Posted February 21, 200817 yr Hi I really need to know if any one has any ideas to this problem of mine so here goes.. I've got my '98 thundercat and had it restricted to 33bhp (I'm only 18) and we've had nothing but trouble with it. Its very reluctant to get past the 6-7000 rev mark and wont go much past 70mph, wont move off from stand still very well and acceleration is very poor (worse than my 125). It did have a Scorpian exhaust on it and I'm wondering whether its been re-tuned to get the most out of it and its just not suiting the restrictors any ideas would be greatly appreciated
February 22, 200817 yr Hi I really need to know if any one has any ideas to this problem of mine so here goes.. I've got my '98 thundercat and had it restricted to 33bhp (I'm only 18) and we've had nothing but trouble with it. Its very reluctant to get past the 6-7000 rev mark and wont go much past 70mph, wont move off from stand still very well and acceleration is very poor (worse than my 125). It did have a Scorpian exhaust on it and I'm wondering whether its been re-tuned to get the most out of it and its just not suiting the restrictors any ideas would be greatly appreciated What was it like before the bike was restricted?... some kits are pretty poor. If it had just a race can on it I doubt it would have been setup for it as they dont really need it ... if its had K&N as well then its very possible the carbs have been fettled... But personally I would remove the restrictor kit and see what its like then... some bikes dont like being restricted.
February 27, 200816 yr Author found out what the problemo was. Cylinder 3 wasnt firing, one of the leads was not connectedto a bit right next the carbs. easy mistake suppose but at least its working good and proper now. thanks for your help anyway.
February 17, 200916 yr Hi I really need to know if any one has any ideas to this problem of mine so here goes.. I've got my '98 thundercat and had it restricted to 33bhp (I'm only 18) and we've had nothing but trouble with it. Its very reluctant to get past the 6-7000 rev mark and wont go much past 70mph, wont move off from stand still very well and acceleration is very poor (worse than my 125). It did have a Scorpian exhaust on it and I'm wondering whether its been re-tuned to get the most out of it and its just not suiting the restrictors any ideas would be greatly appreciated hi can you please till me where you got the restriction kit from and how much did it cost. thank you
February 17, 200916 yr Author I went to my motorbike garage and they bought the restrictor kit for us and fitted it. the restrictors cost £200 and it could depend on how much the garage charge for fitting
February 17, 200916 yr Thundercats when restricted correctly should have no problems. It sounds like you have an underlying problem somewhere. I would recommend putting everything back to stock while it is restricted as any 'performance' aftermarket goodies (can, K&N, plugs, etc) will not work well on a restricted engine, purely because they were not designed to be used on 33 BHP. I've restricted at leat 100 cats with no problems at all when stock.
February 17, 200916 yr Author mines no problem at all with the scorpion can on. it was a wire knocked loose as the guy put the restrictors in
February 17, 200916 yr Mine fired on three once (and only once), its not restricted but some moisture got in to the plugs, and it didn't like it. A spray with some WD40 or let it run for a while can evapourate out the water, just incase it does it again.
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