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I have a red enduro and i think its a '75 but not too sure and i dont know what the model is or anything, but anyways im trying to firgue out how to release the front brakes on it because ive had it sitting in my backyard for about two years and its been just going through tough seasons, and i recently tried to move it and the front brake is locked up and im trying to figure out how to release it. i tried greasing the brake lines and its not working. any help????

I'll try to put up a picture tommorow for you all to see!

edit: I found out that its a DT100E

  • 3 weeks later...

to find out what year model it is there is a prefix on the engine /frame no eg my ty50ps are 1g7 look for that kind of prefix and do a search it will identify which model/year

The brake drum and/or pivots/cam could be full of rust. You might need to take the wheel off. Or you could try moving the brake pivot arm back and forth (after removing cable) while tapping on the brake housing with a rubber mallet.

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