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XT125 help

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Hi people i was woundring if u know how to make a xt125 2005 model go faster than 67mph...

i had a look at the intake and i seen a cover over it and i think that was one restriction for the bike becouse it was like sucking in no air :mellow: i toke it out and it went to 60mph much faster but will not going as fast as it should ..

i get to 60mph in 4th gear then when i go to 5th tehre is like no guts there just stays smooth carn't get it to screen in 5th if u know what i mean,,

well thanks people ride hard :D

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I was wondering if there was a restriction in the throttle cos when im goin along on my xt125 i try full throttle and it stutters and spurts and has no oomph!

Does ne1 no how to fix a broken speedo on the xt125 it works 4 me sometimes


How old is the XT. I assume it will be covered by warranty. If so just get it back to the dealer and they will replace the speed sensor. This is a common fault on these bikes. Mine went within the first 300 miles and has been fine ever since.

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Oh and as for the 67Mph. Thats about as quick as they get. There has been another thread on here about getting extra power but being a 4 stroke you are very limited.

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Have a look at the options available for changing the gearing with different sprocket sizes - but keepin mind that if you go for top end, you'll lose some of the acceleration that you currently have.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

I get the stutter at full throttle, have done from new. Some days it won't get to its 67 either. where is the speed sensor fitted? Is it where the wires are connected to the float bowl of the carb?

think logically, why would the speed be sensed in the float bowl?

you obvisely have NO clue what your on about, and i strongly suggest you take the bike too a dealrer. in the mean time, if you think logically the speed might possibly be sensed by that wire coming out of the speedo leading down the fork and entering a black sender unit, next too your front disc brake (black block thing on a silver disc)

check its all connected (the wires coming from it and connectors behind your speedo)

fix that - seel it, and buy an tzr125 =)

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  • 2 weeks later...

think logically, why would the speed be sensed in the float bowl?

you obvisely have NO clue what your on about, and i strongly suggest you take the bike too a dealrer. in the mean time, if you think logically the speed might possibly be sensed by that wire coming out of the speedo leading down the fork and entering a black sender unit, next too your front disc brake (black block thing on a silver disc)

check its all connected (the wires coming from it and connectors behind your speedo)

fix that - seel it, and buy an tzr125 =)

Yes, of course you are right re the speedo signal - hands up! I had misread the meaning of the above post and was thinking they were meaning a throttle position sensor. I actually appears to be a heater.

I have since found teh stutter to be common on loads of XT125's - and TTr125s (same engine) just bad carburation and can be cured by rejetting.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i dont get the stutter with full throttle but i agree with the 5th gear remark, the revs don't seem to build up unless you go down a hill etc, but i think 67/68 is fast enough especially for the roads i use anyway.

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one thing thats just sprung to mind though is the tick over speed, its fine when i've just started up and is for about 10 minutes or so, but as soon as i've had a bit of a run out and gave it the beans, it ticks over at like 2500rpm instead of the usual 1500/1700rpm i dont want to adjust the tick over on the carb because then when i've just started it, it wont tick over fast enough, any suggestions?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Had some problems with speed on my xt125 since i bought it new last july. Thought it ws all sorted cos now i'm seein 60mph on it quite easily,but thats it. How do u get 67-70 that i've heard of?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I've had my XTr for nearly 2 years now, at first it seemed slow, yeah managing barely 60mph...

but its had 2 years worth of thrashing now, and im afraid crashing too..which, albeit trashing the plastics a bit and not doing the headlight any favours (likes to switch itself on and off, currently trying to sort that) its increased the top end dramatically..Logic pls?

Prior to accidents, top speed was 60 at a push..

Now on a good day she'll rev past 10k in 5th gear and cruise on up to the 75-77mph mark..

Problems i have with it atm though, are the STUPID petrol cap, leaks water whenever it rains, im about to go take my carb off and empty it, the fact it likes to vibrate all the bolts loose.. (lost my exhaust cover a few weeks back after literally 6hours earlier tightening the bolts on it) and the Idle.. I've set mine now to idle fairly happily at 1.6k..

