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It's the fuel consumption that gets me. With all of the garages closing in the UK, driving a Harley anywhere is a logistical nightmare.

  • 4 weeks later...

What a :ct::wank4az:

  • 2 weeks later...

Since I'm not "worthy" of paying the extra 20 grand to buy a bike that leaks oil.....by design. Sounding like a couple of mountain lions in heat. I think I'll just stick with my good ol' Yamaha V-Max. HD riders think that their ride is the only way to go. My bike isn't pretty. It wasn't made to be pretty. It was made to tear up the road like there's no tomorrow. No chrome on this bad boy. When you look at it, all you can think is......... Damn!. I've seen you Hardley Riders staring at the Max and I know what you're thinking: "Why didn't I buy one of those?" Enjoy your over-priced "pretty" bike and I'll see you on the asphalt. BTW, don't even think of challenging the Maxter to a race......you don't want to embarrass yourself do you?

Yeah, Yams aren't Hardley's. Never was meant to be. But for a "pretend" biker like me......I guess beating your ass in a flat out run at 0-60 in .10 seconds is better than having my bike in the shop......a lot. That's why we love to call them Hardley Driveable.


I just came over from Harley. Had an 06 Sportser 883. I put 16,638 on it in 14 months. Lots of troubled areas. ... AND by no means should anyone be telling anyone else to stay off the road with the "real bikes".

mandatory stage 1 ($1000 bucks - rejet carb, new air cleaner and exhaust and labor)

plastic batter clips suck cause the battery cover to fall off onto the highway while your riding

faulty voltage regulator *tsb on this one/3 or 4 installed on mine

check engine and battery idiot light intermittent and experienced dealer couldnt resolve.

Spedo sensor went ...

you Harley riders may be able to bull crap these guys who have never owned one, but you aint gonna bull crap me. Your simply paying for the name and the image .... as mentioned on other threads .. more and more are realizing this and thats why Harley is closing 4 plants without pay in November due to sagging sales. Hell, most if not all the parts on the Harley are jap now anyway !!!!!


and sorry for the dub post

Mine did not leak oil.

I just came over from Harley. Had an 06 Sportser 883. I put 16,638 on it in 14 months. Lots of troubled areas. ... AND by no means should anyone be telling anyone else to stay off the road with the "real bikes".

mandatory stage 1 ($1000 bucks - rejet carb, new air cleaner and exhaust and labor)

plastic batter clips suck cause the battery cover to fall off onto the highway while your riding

faulty voltage regulator *tsb on this one/3 or 4 installed on mine

check engine and battery idiot light intermittent and experienced dealer couldnt resolve.

Spedo sensor went ...

you Harley riders may be able to bull crap these guys who have never owned one, but you aint gonna bull crap me. Your simply paying for the name and the image .... as mentioned on other threads .. more and more are realizing this and thats why Harley is closing 4 plants without pay in November due to sagging sales. Hell, most if not all the parts on the Harley are jap now anyway !!!!!

Its actually quite funny this post, because im sure the designers are Harley were looking at installing a "Auto Mechanic and Oil Drip tray" to all their new bikes, and the goverment was also going to create special "Break Down" lanes to accomodate all the broken Harleys.......

Enjoy your scrap "METAL" ill keep my working piece of plastic any day........

Don't be too hard on Harley Davidson and their riders. There's a new player in town and I don't mean Victory. The old Indian name has been resurrected and will be producing bikes from their North Carolina plant shortly. Too late to put a deposit down for a 2008 model now but go check their site out. Sorry lost the url!!!

Indian, the first American motorcycle.

What the.... indians...nice.

Always like the 'idea' of owning an indian but never will. They just have a more noble rep than HD.

I checked out their website ( [url=") and its all very cloak and dagger. They dont even have a pic of the bike and are expecting you to put a grand deposit for next years model, i dont quite get it.

Good find Yoda..

  • 2 weeks later...


thats more like it

I have no problems with Ducati mechanicals as such but I would take issue about their electricals. They used to be terrible.

