Posted May 2, 200816 yr apparently, "daewoo" is korean for "blind stupid twat" Was crossing a bridge this morning, one of two I have to cross on my way to work, and the longer of the two. it is two lanes separated by cement dividers in the center, with cement dividers on the outside between the roadway and a sidewalk. Some jackass in a little daewoo sedan started coming in on me from the left, even though i was even with his front window... talking on his phone and drifting into my lane. The car in front was slowing, and the one behind was even with the daewoo's bumper, so i was pretty well pinched. i hit my horn.... no reaction. i pegged the revs..... no reaction, and now he has me a foot from the divider, and hes maybe a foot and a half off my left side. finally, i didnt have any other choices - the guy behind was still on the daewoo's bumper, and the dude in front wouldnt speed up. my new summer gloves have pretty heavily armored knuckles, so i swung and smacked his door as hard as I could.... nice dent. that got his attention. this son of a bitch has the balls to flip me off once he gets back in his own lane. I chalked this up to him just being a moron, shot the gap between him and the guy in front, and got back into my original lane of travel. this guy then came up on my left AGAIN, and cut in so close that he actually clipped (just barely) my rear tire. it was touch and go for a moment, but i managed to recover - barely. let him pass, gave him the finger, and went on my way - after memorizing his plate. Called the cops and put in a hit and run/ road rage complaint on him. hopefully he gets whats coming to him. what a way to start the day.... i cant wait until my wife finishes school so i can move out of here, these people are just so damn rude.
May 2, 200816 yr I know what you mean, I asked a Daewoo driver why he was so apathetic, he said he didn`t know and whats more, didn`t care either!!
May 2, 200816 yr Not sure if moving will help. I've ridden all over the Eastern half of the U.S., and more than half of the drivers I've encountered were just like your daewoo driver. Don't know how to drive, and don't care to learn either. Lately I've seen what can only be described as "traffic light color blindness." People sit at the green, then take off as the light changes to red. Usually followed by 6 or 7 cars behind them. I usually deal with lane stealers with a solid punch to the window if the horn doesn't get their attention. If they try to play tag with me I get ahead and toss a spark plug over the shoulder. It makes short work out of their windshield and forces them to pull off the road. If that doesn't work, The 2nd amendment does cover self-defense against an aggressor with a deadly weapon (using a car to attack a rider is assault with a deadly weapon). I haven't had to open fire on a cage yet, but I'll be damned if I'm the one going home in a box. I wouldn't blame the maker of the car, although cars are Daewoo's latest venture. They're an arms manufacturer in South Korea. Mostly assault rifles, but I think they make tanks and APCs too. Just bad drivers in cheap cars.
May 2, 200816 yr Just bad drivers in cheap cars. More likely CHEAP DRIVERS IN BAD CARS :lol: You can solve a lot of arguments with a 9mm.
May 3, 200816 yr More likely CHEAP DRIVERS IN BAD CARS :lol: You can solve a lot of arguments with a 9mm. I second that! :lol: I like the 9mm, mostly because there's so many of em here that its nearly impossible to link one to a shooting. However, they don't have the penetration of a .357 magnum. Also, you may be allowed to own a firearm here, but pulling it out is another issue. The gun law here is 10-20-Life. 10 years for illegal possession, 20 years for using one to commit a crime (not fired). Mandatory Life in Prison for firing a gun during the commission of a crime. Not to mention that you have to prove that you were defending yourself to avoid a conviction.
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