Everything posted by Roy
British Motogp 2005
To be honest I will never ever go to any event staged at Donnington. You will be asked to pay silly money and treated like shite. how do I know.. well I went in 2002 on a camping weekend. The portaloos were full by Saturday morning and I mean full, you couldnt sit down without your ass coming into contact with a pile of shite. The advert said showers.. yeh right.. 6 showers amongst 5,000? people and the 'security' isnt there to protect you its there to ensure you dont cause problems. This year gas canisters were confiscated on entering the site so how the f*ck you were supposed to cook or brew up gawd Knows.. mind you there were always the rip off catering vans to relieve you of your wad... Roy BTW the above is a mild review of what happened but I will NEVER EVER return to Donny for a race meeting again. 2004 saw me at LeMan which isnt as quite as good spectator wise but at least I was made welcome at the circuit and in the town and the entrance fee for the 3 days was about half of Donny and included a free programme. FU Donny
- Newbie
BASTID Fookin ell.. slight slip of the finger... missed the 9 and hit the 6... 1996 Cat was wot I meant to type. And as for sacrelidge of my Ace conversion... just to say I don't suffer from a sore back now at round town speeds and it still kept up with John Reynolds on a recent track day... apart from round the bendy bits of course :shock: Yep must admit Customs and Excise are doing there bit to stop legitimate cross border trading between the UK and Europe.. fuckwits. I've even been stopped on the way OUT of the country and given the third degree!!!! So if anyone wants a Section 1 notice just say so. Yes its true I'm an old bastid.... . . but . . I still . . remember . . to fill my bike up with petrol not DIESEL like you ya numpty Laugh... nearly pissed me pants
- Newbie
What a twat unstructor
Nowt wrong with the instuctor mate... Its you thats the TWAT
on this forum Thought I'd better introduce meself. I'm an old bastid brought up on British Iron in the 60's. Got into Yamaha's with a 1966 Cat bought new and graduated to a 2001 Ace again from new. Currently running the 2001 Ace and a Norton Atlas circa 1968 and am rebuilding a T100SS Triumph which I have owned since 1969. Roy
Problem with my Landlord......Has anyone had experience?
Hi John I have recently had to prepare an internal layout survey of 7 flats in Buxton. The owner arranged with the tenants for me to carry out my work as long as I had a representative from the landlord with me. I dont want to be alone in someone elses home anyway without a witness and to give me access... keys etc.. The work was going to take me approx 3 days so I worked Thursday and Friday with a return visit on Monday, one of the tenants refused to give me access on the Monday which rather p*ssed me off because that meant a 5-6 hour return trip and an additional 260 miles of travel. I was not pleased to say the least. BTW if you sue someone for trespass the court will only award you the cost of the damage caused... i.e. no damage.. no compensation. The sign Trespassers will be Prosecuted is a load of shite... Trespass is a civil offence and prosecution is a criminal action. Roy