Posted February 13, 200817 yr Its taken me this long since sunday to calm down. Generally I dont get stressed at others on the road, but this weekend was the worst I have ever seen. I ride all the time, come rain or snow and im very used to my machine. I was out with a mate on sunday, having a great ride through yorkshire into cumbria then back down to lancashire. About 10 miles away from home a group of, er. . sunday bikers came up behind us, we are on country lanes, nowhere to pass, if it was me behind, id have waited, using a bit of the old common sense, but no....these four came past doing well over a ton, the last one took my front wheel out after clipping my elbow. . . only experience saved me from a nasty crash and injury. Yes sure, I know thier are people out there who for one reason or another, do biking on the weekend and thats great, we are all in the same club, but do some of these people have death wishes? Id like to thank the tossers who think they own the roads for an afternoon and ride with pure ignorance and gay abandon. Some of us wish to live and to see the next day. If going out on a sunday is what you like, and dont care about other bikers. . . .stay the feck away from ME!!!! My insurance is high enough!!!! Rant over . . . . . Anybody any thoughts on the subject?
February 13, 200817 yr I rode everyday/all weathers for many years and now returning to the saddle. Idiots like this have always been around and it's what gives bikers a bad name. My riding phlosphy (sp) is simple, if I wouldnt do it in a car I wont do it on a bike. I am fairly sure that, as with most people who ride so recklessly, he will end up little more than a bunch of flowers attached to country lane tree somewhere. I'm glad to here your ok though, thats the sorty of thing that could have been soooo much worse.
February 13, 200817 yr Author I rode everyday/all weathers for many years and now returning to the saddle. Idiots like this have always been around and it's what gives bikers a bad name. My riding phlosphy (sp) is simple, if I wouldnt do it in a car I wont do it on a bike. I am fairly sure that, as with most people who ride so recklessly, he will end up little more than a bunch of flowers attached to country lane tree somewhere. I'm glad to here your ok though, thats the sorty of thing that could have been soooo much worse. Yes your quite right, if I see him again, maybe il ask what type of flowers he likes. It could have been a lot worse, if i was a learner or a resently passed rider. . . so much worse. He should be thankfull I didnt get my hands on him. . .I was ripping. . not like me at all.
February 13, 200817 yr I also ride daily in any weather... but have only been riding nearly a year and covered thousands of miles in that time... this weekend I went to visit my parents on my bike... a nice ride down the A49... and had four rossi wannabees on GSXR's come hurdling past me at well over a ton on a blind bend nearly taking me out as the last one pass barely made it... Its the same with anything these days - there are always a couple of spoil the fun for everyone else
February 13, 200817 yr Moderator I ride as often as possible. Ive been going to uni and back all this week and tonight i had a numpty complete with pillion come up past me at a great rate of knots while the traffic i was in was approaching a junction. He slammed his brakes on and proceeded to squeeze himself in front of me and the car in front of him! Now there was plenty of room for him to pull in next to me but why he didnt do this i have NO idea.....maybe it was because i was on my little cruiser and he on a GSXR - no offence to sportsbike riders intended but it seems to be some of the sports bike riders that are the worst! I rode a CBR myself up until last year and i dont recall feeling the need to try and take out/scare/bully another biker on the road with it - so it definately aint the bike. I have stopped going to places like Matlock Bath on a weekend due to the number of pillocks with a death wish that want to try and turn me onto paste under a car/bus/truck along with themselves on the bends. Ok so i dont ride as fast as some would like and im not trying to break the world land speed record on a sunday afternoon, but i actually ENJOY my bike as it is and dont feel the need to tear up the tarmac and prove what a fantastic rider i am on a weekend, and i just wish these people would think about other road users, especially other bikers. Glad your ok though honey
February 14, 200817 yr Author I agree with you. Allways the minority that spoil it for the majority. I hope none of you were on the M65,preston to blackburn side at around 4.00pm this afternoon, my friend and I were doing a little traffic calming, after seeing one car swerve into my mates way and another doing considerably more than they should, i thought id calm things down, we sat side by side for 8 miles doing 50, mate on his cruiser and me on xj. Yes sure we probably annoyed a few people, but made it safer for all. Sorry if you were around then. Ive vented my spleen about our sunday flower bunnies, sorry ,sunday death wishers. So Ill shut up now. Weve all had experience of the idiots, wether we be new on the road or been around since the red flag waving brigade. Just watch for them.
February 15, 200817 yr These Sunday bikers seem to have a similar attitude to the 'cyclo-warriors' that fill my journey to work each day. You know the sort - obscenely tight lycra and funny hat that makes them look like sperm-on-wheels. They just assume that all surfaces are their possessions and motorists are the spawn of Satan. Pedestrians and other road-users are things to be sworn or spat at and road markings/traffic lights are there to be ignored. I wonder if these two groups of twunts are one-and-the-same?
