Posted April 26, 2024Apr 26 I've just acquired a 1990 RSX100 in fine condition, apart from a rusty exhaust which detracts from its appearance. The only company I can find with one for sale is Fowlers (p/n 5H5-14611-00), £201.82 including VAT! There are many companies selling RX100 ones (p/n 36LE46110000) from about £28 upwards. I thought the RX100 and RXS100 were much the same bike. Presumably the pipes are different but can anyone confirm this and explain why the price of the RXS one is so high. Buying an RX one and trying to make it fit is a tempting idea but probably not feasible. Has anyone any ideas? Thanks.
April 26, 2024Apr 26 Moderator From what I can see, Fowlers don't list one for 1990, just for 1983. AND it's not available... Got a link?
April 26, 2024Apr 26 Author I didn't think to check the year, assumed the same one would be used throughout the production period, Would there be a special pipe for just one year? Was 1983 the first year of production? Perhaps it had a unique design but surely someone must sell pipes for all the other years the RXs100 was made.
April 26, 2024Apr 26 Moderator You can never tell... But it's strange that fowlers only lists one year. Got a link?
April 27, 2024Apr 27 "surely someone must sell pipes for all the other years.... " Not wanting to dampen your spirits but...even 1990 was 34 years ago! Manufacturers of OEM parts and pattern parts have to decided how many to make, bearing in mind how many bikes exist out there and how many were made and sold at the time! and how much demand there is for those parts, then you've got to store those parts. I've got a couple of 70's bikes BUT they were both popular bikes in their day with high numbers sold and still have a big following today as a large number of both machines are still around. Consequently they have a reasonable amount of parts available and remanufactured. I can't say for sure that the RXS100 sold in high numbers (in the UK) against the slightly bigger 125s and has the same following as my older machines, but I don't see them around, but i maybe wrong. Unfortunatley I think the odds are not stacked in your favour... Bit of googling, suggests the RX100/RXS100 was very popular in India. The RXS being made out of thicker steel and modified components.
April 27, 2024Apr 27 I've just been on You tube, looking at vids and comments on the RXS100 and 3 months ago a poster stated... I'm from the Southern part of India. I own a 1989 rx100. It is really tough to source parts. Yamaha alongside Escorts(an Indian brand) used to produce parts for the bike, but no longer. he went on to ask about parts in UK and the reply was, he was experincing the same situation. 17 hours ago, Dr Sangrado said: Presumably the pipes are different but can anyone confirm this Well, looking at the part numbers you supplied and subsequently looking at the exploded diagrams of both exhausts, you can see straight away the mounting brackets are fitted in different positions. The frame for the RXS uses thicker steel and although may be of similar shape the mounting lugs must have been moved, hence the diffence in the mounting brackets of the exhaust.
April 27, 2024Apr 27 Author Thanks for the comments. I was looking for just the exhaust pipe, not the silencer, so there's no brackets to worry about only its shape and dimensions. Ebay has some of the RX100 pipes under p/n 36LE46110000 and they do look similar being a sort of a shallow L shape with a loose flange fitting to mount to the engine and open where the silencer attaches. Parts drawing sketches of both attached. I should have added that if you click on the drawing, its name will be shown to distinguish between them, although they look the same.
April 27, 2024Apr 27 Yeah, Sorry about that Doc, my mistake, when you said pipe I wrongly thought you meant the Silencer, not the down pipe. In which case, whilst Silencers are likely to be available as a Pattern part at least, I think a down pipe will more than likely only be available OEM, ...from Yamaha! and your odds on sourcing one will still be difficult. but ...hey I liked to be proved wrong!, Nonetheless I wish you luck.👍. Having said that Doc, re-reading your original posts, if you say the RX100 down pipe is available from £28 onwards, I'd be inclined to get one, if its that cheap and just see what the differences are and how close a fit it is, with a bit of fettling or gun gum paste might be all thats needed to get it to fit, you never know!!. Alternatively, ebay is probably your best bet for new old stock or a better than yours used one. Once again , good luck, keep us informed of your progress.
April 27, 2024Apr 27 Author Thanks for the suggestion Neo, which I'd follow if I needed a new exhaust downpipe. As it's only surface rust I'll probably wire-brush it off and spray it with Simoniz VHT silver, after treating the surface. In the past I've used Jenolite liquid, as opposed to jelly, for such a surface but the last bottle I bought seem very ineffective. For info. the liquid was a pink colour, I've used Kurust recently and found it works well but I don't know whether it's suitable for an exhaust pipe. I'll have to read the instructions. I won't be riding in the rain anyway so the pipe's unlikely to rust through.
April 27, 2024Apr 27 Moderator 10 hours ago, Dr Sangrado said: ... I was looking for just the exhaust pipe, not the silencer, ... Aaah, that would have been good to know earlier... lol On 4/26/2024 at 5:57 PM, Dr Sangrado said: The only company I can find with one for sale is Fowlers (p/n 5H5-14611-00), £201.82 including VAT! There are many companies selling RX100 ones (p/n 36LE46110000) from about £28 upwards. The part numbers are different. If they were the same, they would usually have the same part numbers. That said, for £28, go for it... Buy it and see if it fits... 7 hours ago, Dr Sangrado said: Thanks for the suggestion Neo, which I'd follow if I needed a new exhaust downpipe. Ok, I'm just completely lost now... Exactly which part are you looking for???
April 28, 2024Apr 28 Having re read and re-read his first post Snake, I don't think now he was looking at buying a spare part, it was a question on why was the OEM one so expensive. Given the price, I for one thought it was request to source a spare Silencer, but its the downpipe he was referring to, which is rusty. It sounds like he's going to keep it and rust treat it. and in retrospect I think my reply actually included the reason why its expensive: its 34 years old, rare as hens teeth, has to be imported and thats why yamaha and Fowlers want over £200 for it.
April 28, 2024Apr 28 Moderator 2 hours ago, NE0 said: Incidently Snake , are you named after this guy or the drink?🤣 No, I'm not named after Mr Plissken, it's not after the drink either... I have scars on my left index from a 14' Burmese Python bite
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