BUT.. on cold days i have to hold in the choke for it to start..can be a bummer.

Things you should try; Drop the forks through the handlebars about 13-15mil (1.3-1.5 cm), it dramatcially increased my handling and confidence in the front end..

and if your plain nuts.. bin it down the road, it might go faster lol.

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  • 5 months later...

Well I've had my XTr for nearly 2 years now, at first it seemed slow, yeah managing barely 60mph...

but its had 2 years worth of thrashing now, and im afraid crashing too..which, albeit trashing the plastics a bit and not doing the headlight any favours (likes to switch itself on and off, currently trying to sort that) its increased the top end dramatically..Logic pls?

Prior to accidents, top speed was 60 at a push..

Now on a good day she'll rev past 10k in 5th gear and cruise on up to the 75-77mph mark..

Problems i have with it atm though, are the STUPID petrol cap, leaks water whenever it rains, im about to go take my carb off and empty it, the fact it likes to vibrate all the bolts loose.. (lost my exhaust cover a few weeks back after literally 6hours earlier tightening the bolts on it) and the Idle.. I've set mine now to idle fairly happily at 1.6k..

BUT.. on cold days i have to hold in the choke for it to start..can be a bummer.

Things you should try; Drop the forks through the handlebars about 13-15mil (1.3-1.5 cm), it dramatcially increased my handling and confidence in the front end..

and if your plain nuts.. bin it down the road, it might go faster lol.

Agreed with your post some what, i have had my xt125 for almost 5 months now, since i baught it ive had a power lag where the bike stutter's given full throttle through gears 2-4, almost as if its flooding with too much fuel. the stutter became a nightmare and bike was running slow. i took it back to the dealers & said i got a power lag & when its running in 5th gear its holding back at around 53mph with no power to push on past 56mph to whack! said i werent happy & wanted it looked at. they took it for a test ride & found the same problem i found, so they replaced the fuel tank, carb, & few other things i cant remeber but they were only small things as far as i know (im new to the biking world so im still learning) now this was changed just after my 1st service of 500miles. i took the bike away thinking i could open it up along the road & notice the stutter was still there but not as frequent as it was before & just put it down to some sort of blockage, i simply just dont know & got used to it being there, but still not happy with it happening. after riding alot more back & from work i mileage built up to 2500 ready for my 2nd service, had to get another bolt put on for my exhaust cover as it came off & was lost somewhere on the road & also got them to check bike over for the stutter, they couldnt find anything again! so this is an un-resolved mystery to me & to the dealers by the looks of things when it comes to the xt125 stutter problem. im due for my 3rd service in a couple of weeks i have got yet more questions to ask the dealer! a mate of mine was going to by a crap Superbyke RMR 125, told him not to bother & to get a XT instead which he did, from the samed place i got mine. now his only done around 350miles on his bike from new & im almost at 5000 miles (so mine is run in by now) i should in theory & so i have been told get a better top end than him untill his bike has run-in like i had to with mine. not the case! for some reason he gets a faster pull away than i do (now these are both exactly the same bikes & model just different colour) he does NOT have the stutter with his like i did with my around that mileage or at all, & when you kick into 5th gear on his bike it still climbs in speed & doesnt hold back at around 53mph now he left me for dust last night when we were out on the A roads i got upto 56mph in 4th gear before changing into 5th and as soon as i kicked into 5th gear the speed dropped to 53, 51mph & just hung there with now power at all! mean time my mate is still rippin down the road & had to pull over & wait for me to catch up! total nightmare! i have had 72mph top end out of my XT125 & that was with the wind behind me & pretty much down hill, other than that i had lorrys restricted to 55-60mph racing past me, what the hell is wrong with the XT125's ?? if there is anyone with good knowledge of these bikes & have an idea to what the problems could be, drop me a line i'd like to know what i need to hit the dealer with next, because im running out of options & also want to know if this would be under warrenty? maybe a fault with the engine or with gears? i dunno im not bike savvy'd up. drop me a email ([email protected]) with any idea's or suggestions or whack a post back on here, thanks in advance people.


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