February 15, 200817 yr Moderator These Sunday bikers seem to have a similar attitude to the 'cyclo-warriors' that fill my journey to work each day. You know the sort - obscenely tight lycra and funny hat that makes them look like sperm-on-wheels. They just assume that all surfaces are their possessions and motorists are the spawn of Satan. Pedestrians and other road-users are things to be sworn or spat at and road markings/traffic lights are there to be ignored. I wonder if these two groups of twunts are one-and-the-same?
February 16, 200817 yr Author These Sunday bikers seem to have a similar attitude to the 'cyclo-warriors' that fill my journey to work each day. You know the sort - obscenely tight lycra and funny hat that makes them look like sperm-on-wheels. They just assume that all surfaces are their possessions and motorists are the spawn of Satan. Pedestrians and other road-users are things to be sworn or spat at and road markings/traffic lights are there to be ignored. I wonder if these two groups of twunts are one-and-the-same? LMFAO Thats funny that. Yes very much the same mentallity, they are a lot quieter about doing it though, you dont know they are there till you here the swearing and clunk of deraillers. I come up on these people regularly, usualy on a blind bend, and they are most allways (as a pack) taking up the entirity of the road, one guy i saw coming towards me wasnt even looking down the road, wobbling wildly, drink in hand head tillted back, on my side of the road! I gave him a toot with my air horns, (yes they seem to get the message through on motorways!), he stopped broadside square in front of me and started to protest id made him jump, i explained to the numpty why id tooted and that he should look where he was going. It ended up with him backing down as another group of bikers came round the corner and i dont think he wanted to argue with 15 lads dressed in leather. . .how would that go down in the office????? I got used to them last yearin london during my long distance courier work, the silent, traffic light ignoring lycra squad. These guys are definatly worse. Its to late when you hear the c-ching of bell and squeak of wet lycra. . . .
February 16, 200817 yr I have to say that there really are some awful riders out there who tbh only have bikes to ride around as fast as they can with complete disregard for other bikers and road users Every day i see other bikers (not just at the weekends) who tbh ride like assholes I dnt usually rant but im gonna if ur gonna get a bike then u need to realise ur not god on the road and u cant be cutting people up left right and center no wonder us bikers get a bad name, its the tossers on the roads who ride like twats that we have to thank for that, which really infuriates me why do it? grrr
February 16, 200817 yr Being an all weather all year round rider - I do over 300 miles a week up & down to London - 37k n 3 years!! Have sen numerous riders behaving like idiots n think thats why bikers & others get tarred with a bad brush. Mad scooterists too - to the general population we are all the same. I have had numerous occasions when I've been squeezed at traffic lights by sports bike riders despite the fact that I can beat some away at the lights! Dont get me started on cyclists - the numerous times Ive nearly had one squashed because thyve shot the lights - thank god for good brakes & observation
February 16, 200817 yr i am the same My motorbike is my transport all year round, i dnt have a car and dont want one so my SR gets ridden day or nite, rain snow or sunshine And im sick of hearing "motorcylists r dangerous, theyre wankers blah blah blah" why shud we all be tarnished, spesh by car drivers who tbh, there are more of them on the road, and they are ten times worse than the bad motorcyclists!!!
February 19, 200817 yr Author i am the same My motorbike is my transport all year round, i dnt have a car and dont want one so my SR gets ridden day or nite, rain snow or sunshine And im sick of hearing "motorcylists r dangerous, theyre wankers blah blah blah" why shud we all be tarnished, spesh by car drivers who tbh, there are more of them on the road, and they are ten times worse than the bad motorcyclists!!! You have your rant Tamz. Yes unfortunatly thier are people out ther ready to spoil what little fun our nanny state confines us too. ( oh dont get me started on that one!!!!) lol. Glad your enjoying the life on two wheels. I gave up cars 2 years ago , for bikes, best thing id done ever, in the last two years ive done 200,000 miles, alot of it on 125s. Enjoy. . .ull love moving up to big bikes.
February 19, 200817 yr Author Being an all weather all year round rider - I do over 300 miles a week up & down to London - 37k n 3 years!! Have sen numerous riders behaving like idiots n think thats why bikers & others get tarred with a bad brush. Mad scooterists too - to the general population we are all the same. I have had numerous occasions when I've been squeezed at traffic lights by sports bike riders despite the fact that I can beat some away at the lights! Dont get me started on cyclists - the numerous times Ive nearly had one squashed because thyve shot the lights - thank god for good brakes & observation Probably seen you up and down the motorways, used to do leeds to london -london to leeds 3 times aweek up untill recently. Ha, those sport bike riders, i saw one come past me today, doing around 100mph, i came off at same slip road and followed him down to the lights at the roundabout, as he slowed to stop, an amazing thing happened, he fell over!!!! Oh yes i stopped to see if he was ok and to help him pick up his machine, a fireblade. I said " oh, are you ok?, what happened? " It seems he couldnt get it to stop, so he put it on the floor. . . . .wtf**** and HE passed his test and was happily doing a ton on the motorway. . . . Its sad, very sad.
