Posted March 15, 200816 yr FIGURE THIS. We are told by HMG and all the Greenies that the internal combustion engine (only invented 120 years ago or so) is going to kill the whole planet and we will all drown unless we use it less or at least use smaller more efficient ones. I have succummed to pressure from `er indoors to replace her ice cap melting Y2000 Vauxhall Omega 2500 V6 Auto (you don`t see many of those in the green peace car park) with something slightly more in keeping with her needs: ie 6 mile run to work each way and a bit of shopping at the weekend. So I ditched the Omega and replaced it with a Y2003 1.6 Astra, thinking I was going to be showered with praise and receive a tickertape parade when I went to tax it.......... WRONG It is DEARER to tax a newer more fuel efficient 1.6 than a ageing 2.5 V6 £185 for the 16 to a gallon tarmack rippling 2 tonne plannet killer £210 for the lighter smaller 1.6 tree hugger
March 15, 200816 yr Moderator Thats because if your car was registered after 2001 the cost is different. It goes off CO2 emissions and your Astra puffs out quite a bit. If yor Omega had have been registered after 2001 it would prolly have been more expensive. The reuqirements changed didnt they - used to go off engine size - now goes off Emissions. See Here If its only 6 miles each way to work in the morning and a bit of shoppin at the weekend - get her a flippin bike! Complete with Givis theres plenty of room for the shoppin, and will save you a fortune! Failing that a pushbike with a basket!
March 16, 200816 yr Author Geoff, I understand where you are comming from, but my missus, altho a lover of being on a bike, is the only person I know who has ever FAILED her CBT. Absolutely NO sense of balance Plus she has an injured neck which restricts her left arm movement, so needs an auto car. Also takes patients out in the car, so needs a boot for wheelchairs etc. She fell off the push bike I bought her and will not try again. I still think the Govt. has F*£ked up on car tax, the older cars with bigger engines need hitting a bit otherwise where is the incentive to upgrade?
March 16, 200816 yr Moderator Geoff, I understand where you are comming from, but my missus, altho a lover of being on a bike, is the only person I know who has ever FAILED her CBT. Its GOFF - i am a girly lol I know a couple of folk who have failed their CBT - several times so she's not on her own! I still think the Govt. has F*£ked up on car tax, the older cars with bigger engines need hitting a bit otherwise where is the incentive to upgrade? I agree entirely. Its really confusing when you buy a newer car though cos you expect it to be cheaper than you're older - bigger engined model - and a lot of time it isnt - but folk dont realise its not engine size that counts anymore but CO2 emissions, and theres where people such as yourself who are trying to downsize to something they think is going o be better and cheaper, get caught up and dumped on from a great height.
March 17, 200816 yr I still think the Govt. has F*£ked up on car tax, the older cars with bigger engines need hitting a bit otherwise where is the incentive to upgrade? Not so fast, I was pleasantly surprised to get the car tax for our (new car) Y2000 530D ice cap melting car Get a car that will last for 500,000 miles and won't rust for quite a long time, long enough for the petrol to run out and we're all eating beans for our own gas production
March 17, 200816 yr Author Its GOFF - i am a girly lol SORRY GOFF, must get my F7 key fixed diychap sums up the whole issue with his bimmer, I know its good news if you can get a nice one, but it kinda goes against the whole ethos of the thing. Still had a result, have sold the Astra, (before the tax was due at the end of the month, and got a fiesta 1.4 so that keeps everybody happy.
March 28, 200816 yr Just two points to make here 1: This corrupt, lying two-faced hypocritical bunch of f*ckwits in Westminster won't be happy until everyone of us is on foot and near destitute. Look at the taxation we suffer and the laughable roads/traffic policies. 2: I have been a biker since 1976 and I passed my IAM test in 1979. I took my 24 year old son out on private land and showed him how to ride his Aprillia 125 scooter as per the IAM handbook (ie: defensive riding first). The arsehole who took him for his CBT passed him BUT chastised him for not riding closer to the kerb. WTF! Tin box turkeys (non bike riding car drivers) are keen enough to shove you into the hedge anyway. Thats my mini-rant over. Thanks and safe riding to all of us.... newbies and old farts.
April 17, 200816 yr Author IT GETS WORSE The whole idea of having a range of tax bands is to encourage the use of LESSER POLLUTING VEHICLES, or at least ones that produce a LOWER level of CO2 per Km traveled, (which as we all know is misguided at best and just wrong in the real world of applied science, just ask your local particle physicist) So on the basis that ALL CARS registered after 1st March 2001 that fall into the LESS than 100g CO2/ Km travelled are ZERO tax rated, why are us Bikers paying tax at up to £66 a year for machines that produce (on average) much less. Because Customs and Excise realised that nearly 2 MILLION bikes would have to go tax free if we were classified by the same rules!! this decision made, no doubt, by the same non elected civil servants who, when they realised diesel cars were becoming popular in the late eighties, decided to increase the tax on that fuel making the previously cheaper alternative to petrol progressively dearer until it is now THE most expensive fuel available at the pumps!! I wouldn`t mind so much if they put the money raised towards a better public transport network or some road repairs, hell even funding work into alternative fuel sources wouldn`t go amiss...............but when you read of all the "do goody" bol**X that goes on and the amount of red tape and social sponging we are all subsidising, it makes you want to vote.........Something altogether not quite cricket
April 17, 200816 yr when they realised diesel cars were becoming popular in the late eighties, decided to increase the tax on that fuel making the previously cheaper alternative to petrol progressively dearer until it is now THE most expensive fuel available at the pumps!! I remember the time the diesel went to about double the price, as a mate had bought a diesel golf a few weeks before the prices started to shift, he wasn't impressed. Even now most cars have the diesel option as a grand more expensive. Diesel fuel takes less distillation from crude oil than petrol (I believe) so is cheaper to make too.. The smartest thing that 'they' ever did with fuel was to change the pumps from gallons to litres. I remember the good old days when there was an outcry if there was a couple of pence increase on a gallon of fuel; change it to litres and apart from the mumble when it hit 80ppl they can do what they like and we notice less... Second smartest is to keep blaming the price of a barrel of oil for the high prices, not focusing (how does the press let them away with this?) that 70% of the price goes into the government coffers as tax. To delay an increase in fuel tax 'til the autumn as a goodwill gesture to keep us happy, what a complete farce. And to call it a road fund licence - let's be clear here, it's another tax, it's road tax for the pleasure of having a vehicle in a country where the infrastructure is rubbish, poorly planned and executed. I wouldn`t mind so much if they put the money raised towards a better public transport network or some road repairs, hell even funding work into alternative fuel sources wouldn`t go amiss...............but when you read of all the "do goody" bol**X that goes on and the amount of red tape and social sponging we are all subsidising, it makes you want to vote.........Something altogether not quite cricket Quite agree, public transport isn't an option or particularly viable outside of the big urban areas. It's all a money spinning idea, it's tax. Tax Tax Tax.
April 17, 200816 yr Author Agree with Paul Mc. (mind you with all the beatles royalties, are you that bovvered? ) The actual name of the "Road Fund Licence" is VEHICLE EXCISE DUTY which as you say is TAX pure and simple. When you work out out of each pound you earn or spend is tax it makes your head spin! Espesialy the TAX on TAX items like petrol, where vat is added to the duty paid price (I believe) My first job when at college (a couple of years ago ) was forecourt attendant at a BP station. We used to get the request "Four GALLONS of regular and 4 shots of RED X", and the customer would tender a POUND NOTE and often say KEEP THE CHANGE!! All those "tanners" used to add up at the end of the week! Bloody `ell I sound more like me Dad every day
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