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  1. Some of you may have seen this restoration blog on a couple of forums thought I'd let the rest of you Yamaha Nuts have a look Here are pics of the bike as bought, it had stood in a barn since 1992 has 2 owners (brothers) so it's been in the same family since new 1) How the bike was found 2) Rare seat intact!! 3) The bike back home 4) Father Ted Number Plate! 5) Original mileage The bike was stripped down carefully and salvageable parts identified and sorted for rechroming. The Fuel tank held about a gallon of fuel from the bikes last use, Four Star fuel does not smell nice after fermentation for sixteen years the tank was cleaned and sent down to Custom Painter along with the mudguards and an NOS oil Tank I picked up at Stafford for £20! 6) Chroming sorted out 7)Wheel Rims and Bars I got some quotes for recroming the rims and Bars, the rims were quoted at £120 each and the bars £50, so in the end I managed to get some new rims for £160 and some Bars for £42 delivered so I've kept them for future use. At this point I must mention that The Ripper off the forum was unable to do the Chroming due to unfortunate circumstances, so hopefully if these change I'll get him to rechrome the originals 8)The Frame! As you can see in the original pics the frame was pretty rusty, normally I powdercoat my frames, but I wasn't happy with the results, as they get blasted and powdercoated without any preperation of the frame, so any blemishes are visible in the powdercoat surface. Now I'd done a job for a local bodyshop and asked if they would paint it for me, (a bit too heavy and too far for Custom Painter). It was dropped off this morning, (Christmas Eve)and I'm very pleased with the results! A massive amount of cleaning is going on at the moment but I'm hoping to get on with reassembly over the Christmas Break........will keep you posted! So Boxing Day turned out to be a good one for working on the bike, no call outs, no phone in the office ringing (it will start tomorrow!) Zinc Plating should have been away before Xmas, but the lad who normally does it for me has been off work, but it means that those annoying little bits you forget to put in are now there and waiting to go 9) Tin of bits waiting to be Zinc Plated Managed to get the Engine Stripped down to check it out, I'd got new Oil Seals but totally forgot to order the bearings, the barrel is still on its original bore, but the rings look a bit thin and there is evidence of "blow past" The bottom of the crank is a bit brown, but I think that old petrol still in the crankcase will have gunged a lot of it up 10) Engine on the bench To keep the screws in the right position so you don't get the lengths mixed up this is a simple method of keeping them right 11) Crankcase screw template A Pic of the original piston, I'm hoping that a glazebuster on the barrel and a new piston and rings will mean that a rebore wont be necessary 12) Original Piston When I took the clutch pressure plate off one of the oil rings was broken away, are these necessary? I think that its about the same size as the RD200 so I've got a spare clutch i'll check the part numbers 13)Clutch Plates Theres been loads to do, cleaning sanding, painting but its been quite relaxing apart from when you cant find the part that you know was put away safely but this is how far the frame has got on 14) Frame assembly Note the Genuine NOS Shocks!, Its been quite suprising what is still available from Yamaha, as we all know RD parts are running low, but I got all of the rubbers, shocks, cables from Granbys.... but I've missed ordering the footpeg rubbers!
    1 point
  2. Stop it Sacha, you know exactly what you're doing to me... -.-
    1 point
  3. Long as I get mine, Foams can do whatever he wants!
    1 point
  4. Hey Cowdie - welcome to the forum! Cool looking bikes those Dragstars, enjoy yourself!
    1 point
  5. Standard airbox is fine, you change filters you will have to adjust carb to compensate for it-if your dt can't suck enough air through the box you will be able to tell besides its better to have an enclosed filter for them muddy occasions/deep puddles etc Personally I would buy the standard sprocket and chain kit that should help you no ends.... Ken
    1 point
  6. When i bought the DT back when i was 16 one of my other mates had a bright orange ped, it was a brand-new chinese brand which had an alarm, remote start and all manner of things, we decided to have a race (on 50ccs on a national limit road over 1 mile... not exactly much of a race) and the 'piece-o-crap' DT50 pissed all over it, i even managed to turn around and passed him going the other way whilst flipping the bird, within a couple of days the remote stopped working, and within a week the piston had shattered. will stick to my vintage jap stuff ta
    1 point
  7. Hello, Firstly, sorry for the delay in getting on here, we have now sorted the techincal glitches! My name is Lee and I'll be here to monitor the forum from now on. I've worked for Bikesure Insurance Services for several years now. In that time I've been employed within the Bikesure quotation department and have assisted many club and forum members obtain competitive cover. I will be taking a more active role in the forum and hope to be on here every day, if not every other day, to answer any questions or enquiries you may have. So if any members on here have any general insurance queries, I'll be more than happy to try and help. Any advice will be totally impartial. If you would like a quotation from us, I will have someone call you with our best rate. Hopefully the best you'll get! As always, feel free to PM me or post on here with any questions, you know where I am. Lee
    1 point
  8. Did you get a quote through YOC's partnership with Bikesure?
    1 point
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