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  1. hi i am having same type ov problems i have tried every thing different carb new ht lead and cap and plug coil cdi some days its ok some days it wont i got stuck in the rain to day with it was ok then just basck fired and then cut out and woodnt start for about 20 mins so i am stoke now
  2. simons posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi i am have some troble with my bike it is a yam sr125 1994 it keeps cutting out when i am riding it some times it will start and some times it wont but i have tried every thing i can think ov i am good with bikes and cars but this has got me stumped (thing i have done) new carb second hand new ht lead and cap new spark plug coil cdi unit cleaned the tank new petrol cheaked all the wirering
  3. simons posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi i have a sr125 on a 94 it started to die and then back fire on me not all the time just now and again some times there is a spark and then there isent i have cleaned every thing i have looked on other sites and some people have had similar problems and said it to be the cdi unit can any one help befor i buy one