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Is anyone here a member of this scheme?


Do you think it's a good idea worth signing up for? I don't know of anyone who's had their bike taken from a row of others, but I'm sure that it happens - perhaps being anchored to the bike next to you could help.

I might be inclined to sign up if I thought that there were enough people out there doing it, but to be honest I've never noticed the stickers on any bikes I've parked next to... Not that I've looked very closely mind you.

Any thoughts?

H :o)


I'd never heard of it to be honest but I would imagine a bit of word of mouth and perhaps some of us publicising it at our local bike shops might help increase it's take up.

I can't understand how it works though! It says that if I park next to you, we lock our locks together which is as well and good if we plan to leave together but what happens if one of the bikers wants to leave?

Looks like a good idea though and I'm sure it's pretty self explanatory but I just can't see it!!


I've seen this done a number of times over the years. In fact one cheeky sod locked his bike to my bike lock and I certainly didnt have a sticker on my bike! Would be a good idea if I thought I could trust the owner of the shitter that parks next to me not to scratch up my R6's bodywork whilst putting their lock in place.

markandjen - the lock goes through your lock (chain lock) to make a figure of eight. When you undo your chain lock, it seperates the two locks and just leaves the other bike locked up to itself.

Thanks eyedee. I get it now - not particularly difficult is it really!!!!

I'll keep my eye open for the stickers now but I agree with you, they may be quite careful with their bike but if they're bent down with their rucksac scraping against your bike, you won't be overly happy!!

  • 9 months later...

Thanks eyedee. I get it now - not particularly difficult is it really!!!!

I'll keep my eye open for the stickers now but I agree with you, they may be quite careful with their bike but if they're bent down with their rucksac scraping against your bike, you won't be overly happy!!


It seems like a cool idea though. We all are a brotherhood arent we? So why not help protect our brothers. Maybe this will pick up in the states.

This system has been in use since the 80's that I know of, it not new.


This system has been in use since the 80's that I know of, it not new.


Excuse my ignorance, but how does locking to their lock make you bike safer? surely that means its still only the same amount to smash?

Excuse my ignorance, but how does locking to their lock make you bike safer? surely that means its still only the same amount to smash?

Yes, good point BUT try picking up two bikes instead of one and throwing it in the back of a van a little more difficult :rolleyes:

Square Box

This only works if both chains are kept off the ground and run through parts of the bike that cannot be easily removed (ie not the wheels).

That said, some of the locks out there are fecking easy to pick open.

I've mentioned this elsewhere, so I won't bore you again.

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