February 19, 200817 yr cannot wait till may and i will be getting a bigger bike but im keeping my sr and restoring it
February 20, 200817 yr i am the same My motorbike is my transport all year round, i dnt have a car and dont want one so my SR gets ridden day or nite, rain snow or sunshine And im sick of hearing "motorcylists r dangerous, theyre wankers blah blah blah" why shud we all be tarnished, spesh by car drivers who tbh, there are more of them on the road, and they are ten times worse than the bad motorcyclists!!! I would disagree that bad car drivers are worse than bad motorcyclists as they usually don't have machines that have power-to-weight ratios in excess of 600bhp/tonne. I have just returned to biking after nearly a quarter of a century. My XVS125 gives 13bhp/185kg or around 70bhp/tonne - my Rover 220 Tomcat (now being prepared as a track-day/weekend car) gives 225bhp/1650kg or 136bhp/tonne. Riders of R1's, Hyabusas etc. are running in the realms of Astons/Lambos/Ferraris that twats don't tend to drive. If you assume that anyone in a car is a psychopathic knob-head, you'll do OK on a bike. On the other hand, people on bikes with colour-coded one-piece leathers tend to be similarly afflicted, as in the case of the bollock-brain on a Ninja who popped a wheelie up the A12 off-slip at Stanway and ended up on the boot-lid of my car as he over-cooked the front brake trying to do an 'endo' at the top of the slip-road. The git just picked himself up, got back on his bike and fucked off without so much as a by-your-leave/kiss my arse etc. I am having the damage to my car assessed tomorrow - probably around £500. I hope he twisted his frame, 'cos I'll twist his bollocks if I ever see him again...
March 1, 200817 yr im nice weather only rider , i like to know the road is hot and dry coz i like to ride my bike with a little bit of aggression. BUT im a safe rider if im behind a bike i dont realy like to over take even if its safe coz even if you take it nice and wide and safely they still think you showing of or something well thay do round my way any way . ok say if theres a guy on a old tzr plodding down the road and you over take him on your nice and new R1 with matching leathers . all they say in there mind is twat its like driving a ferrari .
March 1, 200817 yr im nice weather only rider , i like to know the road is hot and dry coz i like to ride my bike with a little bit of aggression. BUT im a safe rider if im behind a bike i dont realy like to over take even if its safe coz even if you take it nice and wide and safely they still think you showing of or something well thay do round my way any way . ok say if theres a guy on a old tzr plodding down the road and you over take him on your nice and new R1 with matching leathers . all they say in there mind is twat its like driving a ferrari . You enjoy your bike however you want to mate - this is not about when you ride, but how you ride. My DragStar is my main transport but I have a car that is my 'toy'. A Rover 220 Tomcat with Piper asymmetric cams, Pipercross induction kit and a Powerflow 4" exhaust - 180bhp and torque. It is a weekend car used for track-days and 'meets' with PistonHeads and the Rover Owners Club. It is driven hard on the track, but with due respect for others on the road. The problem with the weekend bikers is lack of this respect for others, themselves and their machines. A mate of mine has a lovely term for people on track-days that stuff their motors into the tyre-walls; he says that they 'ran out of talent'. Unfortunately this is happening all too often on the public roads among the 'weekend' mob and their statistics are leading some sections of the government to call for a ban on motorcycles, which would be intolerable.
March 19, 200816 yr I agree with pretty much everything thats been said on here. These guys are total bell-ends. Problem is none of them will be here reading this as they're not 'bikers' they're just tossers with too much money who spunk £7k on a sports bike simply because it goes like stink. This is why there are so many clapped out shitty sports bikes on the market because these losers get hold of them, don't look after them, then flog'em when they get bored and take up some other fly by night past-time. Hats off to the sensible 'sportsters' out there tho. Pick up my DragStar this weekend!!!! I'm soooooo excited i'm starting to leak!
March 19, 200816 yr Moderator On the other hand, people on bikes with colour-coded one-piece leathers tend to be similarly afflicted Oh yes indeedy - Now get this. I am in a local bike shop a few weeks back perusing the clothing and helmets when in walks Mr colour coded 1 piece. He's looking at gloves and picks up some that match his leathers. He tries them on He walks to the mirror And proceeds to turn his hands over so he can see the gloves in the mirror from all angles.... then...... starts twisiting an invisible throttle - in the mirror......... I (and 2 sales assistants) wer almost on the floor laughing at this plank. I mean - ok so some folk like everything to match - whatever floats your boat - but to pretend to rev your bike in a mirror in a crowded shop to see if the gloves you just tried on look good gets twat of the year award IMHO
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