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and another thing - i've already had a job offer from the US of FUCKIN A no less (ive STILL got a year left on my course too) - seems they are desperate for intelligent and articulate folk like me to flood their shores................. :lol:

Dont go goffy, just think youd be surrounded by pea brains, Oops I mean bodys :lol:

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Goff you idiot. 9-11 was one coordinated attack. Or do you limeys actually count every person in a battle as a separate attack? Your rail system was attacked first, then what, months later your bus system gets hit. You idiots had months to prepare and prevent (like America does) another attack, but you couldn't figure that out. Getting attacked by your own citizens says a lot about your little island. Your own people don't like you! Not one of the 9-11 terrorists were from America. They were Saudi and Egyptian. Terrorists can just waltz right onto a bus or train in England and light it up. In America they had to hijack a plane to get near anything worth targeting. One more thing. The last plane didn't hit anything but a field because Americans stopped the towel heads before they could complete their mission. I didn't hear about any Brits trying to stop the attacks in London. Just a lot of running and crying. The British way.

When you get a masters we'll have a real conversation, but your full of shit. Offers from the U.S.? I doubt it. 140,000 jobs lost in the U.S., but we'd look at a country with a secondary education system no better than ours for workers? Don't think so. A friend of mine did move to London a year ago after a Brit company contacted and recruited him. 80,000 brit. pounds a year was enough for him to move over there. Does that mean nobody in England has a decent education? By your reasoning, yes. Your desperate for Americans with American educations, but that is as flawed as everything else you say. We are still the most advanced country on earth, and that isn't due to foreigners.

"Articulate folk"? You damn limeys can't even pronounce your "h" when you talk. Our shores and borders are already flooded, by Mexicans and islanders.

Live to Ride, that's big talk for a guy that uses an American phrase for your username. Not to mention that your the ones who are always trying to put down the U.S. first. I guess being on a small, cold island has made you bitter. The whining and moaning has been coming from your side of the pond ever since we threw your ancestors out of ours. Keep whining. It's 85 deg. F. outside and sunny. I'm going to go ride my bike. Again. :P

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Goff you idiot. 9-11 was one coordinated attack. Or do you limeys actually count every person in a battle as a separate attack? Your rail system was attacked first, then what, months later your bus system gets hit. You idiots had months to prepare and prevent (like America does) another attack, but you couldn't figure that out. Getting attacked by your own citizens says a lot about your little island. Your own people don't like you! Not one of the 9-11 terrorists were from America. They were Saudi and Egyptian. Terrorists can just waltz right onto a bus or train in England and light it up. In America they had to hijack a plane to get near anything worth targeting. One more thing. The last plane didn't hit anything but a field because Americans stopped the towel heads before they could complete their mission. I didn't hear about any Brits trying to stop the attacks in London. Just a lot of running and crying. The British way.

It is YOU who are an idiot my friend. Lets look at the facts shall we.........8.45 first planes hits North Tower, 9.03 second plane hits South Tower, 9.43 3rd plane hits Pentagon, 10:10 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93, also hijacked, crashes in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, That FOUR planes in FOUR SEPARATE ATTACKS - hitting FOUR different places - is it REALLY that hard for you to do the maths...........but then again, as has already been said - you cannot seem to accept that i may be right over you're own whinging.......I don't know what makes you so stupid...... but it really works.....

When you get a masters we'll have a real conversation, but your full of shit. Offers from the U.S.? I doubt it. 140,000 jobs lost in the U.S., but we'd look at a country with a secondary education system no better than ours for workers? Don't think so. A friend of mine did move to London a year ago after a Brit company contacted and recruited him. 80,000 brit. pounds a year was enough for him to move over there. Does that mean nobody in England has a decent education? By your reasoning, yes. Your desperate for Americans with American educations, but that is as flawed as everything else you say. We are still the most advanced country on earth, and that isn't due to foreigners..

You cant stand it can you - the thought that I have had an offer from the US - in actual fact it was from the prosthetic and orthotic clinical centre at the rehab institute in Chicago - i have no doubt there will be more very soon - so it is YOU who are full of shit. What i do is a specialist field and there just are'nt enough of you lot intelligent enough to fill the jobs ......so you're clutching at straws there pal just because you can't admit that the US wants people like me..........

