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Hey there all,I''ve been looking for an engine to replace my yzf600(98) thundercat for a while, been doing some more ringing around and i've been told that it might not be blown bottom ends after all, it might be camshft tentioner, can anyone help on this as to weather there is a way of looking and telling the diferance or what this sounds like compared to bottom ends ect. at moe my poor baby sounds like a bag of big heavy nails is shaking around the bottom of the her engine. I can't get her into gear but she does start. If anyone can help....or have any ideas....Thanks guys x x x ;)

I suppose the obvious thing is to have the camchain/tensioner checked. You could buy a Haynes manual and have a look yourself, but if you're not cinfident in doing so ask a garage to take a look, explain carefully what you think may be the problem and don't let them start replacing things unti you've given them the go ahead to do so.

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I've had a ring around garages asking how much just to diagnose the problem and i've been quoted 500-700 quid and thats not even replacing any thing, the only problem with that is if it turns out to be the bottom ends and other problems i'm looking at a huge bill. the 500-700 quid for diagnosing could be spent on a new engine but the brick wall i face is finding one.

I'd love to have a go at fixing/helping someone fix her but i just dont have anyone i know to do that with me so if anyone lives in surrey and is good with engines and doesn't mind showin me how to work on a bike message me (i will pay of corse)

Cam tensioner would make a rattle on idle that would slightly go away when a few revs are applied :mellow: Without seeing ur bike m8ty i would say the big end bearings are shot or sommat has come addrift in the gearbox with you saying you cant engage gear?

Be cheaper and quicker to whack another lump in it imho :blink:


Quotes of that price are outrageous, crike you're only asking them to have a look at it. A good garage would be able to diagnose something fairly quickly.

If it won't go into gear it could be broken clutch plates or basket, or even worn out shift drum or worn or broken shift forks.

Clutch is fairly simple to check.

Obviously without hearing it it's very difficult to suggest what it could be.

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Hey there guy's cheers for all your thoughts and advice, some good news i'm bidding on some engines on ebay as all my local garages seem keen to rip me off, maybe cause i'm a girl lol :rolleyes: so hopefully i'll some results, i'll keep you all updated, otherwise it's back to the drawing board.

Thanx again everyone x x :lol:

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