness, looked for any broken wires, etc, checked main fuse, checked TCI unit - visually ok inside, tested pickup coil (spec is 184-276 ohms, my reading was 230.5 ohms - directly in the middle), tested stator coil (3 wires)(spec is .52-.78 ohms, my reading was .7 ohms on all 3 combinations of wires), tested (?) voltage regulator/rectifier (measured resistance between each of all 4 connectors, pins 1-2 and 1-3 started at 1.4 Mohms and went up to 4.5 Mohms, others were 1-4: 1.96Mohms, 1-GND: 1.9Mohms, 2-3: 1.47Mohms, 2-4: 2.08Mohms, 2-GND: 2.15Mohms, 3-4: 1.91Mohms, 3-GND: 1.94Mohms, 4-GND: 31Kohms), tested ignition coil and spark plug cap (spec for coil Primary is 3.4-4.6 ohms, my reading was 3.9 ohms, Secondary is 104-15.6Kohms, my reading was 15.34Kohms, spec for spark plug cap is 10Kohms, my reading was 10.1Kohms), I tested voltage at the ign coil leads (wires) while cranking and it intemittently put out 2.5VDC then after I stop cranking it jumps to 10.1VDC for a couple of seconds before going to 0VDC. Is that correct? Does anyone have any ideas or experience on this? If it sounds like my IGN and pickup coils are fine, I hate to go dishing out $ for parts I don't need. I do have to go by a dealer on Friday so I'm bring the IGN coil and TCI unit with me and hope they can test them. In the meantime I don't know how else to test the ignition parts without the bike running, such as for voltage. I read somewhere that such as the pickup coil can check out by resistance but may be sending intermittent voltage. Kinda sounds like what I have. If you have an idea or info and need the part number for anything let me know as I have most of them here. Thank you loads in advance!!! Mike