"Articulate folk"? You damn limeys can't even pronounce your "h" when you talk. Our shores and borders are already flooded, by Mexicans and islanders.

Live to Ride, that's big talk for a guy that uses an American phrase for your username. Not to mention that your the ones who are always trying to put down the U.S. first. I guess being on a small, cold island has made you bitter. The whining and moaning has been coming from your side of the pond ever since we threw your ancestors out of ours. Keep whining. It's 85 deg. F. outside and sunny. I'm going to go ride my bike. Again. :P

American phrase - genuine LOL moment - And there you go again with the insults

As Groucho Marx once said - "Now there's a man with an open mind -- you can feel the breeze from here!"

can someone lock this pissing match?

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can someone lock this pissing match?

What for?

Dont like it - don't read it - simple.


What for?

Dont like it - don't read it - simple.


you have a point that i am not required to read every post on this board... i only spoke up because i find this argument to be completely pointless, and i think it detracts from the board. thats all.


*wanders off to ride*

Live to Ride, that's big talk for a guy that uses an American phrase for your username. Not to mention that your the ones who are always trying to put down the U.S. first. I guess being on a small, cold island has made you bitter. The whining and moaning has been coming from your side of the pond ever since we threw your ancestors out of ours. Keep whining. It's 85 deg. F. outside and sunny. I'm going to go ride my bike. Again. :P

BIG Talk..... whatever mate....

There is a typical American, claiming they own everything. For your information I call myself that because I live to ride my bike.....NOT just talk about it....unlike you who because you have a very boring and unimaginative mind( and life come to think of it) have to come on a forum and have a go at peoples heritage. I myself am part West Indian with my background coming from Portugal.

I have covered over 200,000 miles in 2 years on my bikes, i ride come rain come snow and if anyone is BITTER, that would be you.

I am off to Live my Life, not talk about it. . . . .

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you have a point that i am not required to read every post on this board... i only spoke up because i find this argument to be completely pointless, and i think it detracts from the board. thats all.


*wanders off to ride*

I agree entirely ;)

However i feel i must point out that the only thing that i found a tad annoying about this whole episode was the insult to our Queen.

The rest served only to put a rather large smile on my face and amuse the hell out of me - so there was no arguement as such on my part - i was just wondering how tight i could wind before Mr Peabody finally popped :lol: - but then again i should really play nicely shouldn't i....... :blink:

I do apologise if i have offended anyone, that was not my intention - as far as I and my rather odd sense of humour are concerned 'tis done with ;)

.......Whaddya say Peabody me 'ol mucka :D

If you look back on this thread it was a Brit who started bashing America, not the other way around. Of course I'm going to say something. The moron who started the thread wasn't bashing Britain either. He was just deluding himself while he sucked on his boyfriend. Hell, he isn't flying the stars and bars, so it doesn't look like he's even claiming to be American. It might also be noted that some of the first responses against him were other American riders, so the HD hang-up isn't universal here. There are plenty of BBC comedies that portray Brits the same way they portray the U.S. Dirty t-shirt wearing drunks who live in squalor and have the tact of a bull in a China shop. Looks like America isn't the only English speaking country with rednecks. I didn't have a beef with anyone on here until some idiot started insulting the U.S. If some brit wants to open his cum receptacle and try to put down Americans, you can grow a pair and come on over. My AK-47 is locked and loaded. Until then I've got some new tires to wear out.

It's certainly amusing to watch someone try to claim that 20 towelheads (we were able to detain at least one) buying tickets to fly out of the same airport on the same day to attack U.S. targets as 4 attacks. Thats like saying Normandy was attacked 156,000 times on D-day. One coordinated attack. The only variable was the times that the flights took off. Logan isn't that big of an airport, so the planes took off at different times, thus the difference in impact times.

Goff, Diana was probably the only Brit that had any respect from some Americans, but your queen was "too good" for her and looked down her nose at Diana. A bit arrogant for a shriveled up old miser. All the more reason why nobody likes your queen over here.