Wannabee Harley's....well perhaps the styling came from the Harleys many years ago but the technology, dependability, and quaility of the Star line far surpasses Harley now. I honestly wanted a Harley before I bought my V-Star 1300 and looked at the Dynaglide Lowrider really hard. It was practically the same bike as my V-Star, had less power, poorer brakes, and just felt lower in quality. I probalby still would have gotten the HD if the prices were somewhat competitive but really, if you want to pay $7K more for an inferior bike just because it has a name on it, then I suppose that you also would by designer t-shirts for twice the price just so you can look cool.

I like the Harley name, I like what it is about, I have been riding since I was 8 years old, I have been to the rallies and such, but I just couldn't be that dumb with my money.

What an extremely sad chap. Not because he has a Harley (each to his own I say) but because he feels the need to slag off anyone who doesn't.aajerkit.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

Zoom has a point. I bought an '04 HD Sportster rather than a V-star 650 because the V-star had PLASTIC rocker covers. I want my bike to be made of METAL!

On the other hand, I like motorcycles in general. I joined this forum because I aquired a '77 XS750D and when it comes time to make it road worthy again, I want to share the experiance.

Maybe you should have bought a Yamaha Roadstar instead of the Harley, you would have bought a bike made of metal then.

Yamahas especially the touring bikes are lame imitations of a truely great motorcycle. and a YAMAHA will NEVER be a Harley.

I thought I'd poke my head in this lame forum to see whats up,......but its all wannabees,...posers,...wimps,.....and you people KNOW its true. Stay off the road with real bikers.

Please enlighten me as to what makes them a "Truely Great Motorcyle" and puts them above everything else, I wont hold my breath on the reply.

Please enlighten me as to what makes them a "Truely Great Motorcyle" and puts them above everything else, I wont hold my breath on the reply.

I find a full fairing and a top speed in excess of 160mph works for me :D

  • 4 weeks later...

Aren't Harleys just massively over-hyped bling for sad people who like polishing things? OCD springs to mind as does penis extentions and lame attempts at showing off. When all's said and done they are only slow unreliable unsophisticated dated looking motorbikes that don't go round corners and are interesting only to those hollow people who need shiny things to feel good about themselves...

While I'm on the subject of things American... <_< genocide for oil, one million dead Iraqi civilians, concentration camps in Cuba, financing Israels ethnic cleansing of Palestine, supplying corrupt 3rd world regimes with mustard gas, rigged elections, refusal to sign the Kyoto agreement on reducing CO2 emissions...

Gonna live the American dream and buy myself a Harley, not.

  • 1 month later...

Yamahas especially the touring bikes are lame imitations of a truely great motorcycle. and a YAMAHA will NEVER be a Harley.

I thought I'd poke my head in this lame forum to see whats up,......but its all wannabees,...posers,...wimps,.....and you people KNOW its true. Stay off the road with real bikers.

:lol: For your info, I had a Hardly Davidson before I bought my Virago, it was the worst piece of s--it I ever had, within a week of owning it I found myself broke down on the expressway, and it took the dealership 2 weeks to fix the problem, after that I never did trust that bike again. And also it was the most uncomfortable bike to ride any distance more than 50 miles, and lets not even get into the power of that bike, a good runnig pickup truck will give a run for the money, so take your Hardly Davidson bullcrap somewhere else like fairy tale land where they believe anything...

Id assume this cat is a RUB (rich urban biker) but , im thinkin now he's a poser, I dont care what ya ride I like em all but dont diss whatcha cant back up.

I got a go on a 650 DragStar a few days ago and the experience was sublime. Just as easy to ride as my 125, smooth gearbox, superb brakes and good, long clutch bite region. The bike felt unburstable under me and the shaft drive had no backlash whatsoever after 13,000 miles. All the controls were light but very positive and the throttle response was orgasmic. The bloke that kindly let me ride his bike followed me on mine and commented that, whilst it was painfully slow, it felt just the same as his to ride. I'm 5'8" and he was 6'4" and we both were comfortably positioned on the bikes to control them properly.

I don't know about 'wannabe Harleys', I think that the tables have turned and Harleys need to look at being 'wannabe Yamahas'. For the price of a 1700 V-Star with all the extras, you ain't even coming close to a bog-basic 885 Sportster. Come on, Harley - 1940 was a long time ago...

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