There are over 3 million motorcycle riders over here (I wouldn't have counted the HD owners, but I didn't have anything to do with the research) and we put a combined 20.6 BILLION miles on our rides. Live to ride, your full of shit. What kind of tires do you use in the snow and ice? Not to mention that's a lot of miles for an island rider. Even for kilometers. I'd like to see you put those miles on in good weather. I doubt it. I see you've got plenty of imagination. But unlike you, I do ride. The weather, as usual, is perfect. I'll probably put another 1,000 miles on this weekend. I thought this was a riding forum. Ride your bikes and shut the fuck up. :D

anything to do with the research) and we put a combined 20.6 BILLION miles on our rides. Live to ride, your full of shit. What kind of tires do you use in the snow and ice? Not to mention that's a lot of miles for an island rider. Even for kilometers. I'd like to see you put those miles on in good weather. I doubt it. I see you've got plenty of imagination. But unlike you, I do ride. The weather, as usual, is perfect. I'll probably put another 1,000 miles on this weekend. I thought this was a riding forum. Ride your bikes and shut the fuck up. :D

For your information I use Avon Storm Sts on my XJ900, Im a bike courier, putting around 4000, (summer time more) miles a week on the tarmac..... you want to see the list of deliveries...? Just because I live on an Island, dosnt mean I cant rack up the miles. Your just a repeatative keyboard warrior with nothing else to do than insult people. Get a bike and ride it mate. And when you have rebuilt your engine 4 times this year because your doing my kind of miles, then come and chat.....till then, find a nice stretch of tarmac and ride it.....

Get a bike and ride it? I've got a 1300 thank you and I ride every day. If you can't get 300,000 miles out of a motor then your not maintaining it properly. The insults started from loud mouth butt pirates on your side of the Atlantic. As for keyboard warrior, I'm 6'1 and 210. Putting fuck ups like you into body bags is what we do in the Corps. Bring your fish eating limey ass on over. Semper Fi

Get a bike and ride it? I've got a 1300 thank you and I ride every day. If you can't get 300,000 miles out of a motor then your not maintaining it properly. The insults started from loud mouth butt pirates on your side of the Atlantic. As for keyboard warrior, I'm 6'1 and 210. Putting fuck ups like you into body bags is what we do in the Corps. Bring your fish eating limey ass on over. Semper Fi

You know Peabody, before writing your next post, you really should try to understand what irony is, and then take a look in the mirror...

You mouth off incessantly against anyone who claims you and countrymen often display a propensity for ignorance, bigotry, racism and unsophisticated argument. Yet the language you use, and the way you go about making these points just utterly negates everything you are trying to say.

In short, my gun-toting homophobic American friend, with every word you type, you metaphorically take your locked and loaded AK 47, and shoot yourself in the foot. You shoot your own arguments dead, by the language you use to express them.

I'm not a smallminded, petty or malicious man, Peabody, so I'll help you...

i·ro·ny -noun the use of words which convey a meaning that is the opposite of their literal meaning.

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Putting fuck ups like you into body bags is what we do in the Corps.

What corps is this then? I'd genuinely like to know??????

Goff the corps this muppet is talking about will be the american marine corps - trigger happy marines, who fire off rounds for the fun of it. Dont know the meaning of the word covert and cant do an ambush to save their own lives.

The very one which needs BRITISH FORCES to go and save their god dam arses in Iraq etc cos their so good at their job.

So that will be the one!!

Putting fuck ups like you into body bags is what we do in the Corps.

This would be the same Corps that blew one of my mates up, friendly fire, last year and nearly killed my long time school mate who had to call off an American attack because they where bombing 30 miles away from the area they should have been just a month ago? (thankfully hes home now)

Please refrain from swearing on the forum, it really isnt necessary, ive found that people who struggle to get the message across swear more. As for this topic, its getting rather boring. . time to talk about something that really matters.

Sounds like the same one my mates know. Get it wrong every time and if someones in the way tough - hope your mates ok?

Sounds like the same one my mates know. Get it wrong every time and if someones in the way tough - hope your mates ok?

Mates fine thanks, hes recovering, been coming out with me on his older YZF, while working, playing, lol. He spent the last 4 months in Afghan. He needs to play and do something less serious to try and forget about the things hes seen. otherwise he`ll go


Goff the corps this muppet is talking about will be the american marine corps - trigger happy marines, who fire off rounds for the fun of it. Dont know the meaning of the word covert and cant do an ambush to save their own lives.

The very one which needs BRITISH FORCES to go and save their god dam arses in Iraq etc cos their so good at their job.

So that will be the one!!

YZF, you ignorant clown.

Having been there I can tell you first hand the Brits hide in the least volatile province in the country. Hiding from the real fighting. And your ignorance is really pitiful. It really is. It would appear British arrogance is only matched by your universal ignorance. Marine Force Recon were in Bagdad before the U.S. even sent our ground forces over. Lasers had to be pointed on the targets from the ground. It was USMC Force Recon getting that job done. They wrote the book on covert. They spent most of their time on the north side of the combat zones during the Vietnam war calling in air strikes. Baby siting British forces is the only way you could describe the situation in Iraq. British forces shoot at anything and everything every time they here even the slightest pop. They shot at us more than the Iraqis did. They were cowards, pretty much all of them. They come from a long line of cowards. Shooting women and children in the U.S. during the revolution, to bombing hospitals and orphanages blindly in the dark in world war 2. Spineless. British forces haven't done anything but cause trouble for everyone in Iraq. Everyone on the planet knows the British would be speaking German if it wasn't for U.S. military forces in Europe in BOTH world wars. Oh, but it wasn't a world war for you, you weren't able to handle your own battles, let alone all the fights we were moping up in BOTH hemispheres. Keep crying about how great you are. Somebody might believe you someday.

  • Moderator

YZF, you ignorant clown.

Having been there I can tell you first hand the Brits hide in the least volatile province in the country. Hiding from the real fighting. And your ignorance is really pitiful. It really is. It would appear British arrogance is only matched by your universal ignorance. Marine Force Recon were in Bagdad before the U.S. even sent our ground forces over. Lasers had to be pointed on the targets from the ground. It was USMC Force Recon getting that job done. They wrote the book on covert. They spent most of their time on the north side of the combat zones during the Vietnam war calling in air strikes. Baby siting British forces is the only way you could describe the situation in Iraq. British forces shoot at anything and everything every time they here even the slightest pop. They shot at us more than the Iraqis did. They were cowards, pretty much all of them. They come from a long line of cowards. Shooting women and children in the U.S. during the revolution, to bombing hospitals and orphanages blindly in the dark in world war 2. Spineless. British forces haven't done anything but cause trouble for everyone in Iraq. Everyone on the planet knows the British would be speaking German if it wasn't for U.S. military forces in Europe in BOTH world wars. Oh, but it wasn't a world war for you, you weren't able to handle your own battles, let alone all the fights we were moping up in BOTH hemispheres. Keep crying about how great you are. Somebody might believe you someday.

Listen here now you fucking tosser. I am SICK to death of you and your insults. Both my brothers are currently serving in the British Army - one is posted in Iraq right now, and my father served 35 years in the Army. HOW DARE YOU call the British forces cowards - you are nothing but a low life piece of shit with nothing better to do than sit behind your damned keyboard playing at the big i am. You have NO IDEA what goes on in any war because you live in a fantasy world and take some warped sense of pleasure from posting shit such as this.

I would dearly LOVE to meet you one day - i may be a girl but i'd smash your fuckin teeth in without a second thought you tosser - do us all a favour and fuck off back to the sewer you came from.redfinger.gif

Admin - Whilst i apologise for the use of profanities and the nature of my post i do not apologise for aiming it at this piece of shit who does nothing on this forum but wind people up and is the most disrespectful arsehole i have ever encountered on any forum. It would be easy not to rise to it - but this is the latest in a long line of insults thrown at the Brits - all because someone else said something he did not like. One or two i think we can live with but the diarrhea that spouts fromt his dickheads mouth is constant. Behaving like this and posting like this is absolutely disgraceful and i for one am fuckin fuming that this wanker is still here and allowed to post such shit..........the majority of the arguements on this forum are caused by him - deal with him and you sort the whole damn problem out - and im not the only one who thinks so either.

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Wow, I pop away for 5 minutes and this happens.

I cannot have people abusing each other because of where they come from.

Both of our forces are in countries they should not be in.

George Bush is the biggest terrorist of all.

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